Pimax Now Event Discussion (merged)

Yes I should’ve clarified, I meant inside-out tracking like the Leap, or really anything that doesn’t involve strapping more bits to you.

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Unfortunately you will need extra bits for body tracking. The ultra leap relies on it’s cameras to see the hands.

Steamvr tracking sensors use external laser sweeps to track. Mocap requires something to track whether outside cameras like Andy Sircus(sp?) Or use of sensors and magnetic fields. There has also been an idea of using sensors like ekg to track muscle reactions.

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Pimax COO, I preordered the 8KX on November 4, and after the lone confirmation email, I’ve received no information from Pimax, nothing telling me about OpenMR, nothing about weekly updates, nothing about Pimax Days, nothing, nothing, nothing. I’m feeling extremely neglected. Is my situation unique, or are all of the preorderers treated this way? The backers are sent emails and are asked for their opinions, but for those of us who spent a minimum of $1300, we are totally ignored. So my question to you is will you do anything to correct this neglect, or is this the treatment we can expect from now on? I believe the challenges of the development of the 8KX have been overwhelming, but I also believe you can do better.


No, most of us (including backers like me) feel neglected by Pimax sometimes. Their communication, support, and QA have improved, but still aren’t where I feel they should be. You’ll feel a lot better once your 8KX arrives. Will you forgive Pimax? That depends; imo, there’s nothing else comparable to the 8KX, so I don’t have much choice. I want them to succeed, so that they will continue to update their software and push the limits of VR in ways that the major brands aren’t willing to.


No doubt we have many, many improvements we still should make. Clearly much better communication with those who have ordered should be one of them.

A mass email pointing those who have ordered to resources like OpenMR is clearly a good idea that was missed. Our website and other media do point people here though and a few months ago we started posting weekly updates on progress.

I do think most found their way here but we also need to make the existence of resources like this more obvious and point to it from more locations.


Contact Support on the main PimaxVR.com site. They have a way for you to upgrade; I did it. Be sure to watch your Junk folder just-in-case. Some of my emails from Pimax ended up there.


My Question:
Why do you offer compensation again for my Kickstarter buy of a base station and how many times I have to say I just want what I backed for and how long will you keep us waiting when not opting for compensation plans again?


Here’s one simple thing to do: Move some of the links which are “hidden” on the Help page to the main PiTool page (and show the link text, not “Click to view”)…


Hi mazi - the reason is you only speak for yourself and not others. If an offer is not to your liking you don’t have to do anything. Such offers DO benefit you indirectly because those who do find an alternate plan attractive increase the speed we can deliver to those who keep the items.


Hi Neal - we do have a similar approach to that already incorporated into a future pitool.


I think that’s a great idea! I generally run the latest PiTool version, beta or not. It would be nice to be notified of a new beta, whenever I start PiTool.

They might not need to change much code. All it would need to do is look for a new version (like it does now) and add “beta” next to it. Then leave the choice to download and install it to us. They also need to fix the auto-install. In order to run again, I had to manually download PiTool and manually flash the firmware.


Hassle free no additional wearable hardware need is totally possible, not prohibitively expensive, and with modern machine learning could be insanely accurate. I have no idea why this hasn’t been integrated into lighthouses yet.

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Probably because you’d need to wear a suit like this… :rofl:



Quantum dots are a hack to make white phosphor LEDs emit red/green separately. Using separate RGB LEDs for the backlights has the same effect, as does using OLEDs (usually). All of these things are not magic, they only serve to ensure red/green do not look like orange/yellow.


Brainwarp Frame doubling progress or has this been scrapped.


I had Secret info from Pimax showing that

They are making changes to the structure of competences

resulting in a new flowchart of resources that are behind the birth of a new pitool Software

This improvement need as usual some time to begin operative and will result
in a Pitool called 3XX to tag the revolution

From that version we will have a Beta release and after a fixed/stable release
with the same number

For example
3 September Beta 301,
7 september 301

When all is fine

But the target will be, with time, to get directly stable Pitools release

This milestone will be with 4XX Pitool

Just cancel and get a refund for those items and then buy them yourself on Ebay or Amazon, that’s what I did.

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I also feel your sentiment that there’s nothing comparable to the 8KX. That’s why I went ahead and preordered it even though I was fully aware of Pimax’s history of delays. I’m sure I want Pimax to succeed almost as much as everyone who works there. But while you backers may feel neglected sometimes, those of us who preordered are completely ignored. While you backers are offered substantial discounts to placate your feelings, those of us who preordered don’t even get an email or a notification. And while the backers were told that there could be a long delay before they received any equipment and actually knew there was a chance that they’d never receive that equipment, those of us who preordered in October and November were told that shipment of HMDs was imminent within the next couple of months. I’m sure you’re right that I’ll feel a lot better once my 8KX arrives, but I expect Pimax to do a lot better right now.


Yeah or define two different places (paths) to look… :wink:

Or just check a URL that has two key/value pairs available:

  • pitool-stable: Link (filename: pitool_stable-1.2.0)
  • pitool-beta: Link (filename: pitool_beta-1.2.13)

Or instead of a key/value use “latest” links (one for stable, one for beta).

And then PiTool itself should of course know which version it is (and how to deduct that from the URL given) to know if it’s newer or not, but it seems they’ve got that covered… :upside_down_face:


PimaxUSA, I greatly and sincerely appreciate that you responded to my comment. Now how about improving your response just a little. Rather than saying, “No doubt we have many, many improvements we still should make. Clearly much better communication with those who have ordered should be one of them,” it would have been better to say, “We have many, many improvements we are making. Much better communication with those who have ordered is one of them.” The wording is subtle, but the change in meaning is significant. Rather than saying, “A mass email pointing those who have ordered to resources like OpenMR is clearly a good idea that was missed,” you should have said, “A mass email pointing to all resources for updates is clearly a good idea that will be implemented immediately.” You’re a smart man who obviously words his responses very carefully, so I know you get my point. I appreciate that you’ve had some unique challenges. I’m not angry, but I do think you could do a little better. Perhaps you should hire me and give me the information necessary to adequately respond to customers for Pimax.

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