Let's talk about 'Pimax Day' here

Seems this could vary depending on region of the world. Hopefully they have done their research to determine if this U Turn is reasonable or not. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

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Sincerely, I’m not expecting a free upgrade, but it has been repeatedly asked (and not answered) if we can expect the 5K+ replacements, which up til now are still cracking, to be substantially improved.

Due to the numerous reports that the 5K+ cracking issue has NOT been resolved, many of us have been patiently holding off until the consensus says otherwise.

Please say definitively, whether the 5K+replacements will have improved housings.

I don’t want to waste my time and I don’t want to waste yours in a seemingly endless cycle of 5K+ RMAs that others are experiencing.


I think that he meant if you wanted to pay extra & receive from Valve. Lol


Looks like 7invensun are more loyal to Vive owners than Pimax to their backers.


And will ship for free the presume needed comfort bundle?


Your answers:

  1. The RE compound isn’t applied to the regular vision devices. They do have improved housing materials and an improved design though. Original headsets under RMA should receive the new version housing (but not the other vision enhancements).
  2. Not at this time. We are always working on things…
  3. Yes.
  4. The controller design changed numerous times. Current iteration is similar to that one. Advanced enough now that I actually have samples I can experiment with that work quite well (battery life etc…)

Eh? Siberdt:
If my grandmother had wheels she would’ve been a bike!

That eyetracker is custom and has less FOV, which is why its cheaper.


This what I would also welcome. I hope they will reconsider that options.

Very different deal as the complexity goes up dramatically with canted panels and wide fov.


I think that might be delayed due to EU issues that might have unexpected/expected events as a result.

Thanks, but I am not asking you to answer yet, but to discuss this internally.
I do not blame you, you are just the messenger here, and as you’ve said, you are backer too, so let’s help each other :hugs:
But you should consider seriously that we are not happy about your current proposal. This is breaking the Kickstarter rules. However, we really can understand the situation Pimax is into. Nobody wants Pimax to go bankrupcy. But you should definitively consider a better deal for us, with more options.
I trust you guys. You did great tonight, please continue to built a nice community !


@DrWilken you didn’t catch any confirmation about the MAS for pre-orders did you?


Yes but the free Eyetracking was always below cost. :v::wink::+1::sparkles:


Cheaper twice because of FOV?

Is US dollars no not everyone…maybe would be closer I Think…

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Ah your in Free enterprise 3rd world then. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

So, are we gonna get to see any through the lens shots? I remember the stream said we’d be shown the headsets or something, but nothing has came of that.

Hmm it’s a bit beyond me why anyone would pay $1300 for a HMD that’s easy to crack and has distortion when that could be fixed for just a bit more money. I mean if you want premium, you want premium.

Then again, we still have to see if A) dynamic distortion correction is even going to be a thing and 2) if it actually fixes the distortion issues.


Pimax had no choice but to source LHes like anyone else.