No the camera is free and you can actually move quite fluidly while in combat. You don’t lock onto enemies to fight. You have to position yourself and use the appropriate weapons. The game has a very strong stealth mechanic also that really helps out. There are a lot of items to help with combat like trip wires that you can use to set up traps. I think it actually controls very well. However I’m using my xbox gamepad to play it. I just find that these kind of games play better with a pad instead of keyboard and mouse.
Ok, thanks again! I think I may have to give the game a go.
Yes, I tried playing Batman Arkham games with a mouse and while it works , its pretty bad.
I am a firm believer in using the right tool for the job.
@jojon maybe using the steam controller might be the compromise you’re after
I doubt it - the main purpose of trackpads appears to be to make laptops a pain to use…
For the right sorts of random, transitory control, I like the immediate, rapid, precision, proprioception-feedback-inherent, proportional, and rather gross motion input of a mouse, over the proportional holding-something-still-in-a-position mode of a lever – I want to look around - not “drive” my character’s head around like a turret. :7
Stick/pedal/yoke/etc input absolutely has its places - every interaction has its range of more or less ideal forms of manouvering organs.
A fat thumb on a tiny trackpad trying to mimick the nature of a mouse - a complete no-go… Similarly, a trackball can just not compare.
Even with keyboard + mouse controls, I find the first thing I have to do with every damn title I download, is to hunt down what one must change in some .ini file, in order to get rid of the mouse smoothing that every developer for some inexplicable reason always put in there, presumably to deliberately utterly ruin all responsiveness.
EDIT: Sorry about the rant…
Hi community, I just tried it the Mafia DE with Luke mod and is all blurry as hell even with high resolutions it looks terrible. @LukeRoss please take look about it or if there’s a way to configure such amazing game and mod. Thanks.
What resolution are you running at? Are you using PP?
2160 x 2160 with PP on.
Yep, 2160x2160 is the bare minimum for small FOV. I usually play at 2700x2700 or higher with headsets that have a field of view comparable to Pimax small FOV. Also, make sure that you follow the instructions in my post (for instance Motion blur must be off), and note that due to its compulsory TAA the game will never look as sharp as Mafia II: DE does.
Thanks, in small FOV looks ok, but on medium and large needs some fix in Pimax HMD. Please check it out to apply it on your MODs.
small fov is fine even potato for these mods still bigger than a quest 2,the issue is PP on zooms in the image to account for the canted displays and makes everything blurry,if i play red dead with pp off at 2400 is sharp enough if i turn it on at 2400 is a burry mess,sadly thats the only game that for some reason PP is not necesary with a few minor shadows cross eye textures,the other games show up straight as a double image without PP on.
When playing red dead with PP off, I had an issue that my gun aiming was off. I would have to aim off center. Do you not have that problem? I ended up just playing Luke’s mods with my Quest 2 instead. Hopefully some of the issues can get sorted now that he has an 8KX and is working with Pimax to identify the problems
i did have that but im playing only with aiming down sights first person but yeah the reticle is not alligned properly.
Regarding PP needing to be on. I dont know if this will help at all but it seems they figured out how to allow PP to be off for Resident Evil.
Hi @LukeRoss. Now that you’ve had your Pimax for a while, with your GTA V mod have you noticed when smooth turning the blur/jitter? It’s so much smoother in Quest 2/Index but would love to use the higher res of the 8KX.
Hi @cazman321 . Yes, I’ve already explained the issue to Pimax tech engineers. Basically they don’t support the OpenVR API correctly when it comes to having different poses for the two eyes.
It’s not an uncommon problem. Valve’s implementation itself had the same issue, although when they were informed about it they fixed their driver pretty quickly, in a matter of a few weeks.
Microsoft had it too, and although they never properly fixed the issue in their SteamVR driver, their OpenXR implementation has always worked correctly, so we have at least a good code path.
Only Oculus got it right the first time
BTW, I already have a workaround in place for broken implementations, but there’s only so much that I can do on my side, and without support from the API it makes the stereo image look incorrect and disjointed when things are in motion.
Unfortunately, Pimax already told me that between CES and the new next-gen product, they will be 100% busy for months and won’t have much time to look into fixes for the problems I outlined (there are others besides the one with the eye poses).
Regarding canted projections: I already have a fix that works (internally, not ready for release yet) with all new games except for Mafia 1. Mafia 1 has a weird TAA implementation which can’t be turned off and which totally freaks out if the views for the two eyes are not aligned.
So, in future releases I will be able to remove the need for parallel projections almost everywhere; however, the games won’t look as good (and especially won’t play as fluidly) as with other headsets until Pimax can find some time to help me with a few fixes on their side.
I also have a couple of ideas to make my mods play even better on Pimax! Not just on par with other technologies, and not only because of the wide FOV. But they need to be discussed, tested and (should they work) implemented with the help of engineers who have full access to the firmware and can reprogram the hardware to work in a slightly different way.
So, the TL;DR is: good things should come to those who wait, but don’t hold your breath!
I have played the Horizon Zero Dawn mod
And it actually plays very well but there is an overall shimmer or flickering in the image setting the mod to Mono helped a lot for making it look good but I think the problem is because of aliasing problems caused by parallel projections this also occurs when playing elite dangerous it’s kind of the same distortion but I haven’t tried it with small fov so maybe it will help for getting a clearer picture
And if not then let’s hope pimax will be forthcoming to help Luke with those pimax issues
Noted Pimaxs new news on reddit indicates the intent to work with you on the issues you have expressed. Congrats! I’ve been working to get the most out of the Pimax8K. I tried your mods and vorpx and thought I was for sure doing something wrong. There’s so many settings with Pimax. Please keep up your endeavors regarding Pimax.
@ LukeRoss It’s very cool to see you are here; I did not realize that had happened. I hope you ended up with an 8K-X (I didn’t see a model mentioned in your OP.)
I was just at your Patreon page a few weeks back but didn’t pull the trigger yet because I’ve heard various things about Pimax compatibility with your mods.
Great to see you are here working on exactly these issues.
Where are we at now? I already support other Patreon projects and I’m happy to support yours, but would like to know that I can at least use “Normal” FOV and that performance is generally acceptable. I find “small” (about the same FOV as most other good HMDs) to be immersion-breaking to the extreme, hence my purchase of a Pimax in the first place.
I’m running a very modern rig: 5900x and 3080Ti but I’m very picky about both FOV and clarity. For example, when using vorpX I generally find I have to push a full 4K (internal game rendering resolution) for me to be happy with the full VR experience, or at least 2560x1440 for virtual cinema experiences. Are any of your modded titles likely to run at those resolutions? (I can play standing room-scale VR at 60fps without motion sickness. I prefer 75 or 90 of course, but I can live with 60 in a pinch.)
Regardless, thanks for being willing to try and support such a small community of users. Hopefully Pimax will eventually implement the tools you need to get things working properly. What you are doing is a real boon to the VR world.
Hey @mr_spongeworthy ! I did receive an 8KX sample from which I tried to squeeze as much goodness as I could. Normal FOV might still be an iffy experience though. For full transparency I’m reposting here the relevant paragraphs of my latest Patreon-only post:
- […]
- Also much requested: all games now support headsets with canted displays, like the Reverb G2 (very small angle, about 1 degree), the Valve Index in “raw” mode (5 degrees), up to the huge cant of Pimax headsets (10 degrees). This should solve all problems with misaligned/double crosshairs, and it will provide correct rendering for scopes, binoculars, photo-mode cameras, etc. without the need for parallel projections. On the Index for example, there is a 17% performance improvement to be gained by enabling raw projections!
- Automatic detection of the headset type and characteristics, with support information displayed both on the mod overlay and in the logs; automatic disabling of Mono mode when a VR driver is detected that cannot render it properly (usually because of a combination of canted displays and mangling of independent eye poses).
- Automatic switch to a virtual 2D display when the headset displays are canted and the camera zooms in (e.g., with scopes and binoculars). This is because zooming in VR can only work with parallel cameras: canted projections will inevitably lead to a double image that the brain cannot reconcile.
- […]
- Preliminary support for Pimax headsets. This is quite a long story. As some of you already know, people at Pimax have been so kind as to provide me with a test unit, which I have put to good use this month. I have found several issues, which unfortunately I can remedy only in part from my side. I’m already in talks with their engineers however, and during the next few months (if they manage to carve out some time) I should be able to work with them to fix the remaining problems and bring the experience on par with other major headsets, or even better!
For the moment, apart from the support for canted displays already described in detail above, I have added a workaround that should alleviate the transparency problems with the HUD (no more gray square around the RDR2 crosshair, yay!) and I did all that I could in order to reduce the synchronization problems.
Despite those efforts though, Pimax headsets still suffer from serious performance and rendering issues with my mods, and they don’t support Mono mode or AER correctly, so in all honesty I can only recommend using Small FOV for now, until their technical department can spare some time to look into the matter. Even with small FOV, don’t expect the same performance that you can get from other headsets; I made a full benchmark with H:ZD [at 2700x2700 resolution], and where on the Quest 2 or Index I get 90-100 fps, with the same PC and in the exact same conditions on the 8KX (Small FOV) I get 55-75 fps, and with definitely worse image quality.
Despite what I wrote in the post, YMMV. For instance a comment by William Mumford under the post reads: “Just tried out Horizon and RDR2 with my Pimax 8KX and the experience is definitely much better now that parallel projections is not needed. I’m running my 8KX in 60hz mode and turning with the joystick feels even smoother than it does with my Quest 2. I look forward to the further improvements that you mentioned which will need help from Pimax’s side, because the mods are already very playable now. Thanks for the update!”
I’m sorry but for the moment the answer to your questions is “it might work well”
Thanks @LukeRoss , I appreciate the detailed response. Seeing that you apparently have a mod for NOLF2 was nearly enough to sell me already. IMHO occasionally VRifying (that needs to be a word) older titles like this, which should run great in VR, is a good idea. I’ll be signing up soon and looking forward to trying something (probably NOLF2, actually!)