How worried are you about 75hz?

I do.

I actually trust Pimax and admire their honesty and openness. I’m sure they’ll sort it.


so you think it’s better to not expect, hope for, and work for the best outcome? I agree that Honesty is the best policy, but if you live in the westernized world, that is a pipe dream. Every advertiser lies about their products to make better sales. Pimax just got caught. I have had a vive since day one and I don’t remember either oculus or vive being open to user input about their products. Their attitude was here it is, take it or leave it. We all wanted VR so badly that we took it. It wasn’t great, just acceptable. Still is. Pimax still won’t be perfect, but at least they are trying to add everything we want.


This is, at the very least, true. No one is being censored here.


One user was due to a user flag his posts as inappropiate; which hid his post. Once i was aware of it i unflagged his post & sent him a pm.

The user who flagged the post imo did so to create angar.

We almost lost that user over it.

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so you think it’s better to not expect, hope for, and work for the best outcome?

No, I think it’s great that they’re striving for better, and honestly this wouldn’t be much of an issue for me if they were just upfront about their progress to begin with. If on the Tested interview, for example, they had said what they’re saying now: “It’s running at 75hz now, but we have internal testing of 82-85 and hope to get to a full 90 by release” that would be fine, no problem. Instead, when Jeremy questioned the framerate, saying it didn’t look as smooth as the rift or vive, and directly asked “Is this 90”, the answer was “yes”.


Im also fed up with lies. I can’t stand that kind of thinking, you have to call the bluff before the other Person gives on. Thats bullshit.
Today i learned no i can’t use the displays to anything other than pc VR though there is going to be the dual dp connection in the 8k X … and start of kickstarter i Was under the impressions i can use the hmd with anything i want. Learned through letters we Exchanged with pimax and plus the release date of x At summer is pretty far away so im pretty shure there is one X pledge coming down for someone who has better use of it.
Im not that mad about the refresh rate being what ever but i don’t like the fact it Was missinformed many times. And now im dissappointed you can’t use the hmd anything else.

EXACTLY, could not agree more. Still can´t believe some idiots here can´t understand this

This is also why I so deerly would like Pimax-team to go back to Tested with the new and much improved V3 and there have a chance to restore trust

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why don’t you just cancel your pledge if you are not happy. I don’t think the pimax will satisfy you. you only want to blame and accuse.

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Don’t know where you got the idea if you mean connect to xb1 (for example). You migt with the AiO module when available. Might.

I agree let ppl back that understand what it means.

All brainwarp does is fill in extra frames if your game or GPU is the bottleneck so not rendering as fast as your display. Brainwarp can’t and won’t do anything (and wont eve be active) if the bottleneck is the display itself (i.e. slow refresh rate).


Did you even watch the tested review? The dude couldn’t understand 99% of what the tested guys were asking him. He did a great job considering the language barrier, but lets be real here; this could come down to a simple misunderstanding in communication. Will we ever know for sure? No, but some of us are willing to look past it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


In terms of helping to clarify doubts and avoid other bad ones, what is the current persistence of the screens?


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So could be the case but that doen´t explain then why the VRCommando-guy was asked to censor the refreshrates in steamVR-settings.

Yes, i watched the whole review. He understood quite well, just had some trouble articulating himself, also looked quite nervous. I think they did a great job at actually being critical and not swallowing every market-talk-tidbit thrown at them. That is why I wish they would get another go at reviewing now with all the improvements made, I mean apparently there was alot to be asked for at the time of that review regarding the performance of the 8k. The stretching-thing would be the most important part that they now could have a chance to rectify before kickstarter ends.

I think this is posted at the wrong person.

I fully trust PImax and think they are acting impeccably and honestly. They are not natural English speakers and as in any organisation when they are spread thinly they may seem to make conflicting claims. That’s fine, and I’ll continue to back them as I trust them when they say they’ll get it to 90Hz.

I think you’ve misunderstood me. I am not blaming, I am not accusing. I do not think they’ve been dishonest and actually whilst I don’t appreciate his tone I fully support what Heliosurge says.

My only gripe was with his tone. Ironically apart from that post, I see no evidence of overreaction.

Calm reasonable questions are all I can see, and helpful and prompt replies from Pimax are what I see back.

I can’t wait for Pimax to whoop Oculus’ backside. Or my beloved Vive. Come on Pimax!

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The only bad thing the tested guys had to say was the refresh rate seemed less than 90hz. Literally, the review was fantastic other than that. When it comes down to it all we can do is wait and see what Pimax brings to the table. If you aren’t confident in them, maybe you should wait for the retail version of the headset to release.

And yeah, I agree it pissed me off when I watched the VR Kommando video also. But I’m over it, they are working on it and have explained themselves and that’s what’s important to me.


On tested Interview guy barely spoke english. He said what he said but his english wasnt good enough for explaining everthing with tech details . Even if he would like to be honest it will not work. This how I see whole situation.
I trust Pimax that they want to deliver best possibly HMD on the market for gamers.

I dont expect that 2nd gen from vive or oculus will be so advanced hmd, because they want to reach a wider audience and slice the cake slowly like nvidia and intel.
IMHO pimax 8k is the best what gamers can get in 2018.

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What are you talking about???
Is it you who decide who back or not???
Just let us talk with pimax and stop to interfere to say nothing.

100% agree with that.
Also I am agree with Cdaked :

Sorry, but I have to ask this simple question:

Two Pimax 8K (final version) can have one same component of different quality and specifications?

In any circumstance.

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