Pimax. Please Only Send Reviewers the 8KX only AFTER Pimax Experience, DMAS and Eyetracking is finished

I’m sure community will come up with a printable 3D model in no time


They are also quite ugly, but they are not as dangerous because they will almost always be further away from the hands.

…and the connector.

Great. Well worth 2000 USD more!

It seems we can discuss this to the eternity of time. I have no problems with that, but I dont think we will come anywhere here.


I think so… …

I see a lot of broken connectors and tangled headsets that fall to the ground. But I’ve already warned you. I’ll fix it for me, or it’ll break my 8KX in the first session of Beat Saber.
People are not careful when playing.

Now, after four hours, you found a nice Solution xD

But, for Beatsaber the X? Complete false HMD…

SweViver, I think you fed the troll(s) in this thread :wink: Slightly sad that some people have nothing better to do than forum warrior all evening.

It’s a consumer headset, 4K panel per eye, with eye tracking and driver-level dynamic foveated rendering. HOLY CRAP REALLY? Oh wait there’s a cable thing, nope, not gonna buy.

Really? REALLY? There’s a lot of hot air being spouted in this thread.


Understand that Pimax headsets have quite a reputation for being just prototypes, I assure you that in Spain it is like this, so I tell you that there is no need for protruding cables to appear.

But the main problem is the possible damage to the headset.

There’s generally a lot of hot air on these forums, but You get used to it and learn to see through the haze… :wink:


Cableholder mockup

The possibilities to create a visually fitting protection with a 3D printer are almost unlimited.

Just as unlimited as the anticipation for the new eye tracking module from 7invensun and its foreseeable availability. When considering the essentials, the Pimax 8KX enables the most powerful VR technology in the consumer sector. At least for everyone who handles new technology with care. ; )

Congratulations to Pimax and 7invensun for the great collaboration and progress!
@SweViver @PimaxUSA @PimaxQuorra


:rofl: remember the airbag!


As I’ve suggested before, I think Sugru can provide sufficient protection.

This is a second generation enthusiast headset. While we won’t need to mod our own rigid strap this time, it looks like some of us may feel compelled to do some modification, if we want to use an OPTIONAL modular add-on and don’t want to risk the bottom USB connector. I can live with that.

Like this:

I’d love to see Linus’s review of the 8k X, especially with the eye tracking and hand tracking modules.

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Just incorporate a cover into the Silicone Protective Sleeve.

And I’d love to actually get my headset.

Sorry a bit disrailing the thread - maybe something for the 3D printed/modding category

Well we could also use stuff like this one:

and maybe something like this?

First part saves “breaking” of the USB C internally and such a mini hub could provide an additional USB Connector - awesome would be if the Hand Tracking would be produced with an extra USB C port in the rear or side.


Derail it as much as you want. I think we all need to hear ideas about how to make the current headset look less silly when putting eyetracking and handtracking together.


There’s one thin cable sprouting at the top of the headset and attached to a clip on the side. This is the audio jack. The main cable is connected in two spots at the top and then combined. It actually looks pretty badass to me. Feels like a premium quality professional headset.

If you watched my first YT video, I was pretty honest in my first impressions. But once I started playing with it more and adding the maxRecommendedResolution line to my steamvr.settings file, I was absolutely blown away by some of the games I’ve played so far. I recently played Phantom Covert Ops with a full undistorted field of view, no culling, and wow, it felt like I was reliving my first time in VR all over again! For a while I forgot I was in a VR headset and believed I was in an actual kayak doing stealth missions. The sense of speed also increased as I moved around. Just being able to take in all the lights and scenery in my peripheral as I turned my kayak is unforgettable.

I don’t know what the 8K-X will be like. But so far, I’m happy with my purchase :slight_smile:

Also aside from cables there are other little things that I didn’t find worth mentioning in a Youtube review. For example: Loading screens sometimes have seizures for a bit before the game runs normally. That is something no one would care much about.


Hell, even my Anaconda has cables hanging out at the upper part of the cockpit - and that cost me 147 million credits ! :wink:

@Cdaked: so now we have established that it is not an Apple-like polish, the work-around solution seems quite simple doesn’t it: a) just glue two rubber bits on both sides of the connector and b) add some thinner velcro to the headset where the cable will be running and wrap the counterpart velcro around the cable, and attach them when using it…

@SweViver: the new 5m cable with an additional USB cable built in will surely be a welcome fix for the much greater issue of not being able to actually use the two modules simultaneously. Hope that will be offered soon - ideally soon enough to be added (optionally, against additional payment) to the backer package being sent in August.