New through-the-lens 8K vs 5K+ video :)

Yeah, thanks @sweviver this pretty much seals it for me

I echo @neal_white_iii in his comment above… Well, apart from already having spent $100 on getting the Leap Motion in the original pledge, my $100 credit will go towards wireless, or knuckle controllers. The decision process is the exactly the same

@Dr.Cube thanks for the gifs, I did just a cut and past to get some of these images next to each-other for those comparisons but animating it makes it stand out

I’ll get a 5k+ at this time, with a view to buying an 8k+/next headset in another couple of years - at which time it may no longer be the Pimax 8k+ which has the edge on delivering HD VR at a this pricepoint… The next Oculus, Vive, StarVR or whatever may be around in 2020.

Essentially, the 5k+ is a better step between what I have now (Rift/Vive) and what I buy next (8k+/Oculus/StarVR/whatever) …


Really great video for what it shows, thanks! …but I was kind-of disappointed right at the beginning when it was said that supersampling was really being cranked to the max, really warping the image before sending it to the headsets. While I can see the reasoning behind it, in my mind it’s not a realistic test of the differences between the two headsets, because some of those differences could be caused by how the software downconverts for each of the two headsets to 1440p, plus nobody will ever be using their headsets like that, by the time we get video cards that can handle it, we’ll be using our Pimax 16k AR headsets. I’d much rather the tests be done at Pimax 1.0, SteamVR 100%.

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Thanks for taking the time, any chance you could add a picture of the same shot from a Vive? I think many are losing site of how much of an increase they both are. These are ultra zoomed pics that you will never see when you are wearing them. I wish we could get a more natural distance shot.


I think there are two things at play here.

  1. The Scaler
  2. The Pixel Pattern

Firstly scaling 1440p to 2160p there is not way that is ever going to be sharp, so it makes sense that the text would look shittier on the 8k. Regardless of the pixel pattern.
1440p / 2160p is 2/3 so you need to morph 2 pixels into 3 pixels not gonna happen. To tell the truth im surprised considering the performance that they wouldnt have an option to render at 1080p because then it would be exact double to scale to the 4k panel, and no interpolation would be required and you would get razor sharp scaling.

Even if the 5k had that diagonal pixel pattern you would have a problem. Because by nature 3d graphics are rasterized to 2d pixels horizontal and vertical. Displaying that on a diagonal pattern can never be perfect.


not necessarily, the diamond patterns (that’ s the name) is a problem with the scaler, but a potential advantage without

Why DLP Uses Diamond Pixel
The “marketing spin” I have heard for
the diamond pixel organization is that it can give perceptively better
resolution. But this could only be true if the source image is much
higher resolution than the displayed image. As the pictures above
demonstrate, about the worst case image is to drive the Diamond Pixel
with its supposed “native” resolution.


somebody here said that they are doubting whether it really a 4k panel.

Is it possible that the reason that the 8k pixels seem so big is because the screen is larger?

they did say that the new panels for the 5k are smaller.

i wonder if its possible for you to take a super put a piece of measuring tape on the lens and then take a zoomed in photo and count the pixels or something.

Im betting that the Pixels Per Inch isnt as far apart as they would have you believe.

maybe, but the shot with the same focal length at the same distance simulates what our eyes really see, which is what matters

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yes exactly 1440/2160 is 2/3 which means that scaler has to turn 1 pixel in to 1.5 pixels.

native will always win.

plus the diagonal pattern, means the original image which was originally horizontal and vertical need to be displayed in a non standard pattern …

all-in-all im beginning to wonder if they could have saved themselves a huge waste of money and time and just had the 5k+ as a single product instead of this faux 4k stuff.


two were the big selling points of Pimax 8K

  • big fov
  • screendoor free

5K isn’t a screendoor free headset

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I agree with this. Pleas do this

Thanks for filming this video @SweViver! It seems to me from the shots that the 8k panel might have a large brightness variation between the red, green, and blue sub pixels with the green being the brightest. I am wondering if maybe the screens just need to be color calibrated or something to fix some of the issues shown. Its also possible that Pimax could implement a better way to render text in the 8k given the pixel layout being diagonal instead of square like in the 5k but given our lack of knowledge in how the rendering pipeline works its anyone’s guess if that’s possible. This could also just be the result of developers creating their games with a square pixel matrix in mind instead of a diagonal one which would make this a much more difficult problem to solve. The font definitely makes a difference when it comes to how the text is rendered (the shot of the “600” in the cockpit being one example of this) since most text is fairly square and not round.

Is the the difference between the larger [underutilized] 8k panel vs smaller 5k?

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No, I don’t think so. I think the problem is the “diamond” pixel pattern on the 8K and that each pixel is apparently RB or G, not a full RGB stripe.


Are these the same screens that were used on the m2?

Yes, since the 3 beta testers were given the m2 headsets at the Berlin meetup.

Sorry I meant v2 from last year.

Here is another option that I have been looking at for my Canon. Cheap Macro lens with decent reviews.

I am waiting to see the comparision on RTX, not sure that it will make image better for 8k pixel pattern?

I don’t know, but I suspect that they would be the same panels.

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How can the Pimax 8K be so bad. Hmmm…i definitely want to upgrade to 8K X if giving the chance now. Pimax need to let people who chose the 8K in the beginning a chance to upgrade since they have not live up to the expectation with the 8K.