Pimax. Please Only Send Reviewers the 8KX only AFTER Pimax Experience, DMAS and Eyetracking is finished

  • Put the silicone protector on top of the cable :slight_smile:
  • Glue the cable
  • tape the cable
  • run a 5 meter cable from PC to the eye tracking
  • Or just be careful when you put down your headset on the floor.

Im sorry mate, but we are working on solutions to this. Meanwhile, this is what it is, no more delays, and at least it works. Works great.


I’m just trying to help here

What about a hard plastic box, attached to the cable, that will protect this connector for any possible damages, something like this;


Better, but still can get hooked.

It is just like the hand tracking module, it could use the two screws to protect it very well



Trying to hook off that cable Cdaked? Never hooked off those Index vents. Nor the cables from HTC’s headsets. Do you regularly smash your own face with controllers? :grin:


I look forward to see you @Cdaked trying to hook off the cable with your Index controllers while playing bow&arrow games. Would love to see that. Just for science.


And now, more fanboys. But the cable will bring a lot of problems anyway, if is not fixed.

You could even run the cable on the inside of the smas/dmas/kdmas down to the connector. enough space there. Then there is no way in touching while playing bow games.

And for the connection you can add sugru and build your own protection.

Of course you can always nitpick on anything if you want to. Guys, please stay positive. And if there is a problem, it will be of pimax outmost interest to fix it. no company likes lots of RMAs…


No need to fanboy. Im just realistic. Its the only option we got today. Not a reason enough to delay the whole 8KX project again, just because of this. Just settle with it. Theres nothing that can be done now, until the next iteration or a new 8KX version in the future.

Thank you for understanding. Means a lot!


What’s done is done I’d rather see as many people pour in suggestions on how to improve the current design of the adapters.


One solution is a new 5m cable that has extra USB C on the HMD-end. Its already in discussion. Nothing guaranteed, but it could be an option.


I like that idea it’s closer to the HMD it won’t stick out as much.

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What about a rubber-patch (around 3x1cm) that encloses the area of the plug and protects it? Would be way cheaper than a cable.

If in the future the handtracker with passthroug come , the problem has gone

not if meanwhile you break the connector because it is not well protected


Have you seen the amount of cables sprouting out of the top of a $3200 Star VR headset?

It looks terrible compared to 8K-X and reviewers never mentioned it.

Ergo I wouldn’t worry about the 8K-X unsightly cable, which will get removed in 2021 with 8K’X V2.0 with the new designed housing anyway which Pimax took a concious decision not to give us in July 2020 as it would have delayed our headset delivery for many more months.


I have been so close to say this many times, but I let others do it instead :slight_smile:

Also… Somehow, I think once you pay 3000+ for a headset, you feel the urge to justify your purchase to prevent buyers remorse. And if you get it for free, you feel gilty to nitpick on it. YouTube problems 101.


If the astehtic of a USB cable is all we have to worry about, damn its time for the champaign

Not that I don’t get the point, but hey… :wink:
Also it fits the enthusiastic level to have some geeky cables some place.


We’re all just super salty all the Pimax headsets don’t have to deal with this. That’s all.


Sure I get it, it’s not Ideal, but from the hints it sounds like it would mean changing the housing or the internals (PCB) to do it differently. I thought about printing a small part like up in those pics if it starts bothering me.

To be honest I would be much more interested what has been changed and what benefits we get from it (PCB).