Pimax Crystal - status, updates and fixes (Part 1)

1 Wouldn’t say Pimax thinks it’s controllers are cheap. They were thinking Sword was worth $400 at one point.

2 If you sell controllers separately then not an issue…

3 They don’t need to sell Index controllers and base stations. Valve does that. Just like you don’t need to buy a steering wheel or hotas from Pimax.

Separating skus isn’t hard. It’s not like Valve keeping them from selling Index un-bundled. It’s Pimax’s controllers. It’s not like they haven’t been selling a la carte. hmds up to now. It’s more about will than way.

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The Crystal controllers are very cheap, not worth leaving them out to create a second SKU.

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What would you estimate the controllers to be worth?

The whole Crystal BOM is under £600. I would say the controllers are around £60.


The issue Pimax have is that they are offering a product featuring its standalone capabilities prominently.
If you take away the controllers, you are left with a mere PC VR headset depending on the lighthouse faceplate and external lighthouse boxes and controllers. While a fair number of users in this forum would probably say that’s fine with them because that’s exactly how they intend to put it to use, Pimax may fear that it looks a bit stupid and overpriced if you factor in the cost of this 3rd party hardware.

And they may already have concrete plans for a stripped down version of the Crystal which could be offered at a lower price (say $1K) without the inside out tracking but only the lighthouse face plate, no wireless and perhaps even no XR2 and a SoC instead which doesn’t need a separate battery due to lower power consumption.

But who knows. Let’s wait until the Crystal is finally fully functional, that will apparently take another couple of months or more.

Definitely not for 1000, the controllers don’t cost 500 dollars lol. At best it would be the same price with LH faceplate instead of controllers.

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Good point tbh, they’d either be selling it for less margin (as in replacing the controllers with the faceplate) and also making certain functionality unusable. Actual best case scenario is a few months after the LH faceplate comes out they offer a bundle deal that knows 50% off the cost of the faceplate. Always good to have the option to use the AIO controllers anyway for when your base station or index controllers inevitably give up (or just if you want to take the headset somewhere else without the whole LH setup etc).


Funny how they value Sword @ $270

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Ones is the cost of manufacture for Crystal controllers the other is wishful thinking on Pimaxes side.


I dunno. I look at the controllers and, I wouldn’t pay more than $99.99 for the pair.

IMO, even if they did sell just the Crystal without the controllers, they’d never sell it for $1000.
£1000 maybe.

If there are better compatible controllers out there, and existing customers already have those controllers, or want better ones, then I see value in the option to reduce the price a bit and remove the controllers.

Re-sale-ability is in the end consumer’s realm of responsibility. If they wanna make it more difficult to sell the unit on EBAY, let them have fun with that, right?

Right now PIMAX is selling the ‘PACKAGE DEAL’. But if there’s enough call for it, they’d definitely make another SKU if that equates to more sales of their HMD.


Funny how you have all Pimax’s costs figured. You live in Shanghai?

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Are the swords really bad?

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Seems relatively fair. Fairer than his other reviews. Not really saying anything all that new though.


I thought it seemed fair too although i haven’t used a Crystal so may not agree with him on everything.


Such a shame the crystal didn’t launch with the promised 125 fov. I honestly think for sim flyers & racers all the other issues could have been overlooked and it would have hit that sweet spot of clarity & fov we keep dreaming of. But I just can’t see who this headset is for. After all isn’t super wide fov supposed to be the one thing Pimax do that no one else does.
I’m still really interested in watching how the 12k develops, hopefully they learn a lot from this launch.


Here’s the BOM if you missed it. All prices in $.

The controllers are not listed specifically but there is an extras list for $131 so maybe they’re included there.

The total cost is actually $500.

No need to live in Shanghai.


Sorry can’t read that

There you go big dog :wink:


Quite incredible how all that info is there. How is that even possible, did this leak or are chinese companies forced to publish all that? Interesting to see the lens manufacturer for example 安防镜头 | 车载镜头 | 投影镜头 | 手机镜头 | VR镜头 | 数码镜头-中山联合光电科技股份有限公司