Davebobman's Guide to choosing an Upgrade Plan

Please share this post/image if anyone asks you about the upgrade plans.

All the “discounts” (mostly trade-ins)

  1. $50 for opting-out of the stretch goals
  2. $50 bonus if you opt-out by December 31st (brings the total for stretch goals up to $100)
  3. $50 for opting-out of the $100 eye-tracking coupon
  4. $300 for opting-out of the BS+controllers
  5. $100 from the 8K to 5K+ downgrade coupon
  6. $200 if you upgrade to an 8K-X
  7. $50 if you upgrade to an 8K+
    EDIT (2020-1-21) They have added an additional $50 discount for the 8K+ and $100 for the 8K-X, which I have included in the values above.
  • 6/7 are the only actual discounts, with 1-5 being trade-ins
  • All of the BS+controllers related plans (A/B/E/F) are being done at-cost (no price difference for backers)
  • 1/2 are giving backers much less credit than the strech goals are worth

If you backed the BS+controllers and you want to get Index you have two options (identical cost):
Option 1: Plan A/B + E

  • Plan A/B sells your backer BS+controllers for $300
  • Then Plan E buys Index BS+controllers for $479
  • Total cost is $479 - 300 = $179

Option 2: Plan C/D + F

  • Plan C/D keeps your backer BS+controllers with no price change
  • Plan F upgrades your backer BS+controllers to Index for $179

Pimax Day 2 stream: time-stamped link to the upgrade plan


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Overview of stretch goals + downgrade coupon - link provided by @FatalXception

Better alternative to upgrade plans + the problem with stretch goals


Wait, what???
I seriously hope that it won’t come to that.

EDIT : https://community.openmr.ai/t/move-here-to-discuss-pimax-day-2/23028/180
Worse than I thought.

Anyway, great summary of the plans, thank you.

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Thanks for the analysis! It confirmed my choice of D. I went through most of the ordering process, just to see what it would cost me to get an 8KX w/ the improved on-ear headphones: $1149 w/o shipping or taxes (which were not added to my total).

While I would love to upgrade, I simply cannot justify that kind of expense for a hobby right now, especially considering that my 8K is actually pretty good.


From table.

  1. $50 for opting-out of the stretch goals
  2. $50 bonus if you opt-out by December 31st (brings the total for stretch goals up to $100)

if plan c still want to get reward and not upgrade before 31 December.

That mean plan c have to paid 999 + 50 stretch goal discount + 50 (not choose before 31 December).

Total is $1099
While 8k, 5k+ owner can buy at the same price at $1099 (But pay shiping cost by themselve at $60).
It look 8k --> 5k+ backer lose $100 downgrade coupon because we get the same price of headset owner plan.

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Good sumary off it all, problem I see for Pimax is in dec they send out MAS and you can then 31dec preorder how do they do then when you resived some stretch goals.


Thanks for the summary of options. Now that I know the right plan, it is doubtful I will participate. Partly it is the cost, which is high, and secondly it is Pimax’s known history of delays and non-communication. IMO, what is being offered to backers of KS by Pimax is very little for the initial cost and the long wait time backers have had and still have. I think I will hold onto my money, use my 8K, and see what the marketplace produces for HMDs by more established companies over the coming year.


I checked out that post and it is vaguely worded. In the context of the question he was answering I would say that @PimaxUSA never directly said that the coupon couldn’t be used outside of the plans.


  • Plans B/D specifically exclude the $100 downgrade coupon.
  • Plans A/C are the same as B/D except that they specifically include the coupon.
  • Plans E/F are for upgrading to Valve BS+controllers. The coupon can’t be used here since it is specifically for Pimax products.
  • Plan G is for people who backed the 8K-X wouldn’t have the coupon, unless they also backed the 8K. Using the coupon for plan G would definitely be one of the “edge cases” to create a ticket for.

So he could just be saying the only certain plans can use the coupon (implies that the coupons are still useful for other products), as opposed to saying that the coupon can only be used for the plans.

@PimaxUSA Can you confirm?

PimaxUSA already clarified this


With a long and detailed post on the backer upgrades, and yes, we will get them and the coupon if we DON’T opt into buying a new HMD now. He had simply left off the part of the sentence that he was only referring to the upgrade options.


Thanks for the link :+1:

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You guys forget taxes, which scale up accordingly. 19% VAT + 14% custom duties scale the price of a 1299,- headset up to, assuming you’re paying 60,- for shipping which is taxed as well: ~1800,- in good old socialist Europe. Ever wondered why the Amazon prices of Pimax headsets were so high? Combined with the risk they calculate per sale, due to consumers being able to return anything within 30 days free of charge, you got these crazy prices on Amazon Germany.
In worst case paying taxes on a 649,- item is much less than on a 1299,- item.

Also, you backed 150,- for base stations. That you consider that you have a godgiven right to 2 basestations now which cost 300,- is showing how ungrateful you are - those of us who waive these stretch goals et cetera are actually sponsoring your smart “I get 2 base stations for the price of one +150,- dollars hurhur” deal.

If I was Pimax, I’d slash 2 basestations to one. Sorry guys, market changed, write hatemail to Valve. We must feed our children as well.

Just being honest, flame away.


Yeah, to me it’s too expensive for a VR headset that I wouldn’t be using that much anyway.
It’d need be the best or nothing, so 8k-x with the deluxe headphones and before I’d have them in my hands I would be, like you said, probably some 1800€ poorer. Too much.


I think you’re right. He probably meant to say “the only plans where you can use your coupon are A and C”, not “you can only use coupon for upgrade plan (A and C)”.
Probably badly phrased.

He did precise afterward that the coupon can be used for accessories manufactured by Pimax AND are not stackable with other coupons (wireless & eye-tracking that can’t be used for anything else).
So, you can’t use them for Valve Index controller or Valve base stations, nor can it be used for eye-tracking or the wireless coupon (contrary to what was said when the switch was suggested).

Doesn’t leave lots of things to buy: comfort kit and … upgrade to the deluxe MAS? (the one with hanging speakers) … or just additional facepalms … I mean facepads.

Taxes are calculated here! How do you get to $ 1800 ???

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There’s a bug in the web code (mentioned in another thread). That option is actually purchasing the eyetracker and applying the coupon, not just keeping the coupon.

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Timo, yes I have a bad habit of sometimes exaggerating things to make them look worse than they are.
However, in the most expensive case IF I WASN’T an existing owner, the price of the 8k-X is $1399USD and thats without the shipping+vat which depends on from where the item is being shipped from and would total in ballpark of $1800USD (rough estmate)

See also: https://community.openmr.ai/t/just-payed-more-than-1700-usd-for-the-8kx/23093

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When i go to the link provided by pimax it says not available to backers?https://store.pimaxvr.com/shop/category/update-program-25

Where do i go to actually select the right plan? I dont see plan A-B-C,etc.

Also by upgrading, am i opting out of all the stretch goals?

This upgrade program is really confusing.

Go to backer.pimaxvr.com, you need to provide proof of backer-ship (screenshot of KS receipt + your Backer #, for example).

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If I understand correctly, I would need to go with plan D if I decide to do an upgrade plan, as I did the headset only 8k backing.

Now for an interesting question, during the kickstarter I put an extra 220 dollars towards the following items. Will Pimax also put this money towards the new HMD if I were to go with an upgrade, and how would that work? Or, are we still going to receive these items if we go with a plan or not? This has been a journey.