How to connect Both Eye tracking module and Hand tracking module on Pimax 8KX?

There simply is no version available (yet).
And if they will make that version available (because it is probably under production right now) then it would be the version for 5+/8k(+) and not 8kX. You could still buy it and use it, but not together with the eye-tracking - if not using an extra cable to the pc.

So you are all right with your doubts and i was probably to certain that Pimax would not release a handtracking module without having an option in place for 8kx eye-tracking users.

If you are an 8kx user and want to use both modules, simply wait until pimax releases either a different handtracking module with usb-c-out or that special cable with usb-c.

They can do more by acknowledging that this is an issue that might actually bother some of us instead of repeating the same bullcrap line about how no software uses both modules so no one needs to have both modules hooked up at once. To me thats “blowing it off” they have taken the attitude that no one will be affected by it so they dont need to worry about it.

“Short term solutions” is a subjective term, whats short term for you may not be the same for me. Obviously right now the most important thing Pimax can do is ship 8kxs, ship them often, and deliver defect free high resolution hmds to all of us that have waited.

All I’m saying is take the modified cable solution(which I think is the best solution) that was mentioned by sweviver(props to him for bringing it up) as something they might be able to look into “eventually” and expedite it some.

Running a usb cable from the pc to the other side of my room alongside the hmd cable is not a solution for me and its not something I am going to do. So if Pimax isn’t going to solve this obvious compatibility issue in any “reasonable” timeframe then tell us so I can cancel my order. 1 or 2 more years is not a “reasonable” timeframe.


I would agree 100% from everything I have read, that this has been blown off as no big deal.
Even when I & others asked on the live stream chat, that’s the impression I got.
Now I understand they wanted to play it down as not a problem so not to put new customers off.
But it is a problem that shouldnt exist which needs to have a solution fast.

The real fix would have been be a casing retool.
I dont care if anyone else here doesnt agree.
That’s what any other responsible company would have done in the first place.
How many companies use the same casing design for their new iteration of headsets anyway?
& I’ll bet cost played the biggest part in the decision not to do that.

But now it’s too late for that.
At least for these first batches.
Although it might be unpopular, I still believe they should do it in the future & people who have bought them now will have to just accept that sometimes later v2 versions have improvements.

I agree with others that a pass through on the hand tracking module or a cable with added usb are the best options right now.

But do you think ultraleap are going to like being told by pimax to add a pass through to fix the problem pimax didn’t fix themselves?
Unless this was something already earlier agreed, i dont know if its going to happen.
So I think that leaves the cable option as the best hope.

Let’s hope they make a fast fix by the time both modules are available to buy with an 8kx.


They totally did though, the excuse of “there aren’t any apps than can use both” is nonsense because on the one hand they said eye tracking DFR works with “90%” of apps and that is the main thing people will want the eye tracking for. So any app that can use hand tracking can also use eye tracking. Its a nonsense argument and Sweviver already admitted that when I pointed it out. Absolutely 100% the handtracking module needs passthrough and anyone who buys it without needs their head reading.

Pimax need to commit to it or (i hope) no one buys the handtracking module.

I dont even mind paying for the cable, its not like I’m asking for something for free. I just wish pimax took it a little more seriously then they have in the forums…

Don’t think there not taking it seriously just over a few seemingly apathetic posts. I am pretty sure were likely to see a solution within 2 to 3 months.

Well, I think they didnt really think it through, or decided to just push it out there and basically ship this v1 rubbish out to people who already paid the lower price, then in 6 months time there’ll be a v2 at a higher price that has a pass through, or a new version on the X that has the 2nd port on top

Actually the new X will be the biggest cash grab, so it will be that one.

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RE: New cable with additional USB support for simultaneous use of HT & ET.


If a new cable (with additional USB) can be designed, would we as end users of the product be able to fit this ourselves at the headset end?

Or is the headset cable not removable and the headset housing need removing and the old cable unscrewed/de-soldered from the circuit board?

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the cable is user replaceable yes, you have to unclip some bits but its not soldered


Thanks for the reply, that’s good news.


8kX headset all in one cable is removable as they are testing an optical cable.

EDiT: @geoffvader beat me to it. :pi_thumbsup:


Sorry but that was not Mirage335 who had that idea, it was me :rofl: and posted it several times with links to several different cables :wink:
But this should not be about a cosmetic mod, but rather a way to bring back what was lost… .an usb-c port on the current production 8K X.


@mirage335 was poked by myself as I know from discussions he has pcb design experience and was seeking some of his thoughts on designing something that could fit between the HT module to add extra port(s).


if I remember correctly, it doesn’t work because the eye tracker requires nearly the full bandwidth of the USB port.

That is a guess and hasn’t been confirmed. Vive Pro has Eyetracking and Hand tracking capabilities. So a guess this is maybe not as believed. No confirmation has been officially stated.

ahh, ok, I thought I heard in the Q&A video that the improved performance of the eytracker consumes more bandwidth.

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if the x eventually gets wireless, the solution will also to be to wire it to pc. lol


yes, Pimax would never do something stupid. :smiley:

Hi you must be new here, welcome.


I watched the pimax now event & q&a.
On the Q&A the reason for the removal of the top usb port was confirmed by kevin.
There was physically no room in its existing location due to a bigger chip set.
The solution was retool & modify the housing.
Pimax chose not to do that.



yeah i can tell you that the ONLY thing eye tracking is good for ATM is going to be the Dynamic Foveated Rendering (DFR) and in the near future Dynamic Distortion Correction (DDC),

Eye tracking is FAR from a standard feature (yet, OpenXR ?), and NO game will be using it for game play for a long time.

So i’d be surprised if anyone here is ordering the eye tracking to play whack-a-mole.

Therefore ANY app that uses hand tracking where you want to benefit from the increased framerate DFR can give you will need to use it at the same time.

@SweViver should agree with this.