Luke Ross Mods Discussion

If you are feeling more brave and impatient than sensible, you could try copying the entire line (…or more, sans alteration) to clipboard, from the old binary, and searching for it in the new, in the hope that sequence (code or data? -I don’t know. :7) appears only once, and is identical between the two… :stuck_out_tongue:

doesnt find it,the whole thing looks like alien language,how the hell luke found out that little number out of a million fixes the line is beyond my comprehension lol

It’s C9CAB now. Wonder how long it will take for Pimax to actually incorporate the fix in their source code


Thanks alot dudee,damn i tried everything at C97CB0 as far as copying the whole code from the last version and nothing idk how the heck you make any sense of that lol

pimax get that shi FIXED so we dont have to ask this man on every single update for a damn black line,im already tired of asking all the devs to fix the 180 degree unity bug at least fix this.

just to be clear , i just searched and is already at 4 . is that right?

yes changed it to 03 and it fixes the black lines

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Just so that it doesn’t seem like black magic (black line magic?): pi_server is wrongly using the D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_BORDER mode to sample the overlay texture before compositing it onto the eye images. And to make things worse, it uses a solid black border for the texture.

What changing that byte from 4 to 3 does is, it sets up the sampler to use D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP instead, which is the correct mode to be addressing a texture that in all likelihood will be semitransparent, and in any case definitely cannot be presumed to be solid black.


Wow…just played around 1 hour of cyberpunk after upgrading my PC today and the difference is really nice. Went from an i7 7700K to an i5 12400 to pair with my 3080 and was a bit surprised at the improvement. Before I was using 60hz mode with my 8KX and with FOV set to potato mode I was mostly holding steady at 60 with resolution set in the 2700 range. Now I was able to play with 75hz mode, normal FOV with a resolution in the 3400 range and it never dipped below 75fps! The game looked great before but it looks even better now and is playing much smoother with the 75fps. I can really notice it when walking towards NPC characters because they no longer start to stutter as I get close to them. Makes all the time I spent re-setting up my PC today worth it! :slight_smile:

That’s really interesting! Although your previous i7-7700K was indeed a bit on the weak side for a game like Cyberpunk 2077, I would not have said that just by upgrading your CPU you would have been able to raise both resolution and FOV while improving your fps at the same time. That’s very good to know!

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hey Luke so i was watching the witcher 4 UE5 concept demo and it looks insane,ik lumen and nanite dont work in vr and lumen needs pretty much a remake to work in vr but i was thinking in the distant future do you think your AER technique might work to make a 3d image since its an external hack?

It certainly should, although there might be artifacts like with TAA. We’ll see!


i have a i7 7700k which i’ve decided not to upgrade for the time being. the games i play all tell me i’m gpu bound, the online benchmarks i’ve seen suggest cpu doesn’t matter much where high resolution gaming is concerned, so i’ll be 1st in line for a 4000 series gpu and more powerful psu. not disputing your result, maybe cp 2077 is cpu power hungry.

Yes, I was a bit surprised…I expected a little increase in performance but was very surprised by what I got. I wonder if the fresh windows install may also have helped things out somewhat? In benchmarks Cyberpunk did show an increase when making this CPU upgrade but not by as much as what I saw. Either way I was very happy to see it.

As an aside I must say that I really appreciate how easy Valve makes it to get your library going again when making this kind of change. My drive letters all changed since I also put in a new hard drive and it was simply a matter of pointing to the folder locations in Steam. Oculus has also done a good job with this. Epic and Microsoft need to get on the ball with this! I was able to workaround it on Epic by jumping through a few hoops but Microsoft requires a complete reinstall of everything. And to make it worse I couldn’t even delete some of the existing earlier folders because I was denied access to the folders. I tried messing with the security settings on the folders but that got me nowhere. The really need to improve greatly on this!

Yeah I suspect it is just that Cyberpunk happened to be cpu hungry. I only tried two other games so far, Wolfenstein 2 and Pokerstars, and I didn’t notice an improvement like this.

well you can add Viveport to that list…

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@LukeRoss why do you have an opposition to motion controllers? I saw you tech demo video of Halo and motion controllers and was surprised to see that none of your mods support MCs.

the open worlds games hes doing its proly way too much work for motion controls,they are huge with many animations and stuff,if he were to add mc we would still proly waiting for red dead redemption 2,considering praydog took more than a year for his mod on a linear corridor game series that use the same engine.

also im currently playing re8 mod rn,motion controls are cool ofc but dont add pretty much apart from aiming tbh,you still press a button to interact with the world and stuff.

Hi @Shazboticus ! I talked about my view in detail here and here