Pimax new plans and discounts

Thanks but the core issue has been their communication. Waiting until it’s the deadline time & again. Wider timelines like Star Trek’s Scotty and anouncing ahead of times delays would do wonders.

And not masking something as something it is not. Telling backers they don’t qualify as an Owner because they backed & want out of KS obligations was wrong to do after stating otherwise. Many would have bought the headsets for just the $200 off and that discount has to be factored into still making money over cost.

And no not purchasing a new headset due to wanting stretch goals & other backed items is not withdrawing support or making folks aware it’s a trade off & not a discount as advertised.

Well actually 160 on Large FoV which is still higher than other consumer offerings at the price point. With only Xtal beating pimax at 180 horizontal but at a crazy price & you need to be a bulldog to wear it due to being extremely heavy for a headset.

5k+ 120hz atm is 130 Horizontal FoV (which is still larger than Index) see @risa2000 Hmdq database.

Most do everytime they strap the headset onto a friend. Support need not my wallet this soon after receiving og KS headsets. Most of us have accepted the now non free eyetracking at $100 & if wireless works out many if not all will get that as well. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

Now what do ppl forget? With Xtal being the only other Wide FoV headset available it is 5k & I believe 70hz.

All pimax 5k & 8k series headsets are capable of 80hz & higher. Save 8kX in Native mode is 75hz? And all are 5k minimum. Yes the software is still quite beta ish; but offers 3 Soft FoV options & a lot of display properties etc… Not found in other headsets.

But due to no discount for backers, time llimits & christmas it is not the time to upgrade. And regardless I need my backed items; like MAS to complete my kept headsets & the full packages as have had faith this long they will deliver them.

Yes pimax controller(sword sense) delay sucks. But do need my lighthouses while waiting as promised long ago.


Sadly when you purchase the 8K+ or 8KX its going to depreciate substantially when you drive it off the showroom floor. The Pimax 5K+ already dropped in price by 50% in just 1 year, You can get a 5K+ on Ebay for same price as an OG Vive, they just dont hold their value, Software has always been clunky for all three of my Pimax Headsets, 4k, 5K+ and 8K.
My old vive was a workhorse and just seemed to always perform when I needed it too. I think people buy the Pimax and then realize there’s too much tinkering for them.
I mean Im glad Pimax is pushing the limits in terms of FOV and SDE but I wish they spent that extra time and R&D into making their current products “work”. Right now they just dont.


And that has controllers and base stations!

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You are confused. As Pitool is the package with the driver. The p4k(2016) for example works in pitool. With opensourcing headset drivers are assured. And if we can take their word the whole idea of it being modular was to keep old & new models relevant.

Just ask anyone about Nvidia & Amd graphics cards in Linux.

But yes choosing the right words. Like Backer Deals instead of adding incorrect words like discount to the mix would have been best.

The simple word Sale will often generate Sales. Without actually having a real sale. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

While I’m being Salty I would like to address this statement from Pimax -->However, items developed by
third parties (like Valve and 7Invensun) will not be available for the $100 credit to
apply to due to provisions in Agreement with them.<-- Hold up, Hold up… What!!! this is just an Insult to our intelligence ! WE PAY YOU… yeah YOU!! WTF gives Valve or 7Invensun the authority to say the backers have to pay cash out of our pocket to you? “Which thats what that $100 is anyways” This is your decision Pimax, you need to own it. I do not benefit one way or the other on this so its not me trying to be “entitled” or childish crying for more!! It’s just a Backer that’s been pushed over the edge.
We are buying the items from YOU not them, they do not need to honor our credit or coupon or voucher or what ever you feel like calling it today. I mean how do they even know where the money is even coming from? OWN IT PIMAX!!!

I can picture Gabe Newell sitting in the boardroom “Screw those Pimax backers I don’t want them using their credit on my controllers, I mean it Robin NO CREDITS” seriously Pimax ? please !!!



Sure I had a few issues with the Vive and sometimes even with my PSVR but the Pimax I cant just get in and “DRIVE” !! We all play games to unwind and sometimes to relax but when your fiddling with restarting Piservice, rolling back to this firmware or that software version, controllers flaking out, just all the Pimax related sh*t happening,thats not relaxing and unwinding, its frustrating and takes all the fun out of playing. Eff all that Im tired of it, uuugh!
I mean $1300 for 8KX and no controllers, glitchy software, some games work, some dont. . I wouldnt mind paying retail for the Visions but I dont think they will be ready for “prime time”.