Pimax. Please Only Send Reviewers the 8KX only AFTER Pimax Experience, DMAS and Eyetracking is finished

:rofl: And that’s one of the reasons I fly an AspX!

(The main reason is for the expansive cockpit view.)

Agreed, but I’ll stick with my (much cheaper) Sugru mod, at least until I (possibly) decide to get a hand tracker in the far-off future.

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If only FDev weren’t absolute crap.

I mean, honestly. It’s a usb port. On top of that, it’s a usb c port. It probably won’t break. Plus, it’s not like you’ll be re-plugging the thing often.

It only has to break once


Much ado about nothing really

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How many electronic devices do you know with a usb connected in the base, pointing down?

And without any protection?

And how many of them cost what the 8KX cost?

I guess not everyone values ​​the money they earn in the same way

Me and many on this forum will have to 3dprint some solution to protect it, but many will not, we will see how long this connector will last for them

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For a commercial product of that price, a company’s flagship? Certainly not.

Of course, and we might as well use band-aids and chewing gum, that would work too, but…

The main problem is that the connector ends up damaged or the headset falls to the floor or is thrown against a wall.

Well the answerer is far more disturbing then you think - any Idea why apple uses the “magnetic” power plug?
I suggest getting a magnetic plug if you are considered, it will release before damge can be done. I used this also in my home made Index Controller stand - it’s a place n charge station, I guess most know about:

For companies using Laptops it is a real problem, “users” tend to break the laptop internally since moving often causes collision with the regular power plug - magnetic is perfect for that, the Microsoft surface also uses that approach - since it can be simply added that might be an option.


i guess there’s always the option of not purchasing it if its not up to your liking.


The 8KX is a product that clearly needs it, I was already surprised that it didn’t have it integrated.

Integrated eye-tracking?
Not everyone needs or wants eye tracking. Especially pay for an integrated item you may not even use. Remember eye tracking does not cost 99. Its 250 MSRP (or something). You, as a backer get it for 99.

We may have an integrated solution as well, but that will not be a 1299 headset.


Actually thats not a bad solution, then why Pimax doesn’t provide a magnetic plug and cable? Their solution is a regular cable plugged on the base of the device

Seriously? And the European Director Marketing of the company @SweViver liked this comment? …

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Ask HP, Lenovo, and Co. Why there 2000+ laptops don’t have it. I have no clue.
But luckily with usb c it’s easy to add.


Yes. He has a good point. This is the best solution we can bring at this moment, and we have full respect and understand not everyone will like it. Therefore, its important to note that eye tracking is a great piece of technology, but also nothing you need to purchase if you dont feel satisfied with the current design.


Can we buy the Eyetracking for 99$ then wait for a re-design and not have the current version shipped that could be a solution.

I have no information about this, especially since we dont have an alternative solution yet.

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Additionally, you need to remember the eye tracking works great without the USB cable on any Pimax except 8KX where you need the provided short cable. So there is nothing with the eye tracking that needs to be changed. Its all about the housing of the 8KX, and new housing tooling is a very expensive process that also takes at least 3 months.


Even a magnetic plug is a better solution than the one you presented on Pimax Now, or a protection case using the two screws of the base, or many other suggestions made on this thread.

And a regular usb cable plugged on the base is the best solution you can bring?

Ok, I have no more questions nor suggestions, thanks for listening

Yes, that might be something we consider.

Yes, currently thats it.

Thank you for asking