Pimax new plans and discounts

Agreed. I think many are ready to cut the rope. I just don’t think it’s worth it at the trade offs offered. Waited long enough don’t miss my investment & can wait.


Current owners and backers are not the same thing, I guess. Current owners have spent more


So you don’t think pimax should give backers same deal to taking risks & waiting?

Pimax said they’d give backers incentives; not trade offs for helping them get here.


I think Mr. Morselli here was just a bit sarcastic.


I’d hope so. But it’s hard with that Picard pic tb sure. :beers::joy::+1::sparkles:


Is not the same deal, because backers have all the stretch goals benefits.

take, for example, an upgrade from 5K+ to 8K+, opting out all the stretch goals

Current owner total price, today (after 5K+ price reduction), is:

594$ + 849$ = 1,443$

Backer total price is:

399$ + 799$ = 1,198$

So risks & waiting are valued 245$

you can argue that $245 is not enough, but not saying that the deal is the same


Piccard it is. Lol

Simple truth Backers should have an actual discount period without losing stretch goals as was hyped long ago & recently. One shouldn’t be penalized with no deal & expected to trade items not shipped yet as a credit obfuscated to appear as a discount.

Surprised you see this differently.


You are not penalized, because you still have an extra $245 in value. Why should Pimax be grateful only to Backers, and not also to the customers who have brought more money?

To be clear, as a backer and future 8K+/8KX customer, $500 would be even better than $245, and $1000 even better than $500, but I can’t say that anyone is earning more than me. Companies need to make a profit and I don’t see any unfairness in Pimax’s choice

In fairness yes they need to make profit. Offering backers a package that is a straight up discount without trading off does not harm them in the least. The $200 owner’s discount is unlikely to be under cost. So still a profit there.

Ensuring customer xp increases return sales & future sales. The fact they did allow a breif window of backers to use Owner plan before it was shutdown speaks for itself.

As said best to keep what’s coming & wait for a sale that will likely knock $50 to $250 off the new headsets. Early adoption for Early Backer Adopters just isn’t a real need.

Much like upgrading current top vid card to a new super version. No need to have it on Day1 release.

Pimax’s choice is not of their word & trust builds business.

But I accept your position as I am sure you do mine & others that see this as part of a long list of over hype leading to disappointment (not due to oneself with unreasonable expectations. Ie free headset)


Also remembers that Pimax has no obligation to offer an upgrade plan to anyone (no other vendor offers it), but they could say that the backers already got the discount when they paid $399 for 5K+ instead of $699 (without the need of opting out stretch goals)

You right no pimax employee promised discounts to backers to buy future headsets. Oh wait there was numerous times.

Stretch goals were carrots designed to attract more backers.


Yeah Xuns… anon23564932 said there will.

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That is not an argument, because it has not been offered during kickstarter. Promising you something is the same as deciding to give you something. Discount now exists, even for backers. What are we talking about? That it’s too low? That’s your opinion and I respect it. But there were no unfairness as less (total) money from current owners for the same deal would be

Can you point out where exactly?

Funny how “Pimax meetups 2019” thread has nothing to do with “Pimax meetups 2019” since the post number 23. Not an optimal situation.


I think you know where, but…


If you want to compare yourself with normal customers the comparison must be fair, so you first have to count the stretch goals and the purchase price, and then see who has the highest discount

There are no discounts there though, just ~1:1 trade ins.


Too small text to my eyes, but I’m guessing all those plans involves us to give on our stretch goals and/or bases+controllers?


It is quite valid. Without the Egg there is no chicken (egg came first see Dinosaurs predate).

Pimax said there would be discounts for backers; they promoted this. Kickatarter not technically closed until final delivery of items. So yes it was said & offered during kickstarter.

But let’s agree to disagree on the value of honor & integrity. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

Enjoy some fine Vine.


So you & I buy the same car. You buy yours on sale & we both trade car in same condition & mileage. I get more value because you paid less?

Backers are the egg, chickens that feed more come later.

If we didn’t all back there would be no debate as today as we know it wouldn’t exist. Hello Index


Yes, you need to opt-out the stretch goal, because they have a value and it’s reasonable that a discount keep some profit to the seller. If the profit falls below zero it is no longer a discount, it’s a gift. A discount is often linked to conditions (e.g. subscribing for 24 months, etc.), nothing unusual here, remember that a discount is not done because someone loves you, it’s always done to sell more and make more profit. If Pimax offered discounts to earn less than not offering them it would be insane

But overall it’s a better deal than current owners

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