Absolutely, yes. Anyone without the guinea pig attitude has to stay away from Kickstarter and buy products in physical stores.
I’d be happy to take it. But I love to distinguish between what is welcome and what is due
Absolutely, yes. Anyone without the guinea pig attitude has to stay away from Kickstarter and buy products in physical stores.
I’d be happy to take it. But I love to distinguish between what is welcome and what is due
If I had bought a Pimax headset on discount I wouldn’t be eligible for the current owner plan, since I got it cheaper than the list price.
Thats what you’re basically saying.
Let Pimax decide
Customer A buys a Pimax 5K+ at the cost
Customer B buys the special edition signed by Sweviver for $5000
Have you ever read promotions that say “can’t be used in combination with other promotions”?
I fail to understand how as a backer they have proof that they shipped me a headset, but somehow I am not an owner.
Well, even if I thought about the 8kX and apart if you consider those upgrade deals as bargain or nonses it all comes down to:
fool me once…shame on you
fool me twice…shame on me
I‘ll never ever again go through the hassle of buying a very unpolished product just to save some bucks.
With all goodwill I have doubts that those new headsets gonna be free of issues.
If they are going proven to have only neglectable issues over time I gladly pay more money and spare me some serious headaches.
Although very tempting…I refrain to take the bait and IMHO the discount is not making me greedy enough to take the risk…again(and we had MANY unpleasant surprises already)
Genau mein Gedanke… Just what I was thinking…
No greed available as no discount. Just trade off credits.
New plans to come(I’m guessing)…
Ouch… hope you enjoy it.
The issue with that is the value of the stretch goals change with different upgrade plans
Pimax changed the conditions, eyetracking is no longer free and HMD’s we’re not delivered in January 2017 like they said. Also stretch goals have not been delivered. As I said before I appreciate pimax trying to listen, but they are coming up short, the additional $50 is barely covering the stretch goal value. There is still no discount.
There is a reason they didn’t just say stretch goals are valued at xxx amount. Because the are changing it’s value based on the upgrade plan
Yea if current owners get 200$ off for just being a current owner, I think it’d be fair to have an option for backers that gives 300$ off. It just makes sense. Backers took the risk of giving money to a Kickstarter. The options to opt out of stretch goals are fine, they just need to give an actual discount for backers.
Of course they did. But it complies with Kickstarter project terms, and apart from eye-tracking, the stretch goals were not cancelled, they just offered an option to redeem them. Anyone who wants can wait until all products will be ready.
From Kickstarter:
“backers must understand that Kickstarter is not a store. When you back a project on Kickstarter, you’re helping create something new — not pre-ordering something that already exists. As Kickstarter does not offer refunds, we encourage backers to investigate the project idea first, to vet the creator thoroughly, and to assess the inherent risk of the project for themselves before making a pledge”
“…if a creator is absolutely unable to complete the project and fulfill rewards, they must make every reasonable effort to find another way of bringing the project to a satisfying conclusion for their backers”
What initial price? The only price when we backed was the kickstarter price. There was no other price. That’s what they valued the hmd at the time. Also there was no hmd, hmd did not exist, the took our money and made 3k+ HMD’s, after that they made them and charged what ever they wanted and made more.
Compared to the Pimax Store official price
Have they been delivered, NO! it’s been 2 years. So maybe they will maybe they won’t.
Maybe the kickstarter price was the official price and decided they want more profits so the increased it after. Or they changed casing and other things so the current 5+ costs more. It does matter. We paid price offered during the kickstarter and they are not offering any discounts to backers for the new HMD’s. (Even though they are saying they are)
How can they ship products that are not ready yet? But if you say they’ll never be ready, then you either don’t follow the forum, or you aren’t talking honestly.
Your wasting time on one whom cannot understand.
That never happened. Maybe you don’t know Kickstarter well.