Well current owners do have The MAS as a free upgrade so -$119 to our “benefit”. So your right current owner should give up free MAS to ensure profit.
Stretch goals like pre order free MAS shouldn’t be calculated in a deal. No more than purchase prices. But guess italians see business different than other parts of the world.
A contract is closed when the parties sign it, the delivery is a different thing and does not change the conditions. The conditions exists to persuade the customer to buy, when you have bought you need a new agreement to change the conditions
This also has affected plan F as there is now a $40usd shipping!!! It was stated that within the kickstarter the backers that purchased the full bundle that shipping was paid for. This needs to be fixed asap so i can purchase. Thank you.
Option A2 - give up ~700 in value of controllers/bs, stretch goals and coupon, and get a 700 reduction in price - NO DISCOUNT
Current Owner - 200 of without giving up anything - A discount.
There is no backer discounts at all except maybe a few dollars depending on how you value the non-confirmed pricing stretch goals.
And when an employee(Manager project head, community liason) adds additions and is accepted it becomes part of that contract.
I signed nothing but pledged on their integrity to deliver what they said. I never solicited their additional promises but accepted their word as contracted by their posts solidifying it.
Much like those whom accepted contract to receive a lesser model for an instore credit by the terms of use pimax specified without a clause of allowing change.
But your right; I guess I will be getting both versions of controllers in Sense version as per the closed contract.
And it is worse than current owner, that is the entire point.
As a backer I would get more value in total by dollar spent by not applying for the upgrade and instead use the “current owner” real discount deal, which now might be disallowed.
This is so confusing. All I want to know is can I get the ind3x controllers with the 8kX in these plans. Living in Australia I’d upgrade to the 8kX just so I could get the new controllers.
I think he believes the backers are getting a deal by rolling their money they paid in a long time ago onto a new headset. Shouldn’t the backers gain somthing for their time away from their cash.
Nope, Backers had better initial price. The global deal is still better. Again, I don’t want to argue if the evaluation of the goals is high, low, right or wrong, only that the overall deal for the backers is better.
You wouldn’t be trying to argue at all. If all backed items were delivered & you had your 8kX backed prototype with 8k panels, dual dp cable & no scaler.
There would be actual deals on purchasing new consumer models. But due to being quite late your set to receive the commercial release instead. Backers instead of having a discount no trade offs get no discount period.
Show me the “Stay the course” & receive your backed items?
We were guinea-pigs: dot ridden displays, nonworking 120hz, speckled cables, early version face foams etc.
Besides that, we helped this whole thing to become real.
Some real discount would be nice and tbh expected.
I agree, if they got on their feet and succeeded and had a lot of money at their disposal, that would be very nice of them. But seeing as it doesn’t look like they are doing too well, we can’t expect handouts here and there. It’s frustrating but we should give them time to get themselves back up
Not exactly, because kickstarter terms allows to change what you are delivering at the end, however yes, for the eye tracker module has been done, which is why it has been converted into a discount that you can keep, even opting-out the goals