Pimax Crystal - status, updates and fixes (Part 1)

I thought you gave a realistic account of what’s happening with Pimax and Crystal. Hopefully things improve before it’s too late.

I’m not sure what the problem was with the title?


Hardly think posting a basic description on only 1 of your vids is editorializing your videos.

More like the other way around after you flipped out when I posted Dec update pic on Discord. Blocking me for asking you what you found confusing. Other than the Hand Tracker lol

Still don’t know why you flipped out. But not really important as you didn’t want to clarify. Figured you were just having an off day.

I just used “After Thr Fall” as a gag on when you used that game in reference to Sims not being real games. Nice Edit after all the downvotes btw.


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Nice try, but that’s not what happened and you know it. I don’t even know what Dec update pic you are talking about.

Your public attacks on me in the discord are what got you blocked - twice now. This time it’s sticking, and I’m done with you and your bs once and for all.

You’ve also changed the title of one of my videos to refer to Pimax as “Liemax”. Which you can argue perfectly well that they deserve after fovgate, but what’s not I what titled the video.

Frankly, I’d rather just be done with all of this. Go ahead and badmouth me and gaslight as much as you like, but I’m not going to be a party to this nonsense anymore.

That is exactly what happened. But I am not going to bother going to discord to get the ss. Not sure what you considering public attacks save you freaked out just after stating Dec update pic was vague. When asked what you found confusing

There is the pic to refresh your memory. Your last video was quite refreshing.

I suggest we leave it be as it really is not important why decided to have a problem with me. I even asked you when you implied there was a problem. A friendly discussion is hardly attacking anyone. I have observed that other ppl might think your attacking them on Discord.

My post like your video simply had click bait nothing more.


You are quite the liar. Anyone can look at the topic where your videos are with other testers. Your making yourself look terrible; thank you.

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What Date did you pre-order the Crystal?

Wow thats wild accusations there my man. Helio’s been with pimax f\or many years now, and i think you should stop right there making up these stories. Someone linking your URL, causes OpenMR to pull YOUR headings and words. You really are out of control it seems.

Helio is the last person to do that. And he’s done so much for the community and helped so many people here, it’s a shame you’re putting him on blast like this. the guy worked for FREEEEE to help the company since the Pimax 4k - probably 6 years before you heard about the pimax headset (in 2022 mr. pimaxian expert jamejane).
If a guy like him leaves the community, it would just be a shame and i would hold you directly responsible for that.
Get your story straight dude and stop the flip flopping and flowing with where the masses are going. Grow a real opinion and stick to it.


In the edit he said he was just “teasing” but he was clearly not.

A little too emotional now and indeed wild accusations :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

JameJame’s pronouns are not he/him, if you’re going to take issue with points being made and her behaviour then that’s fine but have the decency to at least refer to her properly. It comes across as being deliberately hurtful which is far worse than any behaviour you could claim Jame was exhibiting.

Not going to get involved beyond this but felt it important to call out as it’s a disgusting way to get on, I thought we had a better community than that.


Thank you Smallbaguette. All she had to do was correct a wrong pro noun. Maybe she is too young to remember “Boy George” how one dresses dies not denote preferred sex.

I know women whom dress masculine with no make up and short hair. They really take offense if you a ask them if their a man. Cross dressing one should not presume a preferred pronoun.

Thank you for helping @jamejame out saying what she was unable. So of that is her problem I apologize.


It was entirely me that brought it up, so no reflection on JameJame. Just wanted to clear it up is all. Also just if she brought it up then it would be used against her, I’ve seen far too many times were people claim trying to let someone know something like that is just being used as a way to win the argument. Not saying you would do that but it’s completely understandable that a lot of people end up not trying because it just gets weaponised against them. It can be hard to be aware of this stuff if you haven’t lived it, anyway let’s get back to talking about the crystal.

Interesting news, beta testers should be getting ET later this week. Not sure what all will be implemented but it will be great to try out. I might try make up some sort of mock menu in unreal for selecting items via eye tracking, might be a good test. Or does anyone know of any good eye tracking tests that already exist? Maybe even a webXR one or something?


Sure that is always a possibility but as long as ppl find reasons not to keep trying nothing will change.

so 6 weeks until the glass lenses?or is bradley just talking random

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Could be both. They aren’t mutually exclusive terms. I tend to think it’s mostly Bradley talking out his a$$ as usual. I think Pimax May actually have the lenses now, so shipping time should be less than 6 weeks. Maybe 3? 2 weeks hopefully.

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Can pimax sell a lighthouse version without controllers for 1000$±


They could but they won’t.

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Seems like some glass lenses are shipping out today.

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If they un-bundle the controllers and finish the LH module they could get closer but remains to be seen. Not counting on it.


There’s 3 options and non would make sense.

1st, sell a Crystal HMD only. Makes no sense as the cost of the face plate and controllers are so cheap there’s no financial gain and only complicates logistics splitting SKUs.

2nd, if you wanted to sell your Crystal later you would reduce your chances without the controllers and FP.

3rd, sell controllers and base stations. Makes no sense now Valve have offloaded BS 2.0 to HTC. I doubt HTC would deal with Pimax if they don’t have to. Why buy Knuckles from Pimax/China Shen you can buy them cheaper from Valve.