why though? April Fools was 2 days ago.
I guess its a good cheat.
Glad I stuck around for one more month, totally worth it
why though? April Fools was 2 days ago.
I guess its a good cheat.
Glad I stuck around for one more month, totally worth it
Ngl i think that looks pretty cool and it would actually help me as i’m crap at combat in the game. I’m pretty crap in many games nowadays i often get stuck in puzzles or lost in levels i think my reflexes have gone i hate getting older.
Not sure bullet time will help here
Even with head based aiming? bruh…
Lol yeah i’m terrible, nearly all the alyx puzzles foxed me. Yeh crap at CP combat even with head aiming as a kid i used to be a hotshot back in the arcades in the 80/90s
Lukes been interviewed. See it here
This VR modder makes $10,000 a month and has a wild theory about VR (mixed-news.com)
I’m sure this will spark all sorts of controversial discussion .
Can’t say I agree with point #4 , I agree that VR doesn’t “need” motion controls but I feel like it “needed” to happen when it did. Like ripping off a band-aid.
Look at 3D Vision for example. I found it amazing to see games the way they we’re meant to. But overall its just not exciting enough for most people to bother with, and now stereo 3d is basically dead (Tridef, Iz3d 3dvision) only kept on life support by the community.
I feel like VR would be easier as a whole to dismiss as a "Gimmick: if all it did was give you another kind of viewer to use. And the progress that has been made with motion controls would be years behind where it is now.
Obviously certain games do not need motion controls. (Driving , Sims etc) I actually wouldn’t mind if Luke VR-ified games like Everspace 2, and Grid it would probably be super easy for him but these types of games may be too "obvious for him to do and wouldn’t garner much excitement. Which is kind of my original point.
That article above is only part of the interview, Luke elaborates more on it in the full interview on his Patreon page
I see his reasoning; It is perfectly solid logic/market evaluation, but I couldn’t disagree more. I still haven’t forgiven Oculus for launching the CV1 with a gamepad (plus their cute little keyfob), and mandating developers use it, hamstringing progress with a terrible least common denominator, which holds things back still to this day.
I have zero problems playing “legacy” games with mouse and keyboard, like I did with the Half Life 2 Oculus DK1 adaption, and Skyrim with VireioPerception (later VorpX), before there was a SkyrimVR, but new VR titles need to have their act together.
The VR market definitively suffered one of those all too familiar overevaluation bubbles, with outside punters and investor types hyping things up for a quick buck, and the usual vacuum when the bubble inevitably pops - always putting that big spike and depression in the technology adoption curve.
I guess what differs between my view, and Luke’s, is that I would have seen more continued healthy slow - “non overfertilised” - growth in “less laivsh” titles from smaller dedicated developers, given the chance to grow whilst being “small fish in a small pond, without the threat of being displaced or eaten by the barracudas”, whereas he would have seen the triple-A:s right in there from the start, with compromising experiences, and then letting those slowly grow better over time…
Couldn’t disagree with point #4 more either. In games where motion controls are far less of a need, such as racing games, it’s not that immersion breaking, but not having motion controls in more normal games really takes me out of the experience and I don’t care for it anywhere near as much. I tried to like a few, Dying Light even really interested me, but once I got in and actually played some I just wondered why not play the flatscreen game anyway? Even John Carmack, who very famously was super against 6DOF controllers and thought it was a waste of time, has gone back on that stance and even said he “famously underestimated” how much they got out of them. We already had gamepads being the focus in the very early stages.
Not every game needs them, no, but VR absolutely benefitted from having them and to not in most games kind of defeats the purpose of the medium after a little novelty imo.
All I know is if Luke hadn’t taken the stance that motion controls are not mandatory, he wouldn’t be where he is and we wouldn’t have the mods we have. Additionally, for people who get motion sick or are so familiar with AAA games, it can be a real let down when they find that the majority of games are not very high powered (graphically and some times just plain gimmicky), motion controls can be wonky, and the ever-present concern of motion sickness looms.
Who hasn’t been to a “3D presentation” that has a stupid baseball floating in slow-mo WAY out in front over-highlighting the effect? There’s a reason the 3D glasses were disposable. We don’t want VR presented in that gimmicky, disposable way.
I say hand people the Luke Ross’s mods first, if they enjoy that then have them move up. Otherwise they think “That motion controller experience was not so good” and “Cyberpunk didn’t even have the wonky hand things”.
In any case,
Everyone looks the same the first time they use VR with motion controls and it’s funny. As if they just inhabited another persons body in some weird Being John Malcovich way. Know what I mean?
Yeah, don’t get me wrong I appreciate what Luke is doing. I like the fact that I can play HZD in VR and be pulled into that world. Even with just a gamepad.
I totally disagree with him that AAA devs should have presented VR in this way half-@$$ed way though. It would turn VR into a viewing device that doesn’t significantly change the game in a meaningful way. (Definition of Gimmick)
For example. The 3DS. Stereo 3d screen at first your like cool! And then you really start playing and realize you’d rather just turn that 3D slider off most of the time.
It became such a gimmick that Nintendo actually released a 2DS.
I think that in a world where games like lone echo and Alyx exist its nice to have a side of luke style mods to enjoy. But not all games should be done this way.
Final example. Re7 and 8 mods are super immersive and scary in VR. But 2 & 3 with hands are so much better. Something about pointing that flashlight into dark corners yourself and peeking into doors before entering is so much better.
I actually prefer that VR from the get go was treated like a while new medium. As opposed to an optional accessory.
Clearly there’s two camps. Im on the VR-as-a-display side. If we only have a choice between campy motion-controlled games and AAA gamepad-only games in VR? Im in the second camp by far, hahah. Granted, I’d generally like both. HL Alyx being the primo example…Lone Echo being a close second. Its nice that there’s something for everyone though as I like that. Unfortunately for me the limits of wireless, standalone HMDs is going to push things largely into the other camp.
I get you, for the last month I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of reshade and superdepth3d.
Its amazing how “enhanced” traditional games can be with 3d depth and vr.
That being said I’m happy that this is only “one” use-case for HMD’s.
Ooh! Would superdepth work for paradox strategy games? I would be interested in that gimmicky or no!
What game exactly? …
Say EU4 or Crusader Kings 3. I guess I’ve just been looking for a good way to play 2D games in VR without any need really for depth. I have never looked into Virtual Desktop, but I hear quite a bit about it. Maybe it’s time to try that along with those grand strategy or other 4X games.
Lol, time control or motion gestures I’d rather have motion gestures. Its the one think I wish LR had. Its suprisingly satisfying to shoot and aim like that.
Elden Ring coming to VR
hey guys how do i do the pi_server HxD edit now after the pitool update on C97CB0 there aint no 04 anymore to change to 03,its 8b now i think,the black lines are still present in luke ross mods without that tweak.
There’s actually a new Pitool ?
Maybe ask @LukeRoss as he would know.
yes what i found is steamvr driver issue has been fixed by pimax now its a 2 fps difference instead of 10 before,but the black line appears now both with steamvr and oculus fix the code changed tho i asked luke on patreon hopefully its ez fix