How worried are you about 75hz?

Me too. It’s the least you can ask for.

Honestly, folks should have seen this coming though. This HMD is beyond bleeding edge (for what it aims to do) at the consumer level.

At this point, no GPU other than a 1080 ti can actually drive the thing at 90hz all the time.

Natively you are still talking about an input of stereo 3D 1440p per eye, or 5120x1440 That is greater than 4k on most TVs, and the internal render scale is at 4096x2000 something per eye in Steam. For reference, that is a resolution that is past 5.0 on the supersampling in A standard Vive.

That is insane stress, even for a quadro card, or a pair of Titan Xps.

We are talking about an insane HMD, even at its native specs that Pimax has not been as upfront about due to its cimoany’s marketing.

Just to illustrate how silly this all is.

If Pinax wanted to, they could drop the 5k headset, rename the 8k to “5k deluxe,” tell us that it uses 4k per eye merely to eliminate SDE, and that it runs at 60-75hz.

If that was how they described the HMD, nobody could accuse them of misleading anyone, and the HMD is still leagues ahead of other competing HMDs.

Take the glass half full approach.

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I very happily, I will keep my pledge and I am sure if not now, before the mass production of the headset, they will have corrected this and in February / March 2018 I will be enjoying my games in steamVR.:relaxed:


In fairness if it wasn’t Robin Weng (CEO) who was being questioned about the refresh rate, then I would not expect an immediate authoritative answer. Its a quick way to lose your job by making an erroneous or hasty comment about a component from a third party your company is supposed to be partnering with.

Whilst critique is expected, bad manners is not and to expect a company to respond any quicker than PiMAX are doing, or provide an instant hardware fix to issues and magically get prototype changes in front of the public in a day or two, is stretching the credibility of that critique.

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I need to confirm this with our engineer.


I don’t recall speaking for you. I speak for myself.

Trust is a 2way street and everytime this team has been honest alot of folks have raked them over the coals.

I am superior to none & i only try to be better than me. I can’t help it if ppl don’t like my honesty when it suits them.

If you want a kickstarter to be upset about that was i beleive caught before it was funded look up on Youtube “Solar Roads”

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Which is more bad-mannered? To lie or to call out a lie being told?

I did not expect immediate autherative answers, neither some instant hardware fix. I simply requested that they don´t give and explanation (A) and then without shame and in a blink of an eye change that explanation to (B).

@jimh54 I hope that is not the true case about this company but it would explain the way things are handled

I have Gtx 1080 TI (OC) with Steam VR SS set 4.0 which is around 3100x3200 - 90 hz and I’m playing fine mostly Elite Dangerous and Asseto Corsa on this settings . You are overacting all the time in this thread :slight_smile:


EXTREMELY worried.

I think it will make or break Pimax. Yes the company not just the HMD.

Firstly, everything now is 90Hz+ and so anything lower than this could cause real problems, we just don’t know.

Plus there’s the question of confidence in the company. Rightly or wrongly we were under the impression we were getting a 90Hz device, so this late on to be told there is uncertainty about this crucial factor is really making everyone nervous.

My guess is that if Pimax don’t deliver a 90Hz unit there will be huge uproar and nobody will ever trust Pimax again with anything.

On the other hand if they do manage to pull off a 90Hz HMD with this FOV and resolution they will be the most most celebrated company in the history of VR.

Come on Pimax, whether it means buying slightly more expensive screens, or the DP1.4 chip instead of 1.2, or whatever it is, please do it, even if it means putting the consumer (or even kickstarter!) price up. This is a crucial issue you can’t afford to mess up on. Either you deliver the 90Hz and go down as heroes and forever will have your place as a leading VR company, or you don’t and you will never be trusted again.

If you can do it, do it!

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I dont see me overeacting anywhere. I see a lot of people expecting this company to deliver on specs that are unrealistic for companies with 100 times this company’s resources.

Im offering them suggestions on how to deliver a stable good experience within the cinfines of their own hardware.

Again if you had alot riding on this kickstarter & ppl overreacted to news they don’t want to hear. Wouldn’t you be nervous about revealing the progress right away? Hoping you can have thungs fixed up at the last minute?

If everyone canceled because a prototype wasn’t demoing at the max spec then all the loans levied against the kickstarter would kill any company that isn’t already making billions.

This isn’t No Man’s sky yet & i honestly don’t think it will become it.

But truth I am biased as i had the opportunity to review the v2 after it was optimized opposed to tge initial demo with Tested. As have others who are impressed at the v2 level. Surprise Even Lucky Palmer said it was better then he expected.


That’s false… Everytime they told us the truth even as bad news, all people were happy to hear that from them and have true official statement. You can just look the comment after the v3 announced.

Everyone is unhappy when they hide something and some testers discovers it. Native resolution, warping, refresh rate, different manufacturers, etc…
I think that a lot of backers including me, know that it’s a prototype not perfect at all, but just prefer the truth rather than over promise or hide something.

So far I even see a lot of people trying to help them.

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and I’m thinking that Pimax enginers are clever enough to figure out best solutions without ppl advice given at this thread.

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There is a difference between not revealing progress and giving missleading information.
I don´t see why they would be nervous, the kickstarter has drawn 15(!!!) times the amount of funds, would be foolish to think 90% of those would back out if you say you are struggling to reach some specifications.
And even if it did, those 10% would still be enough for funding the initial kickstarter which should be enough money for them to realize the product, unless they severely misscalculated the kickstarter-goal needed.
I just think it makes them look greedy and dishonest.

I will be happy to forgive them if they actually apologize for lying and saying from now on no lies.

Then again I don´t know if they care what I think, maybe it´s cultural.

On the positive sidenote it seems the 8k is working better and better, the main worry for me is that they won´t get it working for all steam-games with the full FOV without special implementation from each of those games by the developers. If somehow someone could prove this is not the case that would be terrific.

I’d rather try to give input than just implicitly trust engineers. If we didnt press them, there is a lot that we would not have known.

BTW, the 4k Pimax unit only officially got 1440p support after we as a community enabled it first.

Trust their engineers lol Over a year of community input is what has made the 4k unit better.

Pimax is looking to work with Analogix on DSC compression hardware for the 4k to enable native resolution because of @Sjef

I was reacting to how much resolution they needed in order to maintain detail. I was just surprised.


Sorry to for the confusion, it’s our fault!
We didn’t make good internal communication between our R&D specialists and roadshow representatives. Nordic is our co-CEO and he is mainly in charge another on-going project. Due to tight schedule and resource limitation, we ask Nordic to do onsite support for the NYVR roadshow, he know the general status of 8K HMD, but might be lack of some deep hardware information. I think it’s his first time to meet a professional VR enthusiast and was questioned a lot about the hardware details. we’re sorry we didn’t give him strong technique support regarding these questions due to the difference time zone. He isn’t intend to give the conflict answer, while some information are out of date or mixed inaccurately. it’s not so fair to challenge him since he just try to be helpful. but anyway we got the lessons learnt now.

To be clarify, the screens installed in V2 and V3 HMD aren’t limited to 75 FPS. The Driver IC’s capability upper limit is ~90Hz under upscale mode. Actually we already implemented a very stable 82Hz FPS. And Unstable 85Hz and 87Hz. We’re keeping trying. But there’s might some risk not achieve the stability with the higher FPS. We will update a risk analysis before the kickstarter compaign end, so let our backers have their owner assessment regarding this risk. Thanks for your understanding.


i can live with a stable 82 if brainwarp works.


Well rightly or wrongly they lead almost the entire community, included the pros at Tested, to believe this is a 90Hz device. This is what the 1000s backing the product are expecting.

Condescending BS.

“Overreact to honesty.” WTF?

  1. Backers are lead to believe that this is a 90Hz device.
  2. Backers buy based on this info.
  3. They come and say “this is not (yet) a 90Hz device”.
  4. How are backers meant to respond other than ask the questions we’re asking?

Overreaction would be to say Pimax are dirty thieves and we all unback en masse.

But noone’s doing that, we’re just asking questions, and the question in this thread is another reasonable one: would it bother us? And many of us are reacting honestly by saying “Hell yes!”. How on earth is this overreacting!?

Havign said that I do however trust these guys when they say they’ll deliver this. We have to work with them and keep faith.

If they don’t though, it’s a case of never trusting them again.


Sorry, but I have to ask this simple question:

Two Pimax 8K (final version) can have one same component of different quality and specifications?

In any circumstance.