Pimax 7th Anniversary Event

At least there’s a date now.

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Hahaha that’s how I used to feel about Pimax. But you get used to that “Pimax hype” which usually is followed by disappointment anyway. Can’t say I’m very hyped at all this time, although the 12K does intrigue me. But I’m not expecting to see that headset this year released and I’m also not expecting them to deliver on all the specs.

And the Crystal doesn’t interest me at all, I’m expecting it to be like a Varjo, only less well executed. We’ll see though, even if it would beat Varjo (can’t imagine that), I still don’t see a worthwhile upgrade path for Aero owners here. They have about the same resolution, about the same FoV (134 vs 140 diagonally advertised) and we’ll have to see about Pimax lenses and comfort.

The only thing it might hold over the Aero would be the wifi part. But I highly doubt that will work like you’d hope it would work, for example heavily compressed, most likely rendering it a gimmick.

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Its very strange Pimax don’t even acknowledge Crystals existance on the Pimax.com header.

It would be funny and sad if Pimax shelved the Crystal altogether. But I wouldn’t be supprised at this point.

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Really? What makes you think they will shelve it?

Nah I think that’s just Pimax being Pimax. Somebody forgot to tell the web designer that they have an upcoming product called Crystal. I honestly think that’s what’s happened here. I don’t think they’ll shelve it.


I have the same feeling about this…


But it’s been pointed out to Pimax several times. The website is at the bottom of my list of reasoning though.

Top of my list?
The fact we’re two weeks away from launch and there’s not 1 person from the public, media, YT or even Pimax that have said they’ve seen or used the final retail unit. That is super sus. Pimax were not shy revealing the Crystal headset in May but ever since then - nothing. Not one leak. Not one photo. Just a distant image from the Qualcomm stand. If Crystal was two weeks away we’d know about it. Even Valve released lot’s of data about the Steam Deck before launch aka Linus tech tips. Are Pimax going to launch a product before anyone has even seen it and take Valves crown? lol

I could be wrong but get ready for bad news.

Shelving it?
If Crystal gets pushed back due to (core tech) that same reason affects the 12k too. If the original reason the 12k is Q4 and the core tech is fixed by Q4 the two releases (Crystal and the 12k) will merge. No one wants Crystal if the 12k comes at, or around the same time so theoretically Crystal gets shelved because 95% of people want wide FOV.

That’s my pure speculation lol. Don’t shoot me. If Crystal comes out in two weeks guns blazing fantastic. I hope it does.

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i hope they listen to his opinion about pimax and the 8kx,this is the truth what he says here…

So suprise us pimax…


Haha I’ve got those same acoustic wall panels in my room. lol

Thrill Seeker - Sword controllers only have 3 hours batter life. Shoot I spent more than 3 hours trouble shooting these.

IGJBM Displays lol


But that’s obviously not the case. First they’ll do roadshows, then they need to do mass production tooling, then testing of those, then they actually need to mass produce and then start shipping. I don’t believe they totally shelved it. It’s “just” delayed. I’m expecting them to announce the start of the road shows during the coming event.

Haha Pimax never listens to what’s being said on this forum. But yeah the guy is pretty spot on.


Precisely. He just summed up what we have been telling them in here for years.


Kevin confirmed on discord that the retail units are in production right now, hardware is final but software is still being worked on. He mentioned that there is a stable firmware but some features are missing while there it also a less stable firmware that has all the features in it. If the physical units are being produced right now, guessing some already are finished (I have no idea how production works lol) then seems like the launch is fairly imminent unless there’s some show stopping software bugs that need to be addressed first.


Cool roll on the Beta testers lol

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Its got to be the Crystal, very excited to see this become a reality.


Pun intended? lol

That part made me chuckle. He said the same thing about UploadVR not reviewing the 8K. They were waiting on a non Beta Firmware. Guess what - Pimases Firmware is never out of Beta.

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But lets not get too pessimistic. Pimax have two weeks to pull the Rabit out of the hat and wow us all. I’m sure RoadtoVR, UploadVR, Thrillseeker will have priority units for review. lol

I take everything he says with a huge chunk of salt. Like when Pimax supposedly was going to show the 12k at CES 2022 and then the reason for now showing it was, according to Kevin, that parts got sent to the wrong address in Las Vegas. And then they’d do a demo, but then Kevin said Sweviver got Covid. And then, a year full of NOTHING.

So in this case, action speaks much louder than words. We’ll see when it releases… I’m not expecting anything any time soon.


I say 2 weeks it’s actually only 11 days now.

Haha yeah I remember that. He makes up random excuses it seems. With Pimax we’ll just have to see what happens.

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