No multi… interesting
yep you’re correct, Valve calls it import fee from their end but it’s the HST from our’s.
Ok that’s why I got a refund! Cool! ROI for taking them from Valve and Plan A - nice
Does the Lab require Parallel Projections? I’d assume HLA would be built similarly?
And that will not happen.
I’m thinking the same and it doesn’t…
Yep, I bought knuckles controllers from Steam a couple of weeks ago and the game has showed up in my library. not available yet, but it will automatically download when it does release.
Since Index is the only other headset with canted panels/lenses, I would expect that all Valve devs are developing in native mode, to make sure they are compatible with their own headset and to be ready, when the native mode starts to matter (e.g. Index 2).
I take no official Pimax support as don’t preorder and try before buy.
Pimax likes to say they “havent begun their marketing push” yet which on one hand I kind of get. Pimax is in no position to play with the big kids yet, from a business standpoint, (We all know the potential of their h/w) but their communication problems, lack of quality control, and most importantly their ability to scale up to increasing demands all fall way behind and they would get absolutely destroyed by the vr community as a whole if they werent so segmented into their own little corner where big tech outlets and consumers arent really paying them any attention.
It works for Pimax, they get to sort out all their teething issues without getting their name dragged through the mud(too much) and can scale up at their own pace. But the problem is for us, backers, pre order customers, enthusiasts…with Pimax shying away from ther “big debut” and refusal to step out into the limelight they have insured basic support for their headset will be minimal at best for those of us that took the chance on them. Game developers have zero interest in developing for Pimax, and why should they? In the greater VR “community” Pimax doesnt even exist. Ask anyone not on this forum about the 8KX…the sharpest, widest fov headset on the market(or
close to it) and most will have no idea what you are even talking about. Not a single article was ever written about any “Pimax Day” reveals…outside of us here no one even cared.
But Pimax “met their internal targets” so opinions like this are just noise to them.
All Index & accessories available in Canada now. I just randomly checked if i could purchase Knuckles/lighthouse for 5k+ the same day Valve opened the doors to cad then purchased without hesitation and a bonus HL Alyx. Wow what arduous journey to get these controllers but it all worked out (sorry for preaching to Choir :)). I play seated so i am hoping one 2.0 lighthouse will be enough ?
Vancouver island import fee 68.16$ cad. I imagine its early but did you get a shipping confirmation email? I ordered Knuckles/lighthouse with bonus HL Alyx day one as well.
yes , Its hard to believe but it’s true. The only time the mainstream VR media …( lol is that even a thing ) has anything to say about Pimax its usually negative.
I did find it odd though, Mike from VrOasis was a backer , he was excited about receiving his unit. He did like …1 video and never spoke about it again, outright ignoring it in many conversations until 1 week ago on his FReality podcast where he ripped it apart.
Time Stamped link 56m23s
The main reason cited was that his ipd was was way below the threshold and the lenses pinched his nose and was unusable to him.
(of course he also noted other trust issues with the company , and critcized that the pimax upgrade program felt like a ripoff and that he had no faith that pimax could deliver quality product)
I do find it strange that although Nathie and Mike both have Pimax headsets, that a search on these forums doesn’t reveal that they even have accounts on these forums.
Anyway back to my point above about the mainstream VRMedia. It goes like this
- Mainstream Gaming Media = 100% of the market includes outlets like IGN, Gamespot etc.
- Mainstream VR Media = .001% of the market includes mostly youtube channels dedicated to VR in general such as RoadToVr, UploadVr, VROasis, etc…
- Pimax media …more on that later.
#1 barely acknowledges vr. tending to lump all vr games into one category on their respective websites. (You know what I mean, you have rpgs, racing platform games etc and VR Games) Vr doesn’t have categories apparently.
The only time VR news cracks the mainstream barrier is when alot of money goes into it. This year has been particularily good because upon launch IGn and Gamespot both had day 1 reviews of asgards wrath, stormland and of course nobody can stop talking about Alyx.
#2 is the level we all on these forums pay attention to and we probably feel like #2’s reach is larger than it is because it consumes our existense. But im sure we all realize at some point that the “news” that reaches this level is not even a blip on the radar to #1 level.
As small as #2 is Pimax level … (basically MRTV, VoodooDe ) is basically non existent.
Good news though a negative review of pimax from level#2 isnt going to be heard by people listening to level 1. But i wouod wager that most of Pimaxes potential customers are from people from level #2.
After the Alyx trailer dropped Nathie tweeted what headset we thought people are we going to buy now? and I was the only one who replied Pimax.
Easily the pimax will make that game as good as humanly possible at 170 fov and 4k per eye, hopefully pimax can ship our 8kx out before the game releases but I have doubts.
anyway that was a bit of a nonsensical ramble…I hope it makes sense
Not yet but I just ordered Sat.
I believe the Valve’s Alyx has a potential to “revolutionize” the VR. Until now I considered the killer app to be Beat Saber, but it was still something quite specific in a category on its own. Now with Alyx, I am really looking forward to VR getting some spot light.
Agreed Valve should have had this title ready at knuckles release or soon after.
The game does apparently take advantage of Index controllers finger action, so I can see wanting to bundle it.
Beat Saber is good, but it’s still just a rhythm game. I’ve shown beat saber to quite a few people who weren’t impressed at all. And I understand that.
Everyone knows half life though and wants to play it.
I do think that this game has already changed things for VR. Every mainstream channel has covered this game in some way or another. Jom Sterling, YongYea, Angry Joe, IGN, Gamespot, and im sure there are dozens more.
It’s so weird.
I forgot to mention the other level of Mainstream Media. And that is the media that has nothing to do with games.
This is like when you see games being covered by Jimmy Fallon or Conan, or actual news outlets.
By the time VR hits that level it will gain the scrutiny of people we want in VR and people we don’t. Wait till the mainstream media and politicians gets wind of the fact that you can play games like Gorn and GTAV and actually be there.
You think the mortal kombat Trials were bad? wait till the find out that you can now do the fatality with your own hands.
Mark Zuckerberg and Gabe Newell better be ready to take the stand and defend the fact that VR isnt just murder simulators
My question is. if Pimax is supplying knuckles to backers do we get the free Alyx as well? We should no?
Everyone who buys knuckles are getting it for free.