New through-the-lens 8K vs 5K+ video :)

Thanks @SweViver. As a simmer I’m sure you can appreciate that I spend most of the time looking out of the canopy. Although having somewhat clearer text is nice for reading instruments inside the cockpit, spotting objects outside is life and death. Are the units equal in this regard? Still have questions about color banding and sde.


Are there any game which we need to read the smaller text seriously?

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definitely possible by shooting in RAW and developing the photos with the same identical parameters of color and white balance

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Big thanks for the video. Helps us understand the pixel pattern a lot more. It looks like both screens are indeed RGB, so I believe the biggest problem on the 8K comes from the upscaling.

On the 5K+ there is a high contrasting and well defined difference between the pixels comprising the text and the pixels that comprise the background. The 8K on the other hand has a thin subpixel outline that is half lit which is likely the result of upscaling. That thin outline is likely the average between the background and the text which is created when the original resolution is upscaled.

The best example of upscaling blur can be seen on the green circle gauge around the 9:10 mark in the video. The 8K receives the same signal as the 5K, but instead of making a clear line between brightly lit pixels and the black unlit pixels, it creates a slight face from green to black with some pixels in between being 50% brightness.


The only ones I know are flight simulators, some cockpits are really hard to read. No driving game or Elite Dangerous has this kind of need


I think that with two side by side photos that faithfully represent the two displays, I should open them in my monitor, look at them from distance and simulate in a decent way the difference between the two screendoor. Isn’t it?

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@SweViver What headset is better for playing the Archangel, thanks. I ever try on samsung odyssey and it look wow.

I like the feeling of big thing in the game, so I am not serious with small text so much.

Do you think clarity or less sde can make us feeling more real?

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Sweviver – You asked for comment from hardcore sim guys. I haven’t did a sim since F-14 Tomcat on my Commodore 64. That said, I’m well on my way to being a future hardcore Sim dude… I just bought the Next Level full cockpit, ( arrived Friday.) ordering the A-10 Thrustmaster Hotas tonight, and looking at the V3 motion platform.

Still I’ve never used a modren flight or racing Sim. Even so, no matter what (detailed distance) problems it causes,unclear cockpit gauges are a deal breaker. 5K Plus for me!

Oh, thanks for the video. It seems to me that the increase in clarity is many times greater than any possible detail loss. I barely see the detail difference but the clarity I see easily.


Thanks Sweviver all the work you and the other testers do is outstanding. Now all this test has done is further cement my belief the should have either withheld the 5k+ or offered it as a sidegrade.

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Smaller Version:


Thanks for this Sweviver.

Pimax 8K still look like crap even if you maximize its rendering potential to the max. The lens matrix SDE pattern that they use are pretty horrible (it’s like there is a bunch of bees surrounding the text or objects you’re looking at)…they basically pretty much put a DEATH label to its potential by using this type of lenses. Something ain’t right about the pattern or dots…it needs more lights or something…why is it green or red when it should be white color. Probably due to upscaling BS resulting in pixels not getting the proper lights or dim…

That’s why I don’t understand when Sweviver said there is more definition or details far away…sure there a bit more dots but does it matter when those dots are blurry or not correctly light up? And you can’t even make out some of the numbers. So if you can’t see the numbers up close, how are you going to see something far away?? Therefore, 8K loses its definition and details. So what if 8K has less SDE or more dots to fill in…at that point…it don’t matter anymore since even maximize the rendering cannot help make it sharp. Now, I even want to question if watching movies is actually good with 8k here. How can it be better if it’s not clear up close? Or maybe it’s subtle when zoom out and that your eyes can just fill in the blank just as i predicted in another thread? I think 5K Plus is sufficient for me to play racing games and watching movies.


Yep also the first thing i noticed, shouldn’t this simply be a panel calibration issue?


thanks for these gifs. In particular take this

Now get away from your monitor until the 5K screendoor is barely visible, and watch what happens when it switches to 8K. It just disappears, along with some sharpness. I have no doubt, I prefer to see the screendoor vanishing to the readability of texts that really don’t exist in a common game.


I have a question for Sweviver:

Is it really hard to capture the 8K true definition than the 5K Plus? It looks like some of the 8K’s letters are clear while other have some part missing…aren’t they supposed to be in uniform throughout? In other words, if one letter is blurred all letters should be blurred…why only some part blurred. Is this the camera having a hard time capturing?

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Thanks everyone, Im very happy you liked it! I wish I had more time to add more images, but I will probably do more of this soon again anyway, maybe improve the photos slightly as well once I put on some Macro rings I totally forgot that I have! :slight_smile:

Thanks man! :slight_smile: Toda after work (in 1 hour) I will just go home and sleep for 8 hours or so haha, I think I need it now :wink:

Unfortunately yes. It feels like the pixel pattern seems to be the bigger problem here than the scaling and rendering, thats why its still not as sharp even when rendering has improved with latest PiTool.

I will try, but I have to spend some time setting up the correct white balance and stuff in the camera and play with it more :slight_smile: This was more of a rushed effort this morning and then I spent all evening and night editing. I could do much more, but its all about having enough time… 2 more nights of work, then 5 days off so there is much more coming!

Haha thanks man :slight_smile: I know what you mean! I have had the 6D (and 70D) for a few years, and almost 2 years ago I sold my Canon 100mm L Macro lens. I actually tried the 24-70mm for through the lens already 2 weeks ago for the review, but without macro its impossible to focus at that distance. But then I realized this morning that the lens actually has a manual Macro-switch. Its by far not as good as my previous 100mm L Macro, but it still worked to get those close shots!

Also, I have actually these Macro rings at home hehe, I totally forgot about it! THanks for the reminder, Im sure I can get even closer using the rings! :slight_smile:


Thats some great GIFs, thanks man!



supposed that most people are interested in games and not writing emails with headsets, and that a black text on white background in no way represents a game, I would suggest some scenes for the next tests:

  • Fallout VR, distant scenes with trees and fences
  • Elite Dangerous: outside of a space station (or outpost, which does not rotate)
  • Any game full of colors and small objects at a distance that you consider suitable

Yep, you are totally right! Especially on that cockpit gauge, it looks more green than black!

I promise I will fix that soon as well, dont worry :slight_smile: Thanks man!

I have started to wonder the same now lol… I dont want to make a “thing” of it, but it indeed doesnt look much more high res than 1440p…

Thanks man, Im very happy to hear that! :slight_smile:[quote=“bubbleball, post:22, topic:8600, full:true”]
Are there any game which we need to read the smaller text seriously?

Mostly simulators only, I guess…

Yep, I will shoot in RAW next time of course :slight_smile:

Definitely 5K+ :slight_smile: Its an awesome game on the 8K - I will cover it shortly!

Thanks a lot mate :slight_smile: Woah nice the Next Level stuff are awesome, love my kit as well :slight_smile: Im sure you will appreciate it!

Once you step into today’s simulators you will get STUCK lol… totally addictive :slight_smile: You have a wonderful journey in front of you man, enjoy!

And hey - I played F-14 Tomcat on my Commodore 64 as well back in the early days :slight_smile:

The reason why the images looks blurry its because it was shot with Macro so only a very small part of the image is in focus :slight_smile:

Anyway guys, Im heading home from work to get some sleep - I will catch up later tonight when Im back at work again. Have a lovely Monday everyone and thanks again :slight_smile:


or shoot at the same magnification, but using your zoom at the middle of the focal lenght (50mm) to see if this improve the sharpness, also do not use too closed aperture above F11 o F16 because it causes light defraction, just use F8

obviously no autofocus, but manual focus in x10 live view

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While I have no doubt that the 8K has a 4K “pixel addressable” resolution (3840x2160), I think I see why Pimax has been so calcitrant about revealing the LCD panel details. From @SweViver’s video, I can see something interesting. Here’s the original video frame…

As you can see, both halves of the image are scaled appropriately, so the 2 sub-images are the same size. For what it’s worth, I actually prefer the slightly better distributed shades of color on the 8K.

Now take a look at the following close up, with the 5K+ pixels superimposed on the 8K…

Something is fishy (as others have mentioned). The 8K should have 50% more pixels. That is, for every 2 pixels on the 5K+, there should be 3 pixels on the 8K. If the 8K used a standard RGB stripe (like the 5K+) it should look like the small inset box, with 9 (3x3) pixels. It’s clear that the panel has a pixel arrangement somewhat like the maligned pentile pattern. It appears that the 8K pixels are either RB or G, not a full RGB stripe (as illustrated using the inset box).