Pimax Now Event Discussion (merged)

I think that’s a great idea! I generally run the latest PiTool version, beta or not. It would be nice to be notified of a new beta, whenever I start PiTool.

They might not need to change much code. All it would need to do is look for a new version (like it does now) and add “beta” next to it. Then leave the choice to download and install it to us. They also need to fix the auto-install. In order to run again, I had to manually download PiTool and manually flash the firmware.


Hassle free no additional wearable hardware need is totally possible, not prohibitively expensive, and with modern machine learning could be insanely accurate. I have no idea why this hasn’t been integrated into lighthouses yet.

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Probably because you’d need to wear a suit like this… :rofl:



Quantum dots are a hack to make white phosphor LEDs emit red/green separately. Using separate RGB LEDs for the backlights has the same effect, as does using OLEDs (usually). All of these things are not magic, they only serve to ensure red/green do not look like orange/yellow.


Brainwarp Frame doubling progress or has this been scrapped.


I had Secret info from Pimax showing that

They are making changes to the structure of competences

resulting in a new flowchart of resources that are behind the birth of a new pitool Software

This improvement need as usual some time to begin operative and will result
in a Pitool called 3XX to tag the revolution

From that version we will have a Beta release and after a fixed/stable release
with the same number

For example
3 September Beta 301,
7 september 301

When all is fine

But the target will be, with time, to get directly stable Pitools release

This milestone will be with 4XX Pitool

Just cancel and get a refund for those items and then buy them yourself on Ebay or Amazon, that’s what I did.

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I also feel your sentiment that there’s nothing comparable to the 8KX. That’s why I went ahead and preordered it even though I was fully aware of Pimax’s history of delays. I’m sure I want Pimax to succeed almost as much as everyone who works there. But while you backers may feel neglected sometimes, those of us who preordered are completely ignored. While you backers are offered substantial discounts to placate your feelings, those of us who preordered don’t even get an email or a notification. And while the backers were told that there could be a long delay before they received any equipment and actually knew there was a chance that they’d never receive that equipment, those of us who preordered in October and November were told that shipment of HMDs was imminent within the next couple of months. I’m sure you’re right that I’ll feel a lot better once my 8KX arrives, but I expect Pimax to do a lot better right now.


Yeah or define two different places (paths) to look… :wink:

Or just check a URL that has two key/value pairs available:

  • pitool-stable: Link (filename: pitool_stable-1.2.0)
  • pitool-beta: Link (filename: pitool_beta-1.2.13)

Or instead of a key/value use “latest” links (one for stable, one for beta).

And then PiTool itself should of course know which version it is (and how to deduct that from the URL given) to know if it’s newer or not, but it seems they’ve got that covered… :upside_down_face:


PimaxUSA, I greatly and sincerely appreciate that you responded to my comment. Now how about improving your response just a little. Rather than saying, “No doubt we have many, many improvements we still should make. Clearly much better communication with those who have ordered should be one of them,” it would have been better to say, “We have many, many improvements we are making. Much better communication with those who have ordered is one of them.” The wording is subtle, but the change in meaning is significant. Rather than saying, “A mass email pointing those who have ordered to resources like OpenMR is clearly a good idea that was missed,” you should have said, “A mass email pointing to all resources for updates is clearly a good idea that will be implemented immediately.” You’re a smart man who obviously words his responses very carefully, so I know you get my point. I appreciate that you’ve had some unique challenges. I’m not angry, but I do think you could do a little better. Perhaps you should hire me and give me the information necessary to adequately respond to customers for Pimax.

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This is an extremely good idea. Great work on the graphics Neal.


I think we’re all going to shoot ourselves in the foot if we keep using this thread for discussions about the questions instead of just limiting ourselves to ONLY questions.

It’s turning into a mess. There’s too much content. People are repeating questions. People are commenting on comments about comments about questions. And when it’s done, we’ll be (unfairly) mad at Pimax for missing our questions when they hold the event.

Be smart! Help Pimax help us!


I want a change of information before I can install a firmware or update. what’s new or different and why. I don’t like to be a beta tester to see what has just happened here.

I am a preorderer who placed their order in late May. PimaxUSA said to me that September is probably a fair estimate for my own unit. This is also taking into consideration that my unit comes with the DMAS, and thus will be shipped out a little later than the others that only include the MAS. Given that you are a backer, I think I could reasonably infer that your order will arrive before August, provided that the estimate given to me is accurate.


Then again, it might not be; we don’t really know right now. I suppose we’ll find out this upcoming Monday, But I do hope that things have not been delayed much beyond this estimate.

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He is a backer like myself. Refund/cancel is not an option on KS pledges.

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We were not offered discounts on the 8kX. Pre Orders of the 5k+ and 8k were and previous owners of the p4k headset were given discounts. Backers were offered trade offs for Kickstarter backed items and stretch goals.

The Eyetracking for example was a free Stretch goal unlocked has become a $99 cost; but honestly I see that as fair as it costed more to develope than expected.


99 dollars is pretty cheap when you consider how much a single hand controller costs.

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Controllers imho are quite over priced. At least the Vive wands are.

Tobii Eyetracking Module sells for between $100 to $160 and atm Tobi is consider best. However Tobi is not designed for Wide FoV headsets; save the one embedded in StarVR One. So if Eyetracking for 7nvision(sp) proves to be as capable as Tobi then the Originally posted Consumer price of $199 as said in Pimax Day 2 slides will be a good deal.



I’m not quite sure that this counts as a question, but I just want to make it known that I support this and I would like to see it addressed. It can be reasonably assumed that, despite the terms and duration of the warranty, that this person has received a housing from the batch of housings said to be defective. These defects make themselves known over time, and without any fault of the customer.

There are probably others in a similar situation, so I hope that you will provide some kind of way to make this right with as little expense and effort on the customer as possible. At the very least, I think that offering to swap out their housing for no cost if they agree to pay shipping would be an adequate solution.

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The simple solution is just to compile to questions to the Opening post and remove the repetition.

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