How worried are you about 75hz?

Specifically in the part where he says:

“I asked Nordic what the frame rate was and he immediately reported 90Hz. After explaining that I was seeing skipping and questioning the 90 Hz, he then said that the HMD was running at 75 Hz. I asked about how it shifts from 90 to 75 and he said it doesn’t. He said that the screens that are installed in both the V2 and V3 HMDs are limited to 75 fps. I asked if this is what will be in the consumer model. His answered by saying what ships will operate in the range of 75-90 FPS. He then added that it would depend on where the screens are sourced from, adding that the quality can vary manufacturer to manufacturer.
Pulling on this thread brings us even more questions: Do you not know who your LCD manufacturer is? Will it be completely random who gets the good screens or the bad screens? Will there be tiered models for guaranteed 75 or 90 Hz HMDs? Just what the hell is going on here?”

I think this point should be made clear as soon as possible, if they have not understood the explanation well are generating a lot of mistrust …

@deletedpimaxrep1 @PimaxVR @Pimax-Support @Matthew.Xu


Yes is like “you don’t have an issue, you just were unlucky, pal”.

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Chroma subsampling? It is true, I’ve gotten old gaming laptop to run 4k on hdmi 1 to run 4k back in 2011 lol although chroma subsampling sucks and looks weird.

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Thats because its only 1080p worth of color data with 4x the pixels lol. It would still be a gain for those on the basic 8k unit over the X

Honestly 90hz/fps is the bare minimum. Aside from the high fov, which I’m hoping after another two prototypes becomes full human scale field of view, the brainwarp Tech interested me a lot. For VR, but also running my flat games at 180fps and every frame being sent to either left eye or right eye. This is why vorpx needs to work with the pimax sdk, unless steamvr enables brainwarp.

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I agree that this is an issue, not only does people expect the screens to deliver at 90hz as promised, but there is also a trust issue. Especially when using kickstarter you need to be transparent with customers, we are giving you money for what could very well be nothing in return because we believe in and want to support your product. The least we expect in return is not to be misled.


If i get a Pimax with screens with 75Hz rate max, i sell the Pimax 8K on Ebay. But if my 1080 videocard can not deliver 90Hz because of a (heavy) game, than its no problem for me. Because i will buy a new (better) videocard next year which has more power.

Pimax. please tell us whats its gonna be. If buyers feel cheated, they will never support you again. And because i believe in Pimax and their knowhow, i wish them a nice future.
(All written without google-support)


How was the resolution? And SDE could you make out the pixels?

The resolution is amazing. No doubt about it. I couldn’t see a SDE at all. Please read my review on reddit. the link is

I also did a Q&A with the CEO of Pimax. The link is


Okay folks I am going to make this hopefully easier for you.

Kickstarters are to help get funding to finish developing a product. Much like Early Access aka Open Beta.

The team here has said hardware wise the Kickstarter model will be close or the same as the consumer release.

Software Kickstarter backers will be in the spot of helping to work out the kinks. Now if swapable lenses is implemented it means if they tweak the lenses further based on feedback you will be able to have these lenses for example.

Now as for you untrustful folks complaining about Transparency; your reactions to there posts when info is presented is in part justifies caution.

How can you trust someone with honesty when they fly off the handle when you are honest.

Prior to kickstarter launch they revealed having an issue to get native 4k/eye & folks acted out.

Robin came forward & explained that moving from dual hdmi to single DP is giving them an issue at present getting 90hz workin and are working on it. Again ppl don’t disappoint on overreacting to the news.

Now you might ask about the presenters. The team is small & are filling multiple rolls to try & maintain schedules.

So my point is. If your not comfortable with what a kickstarter is & are going to overreact to honesty. Then in respect to folks out there that do understand what a kickstarter is. Please let them be the backers. With 8k headsets limited it would be fair to let those whose understand to back this or any project for that matter.

I do apologize for the rant but I am tired today.


Thank you. Good to see someone who has real understanding on variable refresh. Yes we all want the top native 90hz available if our gpu can support it with a given title.

I totally agree…

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You know you don’t have to answer to all of us. We are concern so we want to address our messages to pimax.
Also the trust is super important in kickstarter and that our main problem here…
We are understanding refresh rate or how kickstarter work don’t think that you are far superior. We are just concerned because everyday when we read some pimax employees, we have some surprises and a lot of different versions…

Also I own a small business so I know that you can also teach your employees. The last excuses was : it’s even the first time they travel to US.

And the differences between a lot of kickstarter project they have reached 3m because they are already an established company… You also have to understand that…
Because if a lot of people start to don’t trust them anymore that’s not because we are not understanding what is a kickstarter or a prototype or refresh rate, we are educated too. A lot of people prefer that they focus on the HMD rather than showing a not working properly prototype to a lot of different events, it’s time consuming, they have a small group, but they decide to do that. We respect their choices and of course we are judging what they are saying, doing and showing. So thank you to respect also what we are thinking.

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The reason i reacted was that they were lying/hiding behind excuses, im totally fine with the fact that the prototypes may have slight problems and im happy they are working on them as fast as they are.

however… it is STILL very important being honest. I can´t understand how u are objecting to this. For me the refreshrate could be at 60hz right now, no problem as long as Pimax says its not optimal but they are working on it and they are trying their hardest to solve it for the shipping version.

So far the things annoying me is representatives saying 90hz refreshrate and then admitting its actually not after being pressured,
The other was the thing where they first gave and excuse about not bringing the correct cable to the demo of V3 in new york, and then admitting that in fact they didnt want to show it to the public just yet.

Cant you see this is not honest behavior?


Yes and no … Ok, it is understandable that a device has limitations or that the commercial version varies with respect to the kickstarter. But what is not good is to have 2 versions one better than the other being randomly distributed among those who have paid the same. personally the oculus dk2 worked at 75hz but had very low persistence, to me some of that quality would be acceptable. Although of course when you know that others have been “lucky” to have the 90hz version is not something that feels good. It is similar to bad “luck” make you have a screen with few stuck pixels.

Anyway it is something that I think should be misunderstood, something like this would be a nightmare in the support as they would need specific solutions for each screen version of pimax8k.


Just playing devils advocate here ,Even before kickstarter started pimax said the 8K would run at native 4k it didn’t understandably because of a technical issue but my point is this , we are not technicians ,they are and when you promise a spec you have to be able to deliver it and if you can’t then you have to be upfront about it you don’t get to pick what’s important to your customer, giving and getting is a relationship relationships are built on trust , I get that pimax is more upfront about the developmental details but this is what happens when you give people This much information they are naturally going to have concerns and inputs it makes them feel like part of the process, if pimax can’t take criticisms then it shouldn’t be on Kickstarter .
( On a sidenote overreacting is what got us the 8KX of which I am a proud Backer)


@Jakob, Please see this post in the /r/Vive Reddit forum: Pimax 4k : Chinese business as usual. It explains a lot.


I can understand that, because there are not enough stable screens at 90Hz (a lack of foresight, at least) having to wait for a new delivery; but decide to give one customer one thing and another one something inferior is having AAA clients and “unlucky” clients.
However random it may be.

They should have verified that the components worked with every manufacturer.

Have they taken a equipment without even verifying that it worked correctly in a demo?


A lnk to the reddit post @jimh54 mentioned

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Very. I’m ready to cancel my pledge unless they stone-cold guarantee it will be 90hz in the next day or 2.