There will be a slight price change to the plans this weekend. Also, this will be offered:
If the backers need the basestation right now (who also wait for Sword controller’s), we can send basestation to backers first. But this will double the shipping cost, so we suggest those backers who indeed need the basestations they could apply a ticket, then we can send out.
How can it double shipping costs? As we paid for shipping during the kickstarter? Do you mean at KS shipping price ie $10ea?
Is the MAS & other items going to cost us extra shipping?
And just to be clear you mean Backers waiting for Sword Sense controllers. As PimaxUSA confirmed already long ago we get the sense version.
Why not just box LHes with MAS?
Hi @SweViver as I’m a current owner of a Pimax 5k+, I want to buy a new headset using the current owner plan. Also, I want to use my “downgrade” “credit”
Can we have a direct link to backers store on the top of forum please. Is getting very confusing with my orders. I placed my order in original store’s shopping cart. But I can’t find it in backers store. Now @SweViver mentioned we’ll have a slight price changes to the plans during the weekend, would it effect to peoples already paid for the ungraded orders?
Hi @SweViver, tell us about price changes, it’s very interesting
I understand that now everything is aimed at stimulating backers to upgrade to 8K + / 8KX using “plans for backers” with the rejection of stretched goals.
And yes, I see that it would be more convenient and profitable for Pimax.
But understand us, we also want to see some significant benefit from the rejection in favor of “plans for backers”.
So give us at least something in our favor, and not just in favor of the company that we all supported (and you also supported)
By the way, @risa2000 created a great post on this topic
It would be great if Pimax took note of his proposal (or some part of it).
I am more than confident that this have a positive impact
Pimax gave us a discount of $ 50 for 8K + and $ 100 for 8KX for all plans for backers:
Well, it’s good to see that plans for backers now have some advantages
@SweViver, I understand that you now have a very busy schedule.
I hope you will soon release a video from the exhibition. I would like to know very much how visitors will react to the difference between 8K + and 8KX. Thanks
Martin, I believe there are people who really need the basestations ASAP (e.g. for sims), but I also believe there is a not insignificant group of people, who simply do not want to wait for controllers and who would be fine with getting everything (except the controllers) in one package, which normally should include: MAS, basestations, prescription insert, face cushions.
Pimax claims those things should be ready to ship end of this year, so why not pack all together and send them in one package? And then wait for the controllers.
This way Pimax and backers will save on shipping and we will not be hanging everything on controllers availability.
Still no Current Owner’s like plan with those discounts added. There still pushing give up stretch goals &/or full packages.
And the cooling fans.
And is there a possibility to refund controllers only, so that we can buy them from valve directly. Then you can send the basestations asap without extra shipping costs and we have the valve controllers for much less money then what we need to pay you? Then you don’t have to do the logistics?
Rene were you a backer?
Yes, I am very sorry to lose our stretched goals.
At least now it looks like $ 100 in return for them, not a void. Not the ultimate dream, but already a little better compared to yesterday
It seems to me, it would be logical to add options for choosing to save stretched goals for a surcharge of $ 100, for those who want
I’d recommend holding out til a deal is presented that allows you to keep stretch goals & get an actual discount vs a trade off. It just shows how much they are pushing to get out of stretch goals with no deals for those who want to keep. While giving Owners a direct $200 off with no loses.
Unless your really looking to close the book.
The question is, will we get a real discount and not a compromise ever?
What else can we do if Pimax has decided everything for a long time…
Therefore, at the moment, I prefer to analyze what we have, no matter how it looks.
I’m also prepared to wait because the 5K+ is actually pretty good IF you can get it to sit right.
The MAS and Comfort kit might actually be all I need.
I know the 8k+ will be an improvement but at the current discount, over the shop price of the stretch goals, not enough of an improvement to make me buy without trying an optimal 5K+ first.
Yes, im a backer of the full package
As with the Borg “Resistance is not futile”
Simply wait for the Vision & X to go on sale and loose nothing. Likely to get a better deal than what is on the table for current owner (has a real discount) or a backer who has not deals.
Sales are enevitable no need for day 1 adoption. (What I tell my one buddy who spends $80+ on a game)
Yes, I agree, it makes sense to keep everything as it is, having received everything that was supported on Kickstarter, and then just buy it at a good discount as an ordinary buyer. It will be more profitable in the long run.
And now, time has come to the fore for me.
Time - is also money.
Sometimes, getting faster is worth some cost
Moreover, we did not pay for these goals, they turned out like bonuses, for which Pimax now reimburses $ 100 (in the case with 8KX).
And it is less profitable than keep goals, agreed.
Well, and here everyone has to decide for himself what is more important to him.
Personally, I have not yet decided until Monday most likely.
I would also like to listen to the official comments of Matthew. Maybe suddenly there will be some other changes (because they happen every day ).
Maybe true of stretch goals. But not of Controllers & LHes.
MAS shouldn’t be on the loss table, wireless is only a coupon as now is eyetracking (still both eyes as shown in May 2018 KS update)
So sure skip fans, foam & 3 pieces of software.
But it might be good to spend to get faster. In 3 to 6 months may see better hardware revisions.
Atm until an update proves otherwise it seems earlier 5k+ are not 120hz capable.
Honestly, I’m a little in doubt about Pimax controllers.
You see how huge delays Valve had with them. And the first parties had flaws, but now they are polished at least. (there are difficulties there, apparently)
Therefore, in this case, I am ready to become owners of Valve controllers. And base stations will still be delivered from them.
Of course, I don’t really want to pay extra for all this. But this is essentially a surcharge of $ 179 for their controllers against Pimax controllers, which will still be possible to be postponed to a later date, and it is not known what will be the result. It seems to me that there are enough difficulties there.
And waiting is already so tired, honestly
I understand perfectly all the benefits of preserving everything that we supported on Kickstarter. Therefore, anyway, this is not an easy choice for me .
Well, let’s see how things will develop further. I think everything is possible.
But I really liked the Pimax controllers when I saw them. This is the combination of Oculus touch + Valve controllers. It looked wonderful, and I would really like them (Perhaps they could be the best of all)
If I were offered to make the replacement of Pimax controllers and stations with Valve controllers and stations at no extra cost, I would probably not be able to resist more now