How worried are you about 75hz?

thank you for the clarification,

it is important even if it is a misunderstanding to clarify that kind of things since that can seriously harm the campaign. I thought that something like that would be very difficult to handle then in terms of technical support and updates to piplay. 85hz seem to be very good for now, we all have a lot of faith in this project, a news like this if it had been true would be something bad enough for everyone. We know that it can be cleared up quickly by you, thanks again.

So, why neither Steam or Oculus have something similar to the Brainwarp tech? at this point, I am starting to think that this is only vaporware

I’m not sure why you’re blaming this on the co-CEO Nordic. The issue was that in every other demo you were running it at 75Hz even though you were saying it was 90Hz. Nordic was just finally honest and told us what the actual was, but telling us that you’re working on making it better doesn’t negate the facts, and he wasn’t wrong about the fact that it wasn’t running at 90. Your lesson learned should be to be completely upfront with us in the future about the progress and not say things that aren’t true just because you expect or hope them to be true in the future.

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I understand that side. But prior to the kickstarter open they came forward with the issue they encountered. When if they were shady they could have put a card in your 8k saying 4k/eye coming soon 8k v2.

Truth we don’t know if we had reacted better & asked for the native 4k that we wouldn’t have had the 8k-X. And truth we can’t know now.

In reality neither rift/vive do native 90hz all the time. They use gimicks to maintain perception of 90hz.

Of which the PiMax team could have simply put a frame booster in the headset to cheat not having real 90hz capability. But there trying to figure where the bottle neck is in the DP setup.

75 to 90 so yes bs ppl expecting nothing but 90.

Your the man !! I want you to know that truly I mean it,But when Pimax becomes a pain in my side I become a pain in yours don’t hate me for it .:innocent:

Then also folks need to stop overreacting to news.

It works both ways. Maybe they should have just enabled brainwarp & none would have been the wiser of the native refresh.

Rift & vive use techniques to maintain the illusion of 90fps. Its not always a real native 90.


It’s fine scrawling through the masses of info and pointing to smallprint now and saying it’s 75 to 90 but we all know we were expecting 90. They said it was 90 at demos. Even Tested were told it would be 90. Nordic himself had to be PUSHED to admit it wasn’t 90 after initially saying it was 90. If what you say is true surely at the first hint of someone ‘erroneously’ saying it was 90 they’d immediately jump on it say “er no guys i’ts anywhere from 75 to 90”. They didn’t. Even Pimax themselves are as you say being honest (I agree with you, they are) and saying they are hoping to get it up to 90. So we were expecting 90. Rightly or wrongly. Asking questions is NOT overreacting.

Don’t condescend us by saying we’re overreacting. That is BS.

As it happens though I agree with you in that we should wait and trust them. We cannot expect a prototype to be the finished version. If we continue harrassing Pimax they’ll simply shut up and not be so forthcoming. You rightly say trust goes both ways I agree with that.

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Small print? Really. You must own alot of stuff that doesn’t measure up because you don’t bother to read the specifications & only read the highlights.

I’m sure rift & vive chose to have 1080 in the per eye reslution so some would presume 1080p/eye & they didn’t lie just used a method of consumer not reading carefully.

Or they show a 90Hz working on the next days or I am out. No more lies, no more excuses. For what we know all the Brainwarp Tech could be another lie. I said lie because it is what they did when they claimed that the demo was running at 90 fps.

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I’ve made my point well and it stands.

Leave out the BS. The questions we have are perfectly valid.

No i agree with you. Sharing perspective helps all to improve understanding. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

So does mine. You enjoying a TV with 120hz? If so you might be upset to find its actually only 60hz.

So your right leave the bs out if your not going to read.

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With what you said about possible Panel differences it would be better to ask them to delay shipping then compromise yo maintain a ship date.

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Some troll said that Pimax are a dirty company and they shout you down on forums the moment you dare to question anything.

I used to think that was BS.

Now I’m beginning to wonder either he wasn’t a troll or you’re (= you are), with respect, a “useful idiot”.

Then if you truly have lost faith then be honorable & let someone back that understands & pay full price minus goodies when the full consumer version is released.

He might be a moderator on the forums, but it’s pretty clear that he isn’t involved in the development of this headset (I don’t think he has claimed to be, either). So take what he says just as you would any other member of these forums lol.

I think Pimax will come through in the end, you can tell they are working furiously to please the kickstarter pledgers before the campaign ends… they are still a small team and have limited funds, give them a break lol.


I think that everyone would prefer that they did not hurry, although it would take more months to start shipping.

BUT they have to give some return of cash guarantee.

No, @PimaxVR people?


If that was the case then ppl would be silenced like Nolo was doing in their forums.

There is more than enough angry debates that proves otherwise.

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@sk1 You are right, your questions are valid. That said, we have known since the beginning of the campaign that the bridge chip inside of the 8k can only handle 4k stereo at 50hz, IE 1440p at close to 90. Robin says its at 82 stable. Thats pretty damn good.

The GPU is the bottleneck in this situation though to be honest. Remember the PC is rendering a huge frame buffer that surpasses the panel resolution. Slowdown is normal and expected at this stage, though I totally agree that it blows.

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