How old are you gramps?

Gee all these gramps in their 20s and 30s posting? I heard kids were making babies younger and younger but some of this sounds like geriatric envy. :grinning:

Really though, it is heartening to see so many generations having a common goal of being young and playing together. :clap:


Thanks for grabbing the “oldest” title. I was starting to feel creaky. :smiley:

  1. If it’s of any solace - at least it can’t happen to me that I die young :laughing:

But honestly, when I was a young adult, people who retired essentially sat down at home with a cup of tea (or, as I live in Germany, a cup of coffee with a piece of cake) waiting for death to come pick them up. The expectation of what life after retirement still has to offer has changed massively.

Don’t all boys grow up till they’re 13 and then only grow older/fatter/balder… :crazy_face:

So, now that you have disclosed it, that, Sir, is indeed an aspect which does make me not fear the day of retirement as opposed to many others who seem to fear it. I won’t feel old & useless that day, I will feel like I have done my share and now the time has come to cash in & have fun !


Not all. I’m in better shape now than 20 years ago. As you say “The expectation of what life after retirement still has to offer has changed massively”. Retirement afforded me the time to eat and exercise much more effectively.
VR has become a great tool for staying active. When I got a CV1, I was looking at flight and racing purposes. Putting hands in the game added playing golf, skiing. kayaking, bow shooting, wingsuit flying, boxing, golf, sword fighting and many other possibilities into my options for staying active. I often use VR gaming to loosen up for real world activities like real golf and playing rock and roll (drummer).
What’s the expression? “Use it or loose it.” :muscle: :muscle: :leg: :leg: rather than :mechanical_arm: :mechanical_arm: :mechanical_leg: :mechanical_leg:


and we’d be as critical of wheelchair simulator as we are truck simulator today.

I wonder how many people feel free now that they have admitted their age. Like a weight has been unburdened. We are all a little closer now. :upside_down_face:


Now that I think about it. Most people consider the Pinax as the ultimate aviation headset. And alot of the Geriatrics love their flight sims.

So it’s not too surprising.

Which one of you is this, in this video? ( it’s a link click it)

Screenshot_20210112-151858_YouTube ? :grin:

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recently i’ve developed a strange soreness in my right shoulder (like in the last 2 months) it kind of hurts when i move my arm around and has really limited my ability to play beat saber etc…

Im hoping its just a retitive strain injury and not Arthritis. :roll_eyes::thinking: ( @DrWilken give me your medical opinion lol)

I swear you pass a certain age and you start falling apart.


Lol @Heliosurge make that a forum badge. lol he can wear it with pride. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


…don’t qualify since that post, I was nullified by the really old dudes here who joined the thread since. Ce la vie :grin:


That describes me, but not my dad. He’s 92 and spends two hours every morning doing stretching / yoga, then gets on his exercise bike, then weightlifting :crazy_face:


Ya, the older we get the longer it takes to mend. Tore both Meniscus10 years back and it took 10 months to get back to 100%. This was better than what my doctor and the surgeon said. The wanted to remove all the cartilage. Told them to go away.
Feared I would have to give up my 6-speed stick Honda Accord.
I have been taking Glucosamine Sulfate and Turmeric (anti-inflammatory) daily since then. Anecdotal, I know, but with that and exercise I can still shoot a decent round of golf and walk the course. Not shooting my age but i have been know to throw down an 80s round and hope to shoot my age in a few years LOL.


Yeah…it would be a sad day for me if I ever had to give up some if my favorite VR games due to pain.

Good to hear you were able to fight it though.

I swear these doctors give you one drug to cimbat one problem and it causes another and their solution is to take another to combat the new one.

Before you know it you are like Mr.Burns from the simpsons.


Many doctor only treat the symptom rather than the cause. I have been fortunate to have a GP that likes that I am pro-active and encourages my efforts to resolve any issues without meds if feasible.
I once had high cholesterol and was told I might need to go on meds for it. I said leave it with me and 3 months later tested normal. When asked how I did it, I said “I gave up cream in my coffee and started drinking red wine with dinner.” He said “that will do it”. I said “can I get a script for Merlot please”. :grinning:


Ok gonna try red wine with dinner.

I’ve high cholesterol and on medication.


nice! I should do the same…:clinking_glasses: cheers


Worth a try. YMMV depending on diet, activity level, DNA and such but if you like wine anyway it could be a win win. gl
I would add that stopping the cream in my coffee didn’t hurt. That said, although I don’t do dairy most days, I am an ice cream-aholic. Fortunately Merlot goes great with ice-cream, as well. :smiley:


Lol this thread is evolving into a Geriatric Care thread.

The second we start talking about Ben-Gay i’m out.:rofl:


Hey it still VR related.

Live longer to play VR longer!


And play VR longer to live longer :smiley:


I had 2 fights with 2 random dudes in creed, I lost both fights and lay wasted on the floor for 20 minutes after, I felt great after that, probably unclogged my arteries.

Best workout for a long while for me. I’m sure I extended my life for a few days. :rofl: