Pimax and Marketing Strategy 101

Well I though they had fixed most of the problems with the 5K+.
I know it needs to be seen if they have fixed every thing, but until some one comes back and says its still got problems then we just don’t know.

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You don’t know if they fixed all problems until they send out the units. Even then there are probably rough batches created before the new processes @PimaxUSA said were introduced.

More importantly you have to plan for how to deal with the worst possible situations. Hypothetically if the RMAs increased 5x not because the ‘No. of failures per batch’ has increased but because the ‘No. of batches sold’ has increased, that is still a lot to handle by the small Pimax Staff.

You don’t create company growth by trying to bite more than you can chew. You’ll just end up losing your reputation, money or both.


Thank you very much for your advice.:handshake:
I have deleted that post.
I agree with you. I think we need to think about how to make marketing better.


Sometimes the marketers confuse the “enthusiast” with “stupid rich”, usually you can figure it out easily, if by swapping the terms their marketing slogans still make perfect sense :wink:.

But the problem is in the details. What you wrote would be a quite good message, if it was true, but then you might try to dig into the details and find out

That diagonal is not exactly 170° and might be even less than 160° (https://risa2000.github.io/hmdgdb/hmd_cfgs/Pimax8K_Large_Native.html). Which actually has absolutely no impact on the perception of the product, because the FOV is already far better than anything else on the (consumer) market, but by supplying incorrect info, you already made your customer doubt.

This will be a good argument if you sell TVs (or monitors), but in VR the displays are always overlapping, and what you see is always some kind of mix of both panels in one view, so this calculation does not really make sense, but if you decide to push this message, you just make the (enthusiast) customer to doubt even more.

Then you find out that some features work only on Nvidia RTX cards (but no-one tells you), some probably will never work (dynamic foveated rendering) and for the rest the results are mixed. There is nothing wrong about advertising features, but is this really something which makes the product distinct from the others?

Well the “cutting edge” release seemed so far be the version from the last year.

If you want to do an effective marketing, you need the poignant message, but you also need to back up the message by the product. The art of marketing is actually knowing the strengths and doing this message right. Otherwise, it does not matter whether you are a Chinese or US company, you will eventually fail (unless you have a monopoly).


@risa2000 Everything Marketing Wise has a *Asterisk.

It’s why you see ‘Terms and Conditions Apply’.

Honestly I just saw @Sweviver use 170°. Then again people say the Index is 115° and they are probably wrong.

What you want is to get your target audience interested in said product.

Enthusiast are people who are either stupid rich or people who spend their income disproportionately on stuff their hobbies.

Honestly I don’t think the RTX Cards thing is a big deal. If you are buying a 1,300 Stand Alone headset not to mention the full package is like 1,300(Headset) +300 (Eye Tracking) +300 (Base Stations)+ 279 (Index Controllers). You’re definitely not going to have an old GPU.

Pimax does have the monopoly on High FOV Consumer Grade Headsets. It’s the only reason we’re here.

Enthusiast are also people who are going to do the research before buying the product. They just need to know an awesome product exist. The best thing Pimax can do is work on their Quality Control and get a stable launch for 8K+ and the 8KX. If the 400 Backer units come out with little to no problems and glowing reviews people here and elsewhere will be more willing to shell out money.


Do you work in marketing? :slight_smile:
I always thought that an enthusiast was just a person who was passionate about something particular.

It is not big deal, but you should be honest about it.

I have GTX 1080Ti and I see no reason to upgrade.

More reason to be honest about the product.


Might wanna have someone proof read your changes too.



@Matthew.Xu you know, you can ask community help with spelling. Lot of native english speakers here.
Make a contest about a new slogan for Pimax.


Dat boob doe. :heart_eyes:

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The reason why the RTX Cards are needed is because they have variable rate shading. You need both eye tracking and variable rate shading to do Dynamic Foveated Rendering.

Honestly I myself am waiting for the proper 3080Ti hoping for a real performance increase.


I know it’s insane considering the price but i like my 2080TI and RTX and other features - it’s just once again doing a bit of avantgarde
but as always the first gen cards of a new feature set are always not the best in price/ performance ratio - I am sure the 3080TI will be quite good - if most likely Still not cheap . Hope AMD can stay competitive.


Hi @Matthew.Xu

I think you have lots of people interested in the XR because black levels are a really huge down side to LCD models. I love the Valve Index but grey blacks and dull colors do nothing for me after using the Odyssey Plus. It’s a really difficult decision for me to pay 2X the price for an LCD 8K-X

If you could offer a higher res XR model you would have a huge advantage over the competition. I would certainly buy the XR over the 8K-X if it had less SDE even if the price was $2000. Perhaps 1800P RGB OLED like star VR?? I really hope you guys find supply a good OLED Display soon :beers:

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This part actually is a big deal. As say with the “*” currently some the key advertising points like FFR & potential of DFR (req Eye tracking so not a key thing to advertise as the hmd cannot do it without; same with Dynamic Distortion correction). But FFR & DFR are most likely limited to RTX cards so the Asterisk is very important to highlight this is crippled on non RTX cards.

Amd compatability for GPUs also needs an Asterisk as Nvidia 1070 or Amd Equivilent - needs to highlight what Amd Gpus are currently working well.

Not all enthusiasts are slaves to Nvidia.

Yes some are still stating FoV higher than what is Rendered. I remember @specsreader had some valid questions about comparisons; not sure if @sweviver has had time to address them yet with prepping for Pimax Day 2.


They definitely need to fix their compatibility.

Personally I’d get an AMD Card. The only problem is the 5700XT is weak.

To a point but being around a 2070 is still quite decent & Amd Gpus ofter improve performance as driver maturity & dev utilization. Price is also quite good.

Yes they need to bring something strong to the table again like the 7000 series did.

Amd & Pimax really need to figure out what the conflict is with Pimax Headsets.

We’ll find out more in 24hrs. No one here has even seen the Dynamic Foveated Rendering work.

You have to admit no one else has that!:wink:


Did they seriously spell Unrivalled Wrong?

@VR247 I think someone fixed that Unrivalied. Since it shows me Unrivalled in the website.

Holy crap though Pimax really needs to work on their slogans.

Pimax 5K XR should focus on Deeper Blacks and more ‘Natural Colors’

Anyways the 8KX is going to be the next ‘Unrivalled Clarity’


Yes we will. Is it RTX limited & simply a Dynamic eye tracked FFR? Or is it Dynamic FR rendering usuable on GTX & Amd cards?

Simply truth either way it will likely be hit & miss just like FFR. It a game runs well with FFR then the eye tracker variation should work well with the reverse being true.

Programs need native in program support. Upconverting like upscaling has limits. Like upconverting flat video to 3d vs filmed in 3d.

Sounds good. I will do as you say. Thanks a lot.