How to connect Both Eye tracking module and Hand tracking module on Pimax 8KX?

well keep in mind that this type.of thing is quite common. The slim xbox one, doesnt even have a port to plug in the Kinect.

Sometimes hardware revisions happen.

Remember the lawsuit when sony dropped linux support from ps3?

There is actually one other potential use and that would be Dynamic Distortion Correction as mentioned as a potential by Xunshu during or just before m1 testing.


Maybe it will have integrated bluetooth and a built in battery. Wait… pimax would have been talking this up bigtime. Mabe I’ll hold out for V2.0.

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Yeah for sure.

Is the reason nobody seems to be talking about vive pro eye? is it that it is useless?

I mean, what can you do with it?

does it have driver level DFR or DDC?

why would anyone care otherwise?

Just because you judge the decission to beeing stupid (which one actually?) does not mean the decision made wasn´t the right one to make.

As soon as the big ones (Oculus, HTC, Valve) will announce a new hmd with eye-tracking, the developers will follow.
And after Pimax releasing eye-tracking and it is for the first time useful in games, the big ones will have to follow.

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What makes you think that? Because there is no wireless usb protocol? :joy:

That was the case before they changed it from usb2.0 to usb 3.0.

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The Vive Pro Eye has latency > 100ms, so it’s of no practical use for gaming.

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It wouldn’t likely need DDC at it’s FoV. The other DFR don’t know. However it could as Tobi is rated Top in Eyetracking atm.

However Vive Pro Eye is very pricy in general. Likely why not much discussion. Tbh am surprised it wasn’t discontinued when the Normal pro was.

So in a nutshell, the company no one outside of a Pimax forum seems to take seriously.

is the only company actually sporting true next gen fov, resolution, and useable eyetracking, with actual demonstrated and soon to be in consumer hands DFR and soon DDC.

And somehow none of this is “news” to all of the “major VR outlets” (UploadVR i’m looking at you)?

Man, if Pimax’s rep didn’t precede them they would what you call in marketing. A disruptor.


RoadToVR is likely waiting on pimax as they mentioned during CES after reporting on them winning Jan Best CES 2020 to review final 8kX release.

With UploadVR not likely best to waste time with them. :smirk:


Well the 8kx only has one usb port on it, likely the wireless module would connect to the usb on the headset to read its data, along with a power bank for power.

if you are using hand tracking, or eyetracking , and there is no pass through you would have no way to use the wireless module unless you connected it directly to the pc via usbc calbe rendering the whole situation quite funny.

It wouldn’t need to use the Usb port on the headset. Just the port the all in one cable connects 2.

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yeah i don’t like them, but they report well on everything else VR not pimax related.

That VR Showcase they did was good exposure for VR software in general.

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Well hardware wise it usually needs to be Oculus related to be given good reviews.

If they make it …

“Why do I want hand tracking?” is the question I ask…

Well I am sure their partner is making it. Though release date is the big unknown.

Would these work?

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