Pimax Portal Disscusion

Especially with a recession looming. Purse strings will tighten.

You can buy 4 Pico 4s for the price of 1 Crystal. Crystal has more resolution and better audio but that’s about it. Pico store is better and the headset just works out of the box.

They could simply have done a PICO 4 style headset with a greater FOV and resolution with out going in the mobile console gaming market.

This is a more complex product to support although using the same technologies

the PICO 4 is only missing a little more FOV and resolution + nice black and color which Pimax seem able to produce with there QLED

Unfortunately, I found “black dot” issue on Pico 4 and the youtube on browser still have bad rendering on some video.

So I return the headset to the shop.
Pancake lens make the pixel look bigger although the headset has more resolution (not different much when compare with quest 2, only clarity and fov are impressed).

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Well, I suppose if this were to help them get better bulk ordering prices, that’s a positive, at least…

Just finished watching the presentation.
I think this is such an innovative idea!

I see a lot of people in here don’t like it. Of course the people who invest $$$ in 8KXs probably aren’t the target market for this. But if this does at least somewhat well, then it could be an amazing move for Pimax as a company.

The price point of this is a lot lower than their high-end headsets, and if the full accessory set that can do all 3 or 4 things isn’t too expensive, then just the value proposition would make it very attractive for non ultra-rich consumers. (Face it, if you can afford an 8KX and the PC+GPU that can drive it, you are probably top 1% in terms of wealth of the whole world population.)

Again, look at the mostly positive comments on Youtube to see what more ‘normal’ people think of it.

Compared to comments here, it feels this community has become such a cynical one these days. And also kind of selfish “how dare Pimax try to expand their business instead of using every resource they have for serving only ultra-rich VR enthusiasts like us”


The cynics haven’t grown in numbers and I see mainly disinterest here which is to be expected.


Cynical? Lol

In 2021 Pimax launched the 12k. Where is it in 2022? Where will it be in 2023?

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I have an 8KX and 4090 and i’m definitely not ultra rich! i spend what money i have on basics like food and rent and VR which is my main hobby. i don’t smoke, drink, have a car, or do drugs. i only “waste” money on VR.

for me, idc if pimax cater to people with less money and i can see your point on this. my gripe is that they are putting resources into a completely new product when they have 2 products that are already late, the crystal was supposed to be released Q3 2022, now it’s Q4 2022 and i doubt it will be released then.

the 12K was supposed to be Q4 2022, no chance, pimax have said it’s only 70% finished so it’s probably less than that and the final 30(?)% will take alot of time. there are people, myself included, who bought an 8KX partly on the promise of the 12K trade in deal. now i’ve learnt that trade in is not going to happen for a long time as now they are putting resources into other things, other than finishing the 12K.

all that said, i hope Portal is a success. you are right that “normal” i.e. non-pimaxian people are more positive about Portal than us lot here on the forum.


Yes, those points are fair too.
I completely understand all viewpoints as I’ve been excitedly waiting for 12k too.

The contrast between how well the concept has been received in the Youtube comments vs. here overall is kind of stark though. But anyways, it will be up to Pimax to execute and the market to decide.


Hear, hear, brother ! My every dollar on VR has sweat on it. I support Pimax because they make the best VR headsets on the market, not because they are doing main-stream.
Come on Pimax, wake up from your dream of selling your products to everyone and getting big money. Please focus on making the best headsets for enthusiastic like us. Not every company can be Sony, Microsoft or Meta, but I believe you can be a Bose, McIntosh or Bowers & Wilkins.

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A quick question on this picture.

Will the final version have those cool LEDs or will they be replaced by stickers?

Company struggles to execute on a HMD since inception but is ready to split resources and take on a handheld. A market that’s notoriously difficult for anyone not named Nintendo.

What makes you think where companies like Sony failed with the Vita, Google with Stadia that your half assed software and janky hardware will gain a foothold? the kickstarter scream of a cashflow scam.

A little while ago, Pimax was claiming to have secured Series A funding. Why aren’t you going back to those investors for another round? Why are you going after consumers for cashflow again? https://pimax.com/pimax-completes-15m-series-a-funding-round/

Anyone ignorant enough to buy into this nonsense deservers the rinsing they will get.


There are plenty of successful handhelds though, they don’t need to be on the scale of Sony or such. They also aren’t going for the closed garden that is often the death of those systems.

This is like an Aya neo or GPD win or such and will be on a similar scale.

I do think the entire promise is extremely lofty and hard to accept as becoming real with any level of reliability or polish but 299 for a decent android handheld, with the specs this has, by itself will do quite well.

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The whole problem here is that Pimax has shown over and over again that they don’t understand business strategy. Strategy was actually my favourite course back when I was a studying business sciences at university and I always loved the articles by Michael Porter. It all begins with simple questions like, who are our customers, how can we serve them best, what kind of company are we. It’s about choosing: Are we a low cost company, focusing on bargain deals (like price fighting airlines) or are we focusing on quality products that of course come at a higher price point. This already is what Pimax is doing wrong all along. Either focus on high-end products and level up your service, base everything on quality and service, like Apple for example. Or sell cheap products at a low price point. But Pimax can’t seem to make up their mind and now they’re serving both the very highest end of VR gaming (12k obviously being THE most expensive and advanced gaming VR headset out there) and the very lowest segment of the market (a handheld device that you can click into placeholder to watch VR).

It’s like they’re doing everything exactly wrong. They don’t have any clue AT ALL about business strategy and I honestly think what @SmallBaguette said above is true: Robin just woke up one day having had a dream about handhelds and now they simply want to sell them. Just because they can and robin dreamt about it. That’s Pimax ‘business strategy’.

It’s all wrong. Hopefully Pimax will realize that sooner than later.


I wouldn’t be too suprised, were it to turn out there was an investor who thought Pimax should go into handheld gaming, and pushed for it, rather than the other way around… :7

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Then the investor can pony up the cash. Why rinse consumers via Kickstarter again? Again, this is a cashflow job.

Convenient timing as they’re ramping towards production on one product while announcing a kickstarter for a whole new line up.


I just watched a bit more of that cringe worthy presentation yesterday. They’re saying over and over again that they’re listening to us, their customers. I think if there’s one thing on this forum pretty much everybody agrees on is that Pimax should focus on just a few products, not diversify (like the zillion different headsets they had at some point). And yet, here they come, diversifying into a complete new market, completely away from their current market and yet they claim they listen to their customers? Like anybody here asked for a frikking handheld device LOL. It’s just such a joke.

And it 's just sad. Just when they finally seemed on track, focusing on high end quality devices they now come with this. Obviously this is going to hurt the high-end products in several ways, taking away money, resources and even their image and reputation of high end device company. They now make frikking low-cost handhelds and push them on kickstarter LOL. It’s sad.