Okay didn’t realize you had all the angles covered.
My relationship with Pimax is going to have to be purely transactional from this point. I can’t count on any words, any promises, any future plans. If they have something now in the moment that works and is worth the price right now, I will buy it. If the software is glitchy I must assume it always will be. If the headsets are poor quality, I must assume they always will be. If eye tracking doesn’t work, I must assume it never will. Pimax has lost their credibility to me, but still might produce a good enough headset they are worth my business. We will see. Anyways, that’s how I’m going to describe them to any friends asking about VR.
That is very sad. I think many backers feels the same way.
@PimaxVR anything you can do about it?
It’s not my problem the controllers are delayed, that’s Pimax fault, so please just ship me my basestations now as I have already paid for them and I’ve already paid for shipping, so I’m not paying for shipping it again.
I agree 100% I’m not upgrading to another headset when I don’t have the base stations to use the first one. I mean gimme a break already Pimax!!
Damn never seen so many big kids together in a spot crying over spilled milk LOL
Is it that you are a spoiled generation or is it that you feel you are entitled to thing s that you totally are not entitled to…
TO the backers : you backed a kickstarter projects…they made the item they send it to you…END OF THE LINE, you got what you backed and helped funded. You did your share , they did theirs. minus the controllers and base station…they are still in the process of being assembled.
So in the meantime pimax is improving the HMD and upgrading here and there to bring a better consumer version…not of this you are entitled to just because you back a project…doesn’t mean you should be given ‘discounts’
Noone force you to ‘upgrade’…the only thing you actually need to do is to wait for the rest of the package to ship and then its FINAL
When nvidia brings out a 2070 rtx and 6 months later they bring out the 2070rtx super…
Why should nvidia give a discount to those who bought the 2070 rtx previous?
Because they support nvidia??
When you buy a game, and 2 months later a new DLC comes out…you do not cry neither do you expect a discount…because you bought the original game…
Whats wrong with you people…western civilisation will be destroyed by your hyper sensitive reaction to anything that doesn’t fit you ‘viewpoint’
Pimax doesn’t owe us anything except that which we backed…noone forces you to give up things to upgrade…
If you don’t fk like what they offer then don’t take the offer and stop crying like little kids, and wait for your items to ship…IT is REALLY that simple.
Materialism and money have made you all rotten inside…
WOW Cams86, I would tend to agree with everything you just said if it wasn’t for the fact “we did not ask for a discount” we were told we would get a discount by Pimax. I don’t expect a discount from any company, what I do expect from any company is to Honor their word. Period. Which is why I am doing exactly as you stated waiting for what I backed and not giving any more of my hard earned money to this rotten materialistic company called Pimax.
We also owe the stretch goals as well and as a small company with limited resources have done our best to get them out. We will deliver all the items on the list and are sorry it’s taken so much time.
That said the whole thing does get amped up to high levels of emotion that are probably well beyond what it should be.
Correct if they hadn’t said Backers would get Discounts on the 8kX if & when the consumer version launches. But you are right when a pattern is identified early, one shouldn’t be surprised by them backing out on their word as it has lost integrity.
Sales will come no need to have early builds of the new headsets. Pimax Controllers, Lighthouses & stretch goals will one day close the Kickstarter Project. And time will hopefully give pimax a chance to become the company they were before launching the KS.
Why many of us pre 5k & 8k headset owners have had faith in them.
Why would they want to go back to being a company who made VR gear that most people didn’t want?
If they’re going to be taken seriously, and I think it would be wise for competitors to do that, they need to keep stepping up their game. Be more professional. I want Pimax to show the world that high-end VR headsets aren’t only for businesses.
In my opinion they’re getting better all the time. Small steps, but they’re getting there…
Were you there during their first generation headsets? By sales volumes for a short period they sold a lot of headsets.
There was a lot of interest in pimax even in 2016 in a lot of communities. Jan 2017 ces started their 8k push and as RdToVR said then.
Pimax proves Wide FoV vr is coming. 8k not ready for primetime but 4k model impresses.
Prior to the KS things were not always good. But they had in some cases Support that the big companies could learn from. With using Teamviewer & yes at times spending a few hours to resolve things. Sending replacement parts & more. Yes the roots of this company were quite good & they need to get back to this point.
The only unfortunate hurdle they had then & even now is the belief that chinese companies are bad when there is a ton of electronic manufactured in china that is excellent & this is starting to become more evident every day.
But like in Canada & the US (everywhere really) there is always someone selling “quality speakers” out of the back of a cube van.
Nope. But I didn’t learn about Pimax before after the Kickstarter so they probably didn’t do that good of a job…
I didn’t back it (missed it by days/weeks) but have been following progress ever since and was an early pre-order customer.
There’s been TeamViewer sessions after the Kickstarter too? It’s not that long ago.
It’s nice with support like that but maybe focusing on creating a product that doesn’t need remote session support might be a better strategy?
Agreed. This and what appears to be an unclear sense of direction… Get the devices You have out there stable/fully usable before creating new stuff (stable firmware/software).
I’m really happy with my 5K+ currently, but I wasn’t just a few months back as software wasn’t good enough yet (it’s really close now and certainly bearable for me). But I’m certain that the average Joe isn’t going to be happy with a Pimax, yet…
Get stuff “Done”… They need to focus on “Definition of done” a bit I think…
You aren’t the only one that feels this way. I hadn’t posted on these forums since my 5k+ was delivered, but felt compelled to say something after reading these forums the last couple of weeks.
The one big mistake Pimax made was announcing a discount to kickstarters on Pimax Days. They should have just sold the headsets at full price.
Having said that, I find it silly that so many people are complaining over a $100 discount. Some going as far as trying to convince others on this board not to support Pimax.
I personally try to look at the big picture. If Pimax as a company doesn’t do well and goes under, what’s going to happen to driver support for our headsets?
Well said.
But on top of that…many of us also wanted to back to see incremental CHANGE in the landscape of VR.
Tired of having snippets of updates.
Pimax although maybe had it bad points…at least they did try to deliver their best what they promised…which may not be easy…showing in the delays we have to had patience with…
I mean cmon guys…okay maybe not 8k native…but its damn over 180 FOV…just for that alone…its worth it many who use it will agree…its very hard to step down to your 120 FOV headset from other manufacturers which may have flawless designs etc.
Let us hope for the sake of VR no matter what company…this is the standard for the future coming HMD from all company whether they are Western or Eastern company…
Let us praise those who go for big innovations or at least try and let us slay down those who give us breadcrumbs and try to milk us but at the same time offer GREAT SUPPORT…
i would say…shove that support where the sun doesn’t shine…and give us the damn innovation.
Sometimes i think people have yet to really realize what pimax created here…
I mean they literally done away with SDE…they gave us huge FOV and now try to couple it with 90-120hz
Do people even realize if we had to wait on western company to do this…that would be something for maybe 2021…
I think its groundbreaking…they solved many issues in VR world using their own ideas on how to fix stuff…i can only applaud that for the future of VR HMD…
Hopefully we can see new and better techniques etc in the future no matter who is is from.
But for now…we wait for an answer against PIMAX HMD and thats how markets should work…innovation against innovation, and not breadcrumbs for breadcrumbs to divide the pie in 20 pieces.
Pimax said…i don’t want to share this cake…i want it for myself…and now we wait for another contender to say…thats too much cake for PImax to eat by themselves…we want half of that!!
Here is our contender (product)
Their wording could have been better, but they’re technically offering the headsets at a reduced price if your willing to forfeit the stretch goals. BTW, have fun enjoying your headset when drivers stop being updated or when your headset needs a RMA.
I, for one, am pretty happy about Pimax being materialistic… If only the materials were a tiny bit sturdier…
Seriously, which tech company isn’t materialistic?
Haha. So your superior viewpoint doesn’t place any value on honesty and integrity?
And the follow up comment is about how we should be content with a material object instead.
What did someone recently say about materialism and money…
I don’t care what lack of discount they offer, I won’t be buying pimax again. I will just wait for whatever comes one day.
I simply wish they could have an ounce of honesty and integrity but must admit gave up any serious hope of that a long time ago. But seeking honesty and integrity…I must be rotten inside. Plastic shiny things should feed my soul. Lmao.
I completely understand when the company goes under we will lose all support but I just went thru a RMA process “which by the way was a phenomenal turnaround” but what I received back is almost worse than what I sent in for RMA. SO, NO i’m not having fun enjoying my headset now, so what’s the difference if they go under?
This statement here says it all. If you give up the stretch goals you PAY MORE than the headset is listed for .What don’t you see here? There’s over $300 in total value in the stretch goals, am I going nutz here, how can ppl not see this .Add all the items up. Those stretch goals are what got pimax those MILLIONS. Just ditch the eyetracking alone pimax loses over a million in funding. Jokes on us… they did ditch it after they cashed in.
The funny thing is…I’m still here, Salty yes…I would say it’s because I do care, I loved my pimax 5k+, then the RMA killed my poor 5k+ love affair . So I was going to take the bad deal from Pimax and all they had to do was send the base stations with the new 8KX and it was a done deal , But no They expect me to wait another 6 months to a year for controllers to be ready. WTF 2 headsets no base stations. I guess that was the straw that broke the camel’s back ,so @PimaxUSA these are the things that make Pimax supporters into Pimax haters, Bring these issues up in your next meeting with the “team”
While stable enough. As long history shows the software has been a hit & miss. I think we may need to wait more for the opensourcing to see better overall stability. Not because there not incapable; but more because they try to add too many new bits before fixing what is there. They have proven in a number of parts in the software/firmware with just that.
Average Joe? Tbh with number of options & that. Don’t really see average Joe being a target consumer. They would do better to release the p4k v2 with what they have learned from RnDing the new headsets with the 53mm Aspherical lenses & a bump to around small FoV of 120 - 130 horizontal. Add flex scaler (to decrease requirements) with option of native at 120hz. Priced for general consumers.
A lot of people do see this, hence the pissed off threads here and reddit.
Pimax seems to be trying to hide this fact with all these upgrade plans. Just makes me sad that we backed a company like this. This does not have to be, do not really understand why they are doing this to backers. It’s just screwing a good customer base that could help with selling their new HMD’s through word of mouth. Disagree with what cams86 said, if you treat the customer right you benefit. See oculus