Official Pimax Now QUESTIONS ONLY Thread (Event on June 29th)

Are you going to fulfill all of the 8KX backers and preorders prior to releasing any to Aliexpress or similar sites?


Ask the PITOOL development team
Is it possible to implement a manually adjustable depth perception? As can be seen in the photo
Depth and focus.
It could help users who have extremely low or high IPD improve poor depth perception.
Not to be forgotten is the enormous fun factor in various games and applications.


Can we get an acknowledgment for the Index controller issue noted here:

A solution would be nice, too :slight_smile:


When is Pimax going to fix logon to Backers,and store web site??

Add to that list

  1. As a backer how do I purchase the eyetracking at $99 backer price.
  • How can a backer who returned their loaner upgrade to the DAS? I don’t believe there was an option for that. Will it cost more to upgrade after I receive my X?
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Then I have a couple of questions for the event:

When will we get the next PiTool update? Will it offer better framerates than version 260 (like what 258 had)?


Ah that’s a good one… I doubt the next update will happen at the same time as the event and most of the changes in the next version revolve around under the hood things for the 8kX and 8k+.

We will talk about Pitool for about 10 minutes though at the end with some useful new information.


Another question that I have for the Q&A session: whats the status of open source? How about Linux support? I know the latter is unlikely, but the former might help the community to get there eventually, at least.

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I use Google Translation.
i am backer.
I would like to know the state of development concerning sword sense controllers and when will they be ready?
and when the MAS and the LH will be sent to the backer without going through a complaint via a ticket.

My headset 5k+ is stored in a wardrobe because I do not have the LH nor controllers

  • Are You planning on implementing a “enable beta updates” feature in PiTool?

I’m always prepared to try the newest version of PiTool and and I keep an eye out on OpenMR, but it would be nice to have PiTool either check for stable (default) or beta (opt-in) releases at start-up… :wink:

EDIT: One more I forgot about :slight_smile:

  • How about an (open) bug tracker so we can point people there and they can subscribe to notifications on specific bugs?

Good Morning SweViver

Thought I’d give you mainly something else to answer :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. ETA for items to be released on Amazon and which territories/order (US,EU,UK). I’d rather pay more for the peace of mind and buy through a platform where I have the final cost upfront?

  2. Ever thought of a more environmentally considerate platform whereby the headset is fully modular (for example I want to upgrade my 5k+ so I can just snap on some 8k screens and get a new cable)? Would reduce shipping volumes / plastic waste and make prices more incremental and therefore more attractive. (Plus the wife would definitely notice a second headset lying around lol)

  3. Given Pimax likes to push boundaries have you had a look at Quantum LEDs screens? Science — Nanosys


As an early KS backer (#148) why is it I have received nothing more than the 8K headset and no sign of the extras I paid more for: 2x base stations, Leap Motion module, 10m cable despite seeing reports that all but 7 backers have received their base-stations? Plus no sign of any of the stretch goal products other than the free software.


I think everyone has just one question they want answered, and that is when can they receive the Pimax 8KX, and if someone were to order it on the website now when would they receive it.


Shipping ??? how is Pimax going to ship the 8KX to Backers and pre order customers
currently I have a comfort kit STUCK in Singapore since April ,so if they use the same
methods they have been using who knows when you would receive them once dispatched.


I’m X backer ~600 - I’m curious if I could have a batch estimate for when backers will get their X’s.
A slide like 1-10 July, 11-100, August, 101-400, September, etc
In any case it would be nice to know where I am in the queue


Two questions (probably already asked):

  1. When should I expect my Backer Upgrade Plan A (Vision 8K X with Deluxe Audio Headstrap , Opt Out of All Stretch Goals Except Eye Tracking Discount) ordered the 6th of November 2019?
  2. When the Discounted Eye Tracking will be available for me and at what price?

Apart of XR and NITS and backlight questions that already were asked I have those:

  1. Do u plan to make black rubberized housings? I really like blacks and blue look bad for me.
  2. I tried old pitool with backlight option on my 5k plus sn 204 but fw didn’t work, is it the case that older pitool versions don’t support newer 5kplus HMDs
  3. Will it be possible to use pimax as a virtual desktop on Linux
  4. Will deluxe audio drivers be sold separately so e.g. I can print 3D adapters and attach it to my own strap

Is there any progress on a “reset” or “calibrate” option for the motion compensation?


You promised a SMAS for preorder 5K +
How to apply ?
Is delivery automatic?
Thank you