New through-the-lens 8K vs 5K+ video :)

I think you might like this one. Or at least it will definitely make your 5K+ vs 8K decision easier!

Aaaaand…Let the in-depth discussions begin! :slight_smile:


This is exactly the kind of thing I have been waiting and hoping for SweViver. Thank you immensely for doing this. I’m hopeful your video will make the differences clear and help me make my decision.


Thanks, I really like getting the ‘step back’ zoomed out video views through the lens, gives us a whole new perspective on how small the little things we’re examining really are.


Thanks man! I was going to bed but I’ll wait for your video.


An hour has past…waiting patiently :stuck_out_tongue:


We’re at the “so” part of “an hour or so.” :wink:


Can you have more pixel size image which similar our naked eye?

And pixel of 8k is not zigzag like 4k really?

Another recommendation ,it will be great if we have the table of test list of each game such as setting and result, thanks.

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Video is now up :slight_smile: Sorry the delay… forgot to make thumbnail in all rush lol…

And if you womder why only 10 shots…this took me 5 hours this morning after work (only the photographing, its such a pain in the *ss) haha, so I had no more time but sleep for 3 hours before next working shift… :joy:


Just saw the video and it was really great, but I missed that with that new camera, you also made this amazing zooms of objects at distance, like the plane or buildings at far distance, where you say the 8K makes a difference. But you made a great video, thanks a lot for make it with supersampling at max.

From this video is almost impossible for me to say no to the 5K+ except for the color temperature, I know you said that we mustn’t pay attention to it but all the time in that video, I wondered if Pimax could provide color calibration for the 5K+. It’s probably the only conflicting point for me now.

Thanks again Sweviver


Same here. The definition is stunning but man that color seems to bother me every time I see comparison shots

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I think you’d stop noticing the 6500k(?) color temp on the 5K+. And I assume that there’s a way to use a color profile… I mean they’ve been around for monitors for a couple decades…

@SweViver Great video man. I really appreciated the ability to see the close up zooms of the subpixels. I can’t wait for my 5K+ and I hope I can get an 8K-X (or comparable HMD) later!


You deserve a good rest man, I appreciate you do this, but I feel bad if that steals you sleep hours. Cheers


So do you feel it’s the weird sub-pixel layout on the panel that is holding back the 8k, rather than the scaler?

If Pimax uses the same panels for the 8k-X, can we expect it to be limited in a similar way?


Great jobs! thanks a lot, it really help,definitely 5K+ winner now!

Is there any chance we can see a video comparing colors or that is too hard of a setup? The difference in colors for TheBlue of my Vive vs the 8K really marked me and i would love a deep dive of 5k+ vs 8k vs Vive on it.


Thanks sweviver,

5k+ it is for me and your video is exactly what I needed to make up my mind.
really appreciate you doing this for the backers of this project.


So you owned a Canon 6D, and just now you realized that you could use it instead of your smartphone? Let me say LOL, but with love :heartpulse::grin:

you forgot to use the RAW, it’s no big deal since you’ll need to do more test, these are readability tests, we play games, we do not use headsets for ophthalmic tests :sunglasses:

Some distant objects from AC or Onward should be good

BTW, this is the cheapest way to make macros with an SLR:

I want to clearly see the single subpixel, LOL.


It looks like the pixels on the 8k don’t always turn off fully and that’s whats contributing to the 8k looking less sharp.


This was really helpful in a lot of ways.

One thing though that I do want to make a point of, and I understand why it is being done, is that a lot of the debate seems to focus in on really zoomed in shots for the details.

Which honestly has been annoying me. I would really like to see some zoomed out shots as well for comparison, and a fair selection of them too across different game types. The most telling picture out of all I feel on this was the flight sim and the cockpit picture. The details were noticeably improved on the switch next to the dial for the 5k+

But I think to seal things in my mind I would also like to see some zoomed out or “Normal” shots as well. A wide variety of them compared to the 1 or 2 we have gotten. Say, comparison pictures across 8 or more games with a zoomed out or “ Normal “ view if you will.

Honestly, it frustrates me that we as backers have to go to you guys for this information when Pimax should be providing it to us instead.

But, here we are unfortunately. I feel bad asking for yet even more when it likely feels like you are killing yourself trying to get these videos out Martin.

More than anything, take care of yourself man. All of your hard work on this is really appreciated and this video definitely helped. I just want to see more normal or zoomed out pictures to finally cement my decision.

Which of course, isn’t fair to you after all of the hard work you have put in. Again, it’s unfortunate we have to go to you guys with so many questions. The time you are spending on answering those questions and assisting us though is definitely appreciated!!!


Looking at your pictures, it really makes me question whether the 8k is really using panels that are 3840 x 2160 pixels each. Seems that the SDE is too comparable between the 8k and 5k+…

Thank you for your efforts SweViver!


Thank you! THIS is the video I’ve been waiting for. It provides the info I need, to make a decision.

I do really like the smoothness of the 8K. I hate pixel jaggies and I think that the angled pixel matrix will reduce alias artifacts. I also think that for large text and subtle shading, the 8K “wins”. My main game is Elite Dangerous, so the darker blacks are also appealing.

However, small text readability is more important than all of those factors and the 90 Hz refresh is reassuring, so somewhat regretfully, I’m changing my decision and will be getting the 5K+. I’ll probably use the extra $100 to get the Leap motion add-on.