Pimax 5k+ received! Early experience (Spamenigma)

Thank you so much for all the info when you must really just want to play with your new toy :grinning:
Can I ask you as someone who hates SDE and pixilation of 1st gen HMD’s
If the Vive SDE is 100% noticeable and distracting what percentage would you put the 5k SDE at?
I know it is subjective to some degree but just give you opinion having experienced both HMD’s
Also the pixilation and general lack of clarity was bad enough for me not to enjoy race sims, using the same guide where you would put 5k clarity as compared with the Vive?
Many thanks.

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I am SO envious. I’ll need to wait at least a couple of months to see it myself. (Backer # 31XX)


He already answered that SDE question a few posts above:

Vive 8/10, Rift 7/10, 5K+ 3.5/10… going from memory… I will do some comparison testing this weekend with all my HMD’s to refresh my memory and compare properly and revisit my scores

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@Chucksta was not super happy with the SDE on 8k, interesting.

Edit. maybe thats one of the reason the 3 awesome heroes of ours preferred the 5k+, the pattern of the SDE?


Yeah seems counter to everything we have heard from the testers.

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Yeah like, “you see it if you try to look for it” but is it more annoying on 8k when you actually see it? (edit. judging by the thru-lens shoots, I think so) Very interesting and definately very giggity.

It’s in line with what (most of the) Spanish testers said.

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Hey, no verbal dumping on my post! keep it civil please! :slight_smile:


I want a neural implant… :beers::innocent::+1::sparkles:


Sir, one question! are you british? i hope so cause you guys are critical lol so this would be extra gud news


Oh btw, what FOV settings did you try in these impressions above? Also, which is your preferred settings? did you try all three? would you keep the large fov or is the medium fov almost the same…?

No problem, to be honest I’m working too much from memory and running on hype for finally seeing it. So tomorrow I’ll get to a bit more playing and will get my Vive and Rift connected and compare to form a more accurate opinion. I’ll try and remove the VRose tinted glasses and get a better feel for it all.

SDE is a pain at times but we know its not going anywhere for a while longer. I admit I have a little disappointment in seeing it still but I need to decide if or when its distracting. I also admit in the brief moments I’ve tried this HMD today there are already some experiences it does feel like its vanished but tomorrow I’ll get more time to look at it.


I’m having the same issue @spamenigma @yanfeng.

I had .84 initially installed and I then reverted back to .76 with my GTX 1070 and everything
worked. Had a mess around in ED for a few minutes to test differences between the PITool versions and then
thought I would try the GTX 1080ti that had just arrived.

I ran DDU and did a clean install of Nvidia drivers, plugged the headset in and couldn’t get it to connect.
I un-installed then re-installed PITool .76 but still couldn’t connect.

Started to think that I had Display Port problems on the 1080ti. When turning on the HMD when the screens inside the headset flashed on for a few secs I could see horizontal coloured lines. By this time it was getting late and decided to leave it for the night and have a fresh look this morning.

Will try updating to .84 when I have time later to see if the new card runs.
I would prefer to run .76 though. as it was better with my 1070 visually.
One thing I noticed was that on .84 the colours on the HUD in ED were more vibrant.



Yes, I’m British :slight_smile: and I will do my best to give the story as I see it.

For FOV, I did try all three but the experience was so brief it was more to just see things work. So I’ll get to some proper playing tomorrow.

The large FOV didn’t feel that bad, but I’m still wrapping my head around the distortion now that I’ve seen what its actually doing. Its not actually that bad its just a bit strange. Obviously it could be per case…some games look or perform worse at higher FOV etc… so will gradually get a feel for that as will others.


It certainly felt like something was messing with the video card and causing issues when on .76. My main screen going off/on and everything stalling for a moment, like drivers are being installed/hardware changes occurring but not going well.

@Chucksta has posted a procedure that worked for him, so worth a shot if its just getting things done in a very critical order.

I’ll try this over the weekend.


Yeah something is definitely wrong. Not sure if the headset firmware has something to do with this
as I also updated that when I first got the headset.

Its going to be trial and error for a little while til we get things down pat.

I think we need a new Thread or Forum Category where we can discuss issues and settings, at the moment everything is all over place.

I’m sure I did the exact same thing as @Chucksta. I did lots of different combinations.

Thanks @spamenigma will check out that post :slight_smile:



I thought we early backers were getting a super secret channel we’re able to chat in without anyone spying on us… :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Absolutely though, there is going to be a lot of head scratching in the foreseeable but its going to be fun!


Can you see http://community.openmr.ai/c/pimax-8k/early-backers ? :eyes:


Yes, it appears I can. :thinking:


I can also see the Early Backers but not able to post or reply to anything?