Housing Issue Reports (cracks, imperfections etc.)

I had the same problem with the unit I won during the contest a few months ago. Because of it, I may seize Fedex in court…

Europe is known to protect consumers, there must be a form for customs declarations in this case.
Some carriers like Fedex are a real problem: they pay customs taxes without knowing if they have the right or not (and don’t warn customers) and 2 weeks after they charge customers (taxes + fees).

I hope a solution will be find very very soon, I didn’t sign to wait weeks and weeks.


Hi @Korgen Please don’t worry, I am here. The team is working hard on it. We found another overseas warehouse in Germany. We need to deal with the impact of Brexit. We shipped out a batch of new housing headset yesterday. Thank you.


That’s great news! :+1::wink:


A German based European service center would be great, makes RMA alot easier for us europeans :+1: and we Will not risk having to pay customs and import taxes twice :grinning:


Can anyone determine if this will turn into cracks or not?

As long as it looks like scratches, to the touch - everything is smooth, not felt at all.
And this is noticeable only at a certain angle and light.

And so - it is not visible.

Is there anything to worry about?

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Official Pimax comments on the issue of cracked housing, improved manufacturing and calibration process, improved quality assurance testing phase and improved RMA process

Answer to the question: What calibration?

After late August internal device manufacturing process was improved. As for the improved housing, models containing improved housing reportedly started shipping on the 1st September or September 16th, having regard to the below two posts:

This was over a month ago, are RMAs still not coming from the Shanghai office? @PimaxUSA Why is this still happening when @Timo.H1 's above RMA request has been made after 16th September? Economy shipping takes 2-4 weeks from China to the US, and 28 days before the 25th of October is the 28th of September.

16th September-25th October is 6-8 weeks after the date given for RMA of new casing improvements would occur on the 1st-16th September.

@Matthew.Xu Will Pimax deliver an official reply in response to why this cracked housing issue continues to occur and affect replacement RMA units for RMA requests made post 16th September?
Can this be clarified and will Pimax indicate the status of stocking other warehouses besides the Shanghai office with the models containing improved housing and calibration referred to above?

An official response on this issue @Timo.H1 is reportedly experiencing with his replacement RMA headsets received post 16th September is required, as the implications of the issue of cracked housing on RMA replacement devices occuring post September 16 2019 are broad reaching and affect many consumers, who rightly deserve an explanation or an official statement on the issue, with respect to the fact this issue contradicts the information which was provided before.

Which in summary was that post Sept 1-Sept 16th, the issues of cracked plastic housing were resolved and would not affect future produced models or RMAs post September 16 as the manufacturing process behind the plastic housing and internal calibration had supposedly improved and had supposedly addressed the issue of cracked housing. All future RMA requests made post Sept. 16th oughy to have had the improved housing and were supposed to be sent out from Shanghai.

Sir, Calm down. Please rest assured that I will give you an explanation later. Thank you.

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I’m quite calm about this issue, thank you for your consideration towards my feelings - just ensuring an official reply will be given to address the broad reaching implications of the issue and so the issue is not ignored, as this issue should not be recurring after Sept. 16th having regard to the official comments about improved casings having resolved the issue.


The issue is not being ignored. Just maybe not solved entirely likely due to logistics of existing stock. What is evident is that the housing issue prior was a much greater deal than was originally believed due to the repeatability experienced by those who have gone through multiple replacements.

On Logistics side if there are still units in stock prior to the manufacturing changes. It increases probability of earlier produced headsets to ship out after being generally checked over as a pass. As most know the cracks usually appear over a varying amount of time. Some are quite progressive while some like my 8k(very first batch) experience more of a minor small crack that has expanded any further than first noticed.

This suggests that earlier batches can have housings that may not experience cracks at all but that repeatability is not as stable as targetted resulting in exploring new process/design & new QA methodes of verifying. Ultimately the new process will take time to verify if changes made are effective to meet the QA objective.


@PimaxUSA since you liked the above post, but have not left any brief comment saying you will investigate the issue within the last hour since the above post was made, are we to assume you refuse to comment on the tag I left you only a couple pages above in this thread to address the outstanding questions behind this situation?

Can we at least get an indication that this issue has been noted and an official reply will be given after the issue is investigated if you are unsure why this issue continues to reccur and is still not addressed if he did in fact receive the newer model from Shanghai as was indicated all future RMA requests post September 16 2019 would receive?
Maybe this was a one off issue of older stock being sent to @Timo.H1, but I think many would like to know.

I have no idea why would someone want to discuss with you issues from a 3rd person. This is not your personal ticket or chat, not every post on this forum must be answered or seriously concerned.

p.s. i have 5k+ and it felt down couple times with no cracks on it. So its a real wonder how could someone brake 5 headsets and keep complain about it. Maybe he is doing this intentionaly? Anyway - this or any other particular case is not something that pimax should talk about in this thread, imho.


Of course its not the appropriate forum to advance a matter better dealt with on the private ticket system rather than on the public forum (I was not suggesting that), however an official response on this issue is required as the implications of the above issue are broad reaching and affect many consumers, who rightly deserve an explanation or an official statement on the issue, with respect to the fact this issue contradicts the information which was provided before.

Which in summary was that post Sept 1-Sept 16th, the issues of cracked plastic housing were resolved and would not affect future produced models or RMAs post September 16 as the manufacturing process behind the plastic housing and internal calibration had supposedly improved and had supposedly addressed the issue of cracked housing. All future RMA requests made post Sept. 16th oughy to have had the improved housing and were supposed to be sent out from Shanghai.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Let’s talk about ‘Pimax Day’ here

Moved some of the posts here.

Thank you for indicating that an official response will be provided later on the issue @Matthew.Xu I will await to hear a reply to address why the issue is still reocurring after Sept 16th, hopefully in the next week.


I have cracks in my Pimax 8K housing. Im backer number 2,830. I opened a ticket, its # 19,209.

@Matthew.Xu, @PimaxUSA

Thank you

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Done, ticket #19207.

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I keep a photo diary of my new Pimax!
I received the Pimax 7-8 days ago.
Unfortunately, the first problems come after the 2 day!
It was only a small bump (Did he have RED marked in the picture)

It is the NEW case! It was shipped directly from china (pimax).

It is now my 5 or 6 pimax with cracks.

Here everyone can look at the photos.
It is a photo diary!

I will try to take pictures every day!
Anyone who wants to can pursue it!

I use the pimax 5k plus 1 to 3 hours every day.

here the link:


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@Matthew.Xu Is there any ETA of when we can receive our replacement headset? (no idea how long it can take to ship from China to Germany)

Opened a ticket to RMA my Pimax 5K+ for cracked housing (with pictures attached). Having heard nothing a week later, I contacted Pimax USA by phone and gave them the ticket number. The next day they emailed me a UPS shipping label. This was 2 weeks ago on Friday. I shipped it to them that day. On the next Tues they got it (Toronto to Florida). 3 days later (Friday) I got an email confirming approval and a return tracking#. They sent me another headset the next Monday (this week). I got the replacement today.
2 week turnaround. This part is the impressive part and it is very impressive.

Now for the annoyance. Because they didn’t indicate it was an RMA return on the shipping details UPS attached $62.89 tax and brokerage to it. Now I will have to see how long it takes to get my money back.

The sad part is, you would think Pimax NA support would have the understanding that the shipping info needs to indicate that this is not a purchase but and “RMA return”. If they had done this right there would have been no fee. it’s not like it’s their first RMA. I emailed them this morning in hopes I could get them to send UPS the corrected document info,as UPS would then have removed the charges, but this wasn’t accomplished.

The replacement if fine. As good in panels as my old one and I loved them. The housing doesn’t appear to have issues at this time (here’s hoping), The lenses are good. After pairing my Wands, I was good to go.

I would have rated this 10 out of 10 had they not screwed the pooch on the paper work. Beyond that great service.

I would point out that couriers travel the 75 Interstate every day from Buffalo to Florida so some of speed is due to that advantage. They usually make the run in a day or so.



I have been waiting more than a week now to get a return label.
Still don’t have one.what is going on with this?Ticket #18404

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