New through-the-lens 8K vs 5K+ video :)

True for small text, not for big text

take a look at R from at least 2.5 - 3 meters from monitor


It should allow you to improve the images, but SweViver essentially maxed out the rendering options (200% and 3.0 supersampling), so this is probably what you’d see on the RTX.

I should mention that the 8K still has numerous advantages (warmer colors, better blacks, smoother gradients, etc.), but small detail visibility is NOT on the list. The 5K+ wins in that situation.

I would still recommend that if viewing movies is your primary use, you should still probably get the 8K.

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what games have these small details?

I think If there was no such thing as a 5k+ everyone would be happy with the 8k . Since the Kickstarter campaign ended Pimax managed to find some better 5k screens that still suited their price point for the 5k so they jumped on them. They couldn’t have known that was going to happen during the Kickstarter campaign. I think the 5k+ is just an unexpected bonus for us backers.


for the 3rd game maybe project cars, looking through the windshield on California highway track

Games like Elite Dangerous, which has small text and faraway objects.

neither is 8k:smirk:

Yeah I think some of the 8k shots look better than the 5k+ in SweVivers video . But as more info comes in I am definitely on the 5k+ team.

all Elite Dangerous texts of are perfectly readable on a normal Vive, they are not exactly small texts, I think they will be beautiful in 8K

faraway objects not necessarily more visible in the 5K, we will see the tests, faraway objects aren’t like small text


I’ve never used a Vive, so I can’t make that comparison. Much of the ED text is of good size, but the text on “targets” and the coordinates on the SRV display are small enough that I have trouble reading them on a “true” 4K monitor. Regardless, it looks like the 8K would be best used for watching movies and such.

Honestly, I really do prefer the smoothness of the 8K, but I think I value being able to distinguish small details more, so I’ve decided to get the 5K+.


Thanks for this very interesting comparison! @neal_white_iii

Looks like 8K hasn’t the appropriate amount of pixels or did I miss something?

And as already mentioned by @SweViver do you agree that maybe the matrix of the 8K isn’t capable to display a better image? (apart from the upscaler problem)

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Can read those texts both on CV1 and Vive - Both will be way better in either 8k/ or 5k+ … but already easily readable in current gen VR


Looks like an issue possibly the pixel layout and the upscaler. Wondering if they are using the same lens profile for both headsets and if so may get better results using separate lens profiles.

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Nice images! It was really cool seeing you zoom in that far. It started making me think of how we’re also made up of little bits of material when you zoom in enough…

Anyway, I know the 5K+ is supposed to be 2560x1440, but I found this, which could explain how the 5K+ screens could be pretty close to the 8K’s:

Sharp IZGO 4.1-inch 2560x1600

The extra 160 pixels than 1440 and smaller size (4.1 vs 5.5-inch of the 8K) could make a bigger difference than expected. It would mean the 8K’s PPD would be something like 28% better instead of 43% according to the phrogz calculator, comparing to a 2560x1440 5-inch screen(9% smaller than a 5.5-inch screen like Pimax said).

We’re sure it’s 2560x1440 though, right?


I think most backers are going to wait until the last minute to decide just in case pimax improves the clarity issue on the 8k with software updates .


Agreed. I’m pretty much in the 5k+ camp, now, but between now and when I get the email to ask for a preference, I’ll still be looking for some sign that the 8k can be improved in some way that brings me back to it


I sure wish I could try both these headsets in person, before making my decision.

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Im certainly envious of the Berlin backers chance to do exactly that. :frowning:

Unless you mean trying a Vive or Rift… In that case, I can tell you that if Im exploring or just hanging out in space, I prefer the Vive, with its blacks and colours, yet if Im going for combat or something where I want slightly more egde and line detail, I’ll prefer the CV1. In other sims that are not dark, such as WarThunder, I go with the Rift.

I think choosing between the 8k and 5k+ mirrors my existing Vive/Rift choices.

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I think it’s worth reiterating: Both the 5K+ and 8K are better than any other “consumer” headset you can currently buy. Neither is best. They both have strengths and weaknesses. Make your personal decision as to which appeals to you most and be happy.

I originally backed the 5K and later upgraded to the 8K before the Kickstarter ended. I’ve now decided I’m getting a 5K+, which is better than either (at least in some aspects).


The 5K was not significantly different from the 5K+, same pixel pattern (RGB stripe) just not quite as dense (9%). We would be having this exact same discussion even if there was no 5K+.