Can We Get Acknowledgement of the Pimax Specific RTX 4090 Latency / Lag Issue please?

Found something interesting.

  1. Boot computer
  2. Start Pitool → Start SteamVR from Pitool
  3. Put HMD on and move your head and check movement lag (in SteamVR “loading area” the black area with white lines)
  4. Open File Explorer and maximize window to full screen
  5. Wait few seconds and test head movement lag again. Lag is A LOT more worse when File Explorer windows is at full screen
  6. Rezize or minimize File Exlorer window, wait few seconds and test head movement lag again. Image stabilize and head movement lag is reduced to “normal” again.

I can replicate this every time. The “normal” lag is still not nearly good enough but something is really off with 4090 and Pimax and/or VR in general.

File Explorer window should not have any effect for VR head movement behaviuor.

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I have experienced weird issues like this for as long as I’ve had VR, windows 11 especially tends to take away resources if the window isn’t in focus. Direct display mode should help in some scenarios.

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umm, i don´t feel any lag issue, only some stutter if it is running msi afterburner

windows 11, gigabyte 4090, asus z690-D4, 12600k, 32 gigas ram DDR 4. Resize bar on in bios options and select only pci express 4gen too, HAGS off

i us pitool 277 with pimax 8kx first gen, usually normal fov with a very high resolutions

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Well it looks like it might be Nvidia that is looking to fix the issue as it appears by your post of beta driver and registry edit that it is on there side to fix. I am sure pimax is likely still exploring things on there side but may need Nvidia to fix it on there end.

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Pimax have updated me saying the new Nvidia driver 528.49 they say has no lag. I will try this tonight after work.

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I just gave it a try, too:
It might be a little bit better, but it is not completely gone, for sure.

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I’ve tried it now and it is exactly the same, no improvement for me.

Just a thought, but have you tried using less ram? Recently also had a candidate where 64GB completely slowed down the system.

Intel 12 and 13gen users should also try banning the e-cores from the application in question or switching them off as a test. There are even some flat games that suffer from lags in connection with 40xx with activated e-cores. :flushed:

Maybe the Lag is gone but the stutters are definately there.

An incorrect balance between resolution, supersampling and in-game settings is usually responsible for the most stuttering. With the exception of MSFS, there it’s mostly due to the weakening servers. :joy:

But, this lag that you are telling, it is notorious?, because really a don’t feel anything, driving asseto corsa or shooting at alyx for example


try with msi afterburner and riva tuner on,i can replicate it but with that off its gone

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It will really depend on a user sensitivity to it. Much like Seb could aee latency in the og 8k that majority of folks would need to perform the latency tap test.


With these apps on, i have some stutter but not lag


Okay, after quite a couple of hours of truck driving now with the 4080, I can state that the problem has become negligible to me. Of course, it is still there if I concentrate on it - but is has become so slight that it isn’t doesn’t bother me any more while playing, or I have become used to it.
So, I agree with @Heliosurge that it might depend on sensitivity, but like to add, that it might depend on some habituation and acclimatisation. As well as on the type of game one is playing in VR: The problem might be much much more annoying and causing nausea when playing upright and moving in full body and head action whereas it could be far more tolerable when playing seated and mostly looking forward, not turning around and around all the time.

Nevertheless, as it is still there, it should be solved, of course.

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Jonny, check this article :
Configure Processor Scheduling for better performance in Windows 11/10 (

If I set Win32PrioritySeparation to 26 then I get same weird issues as well. 2 works best for me.
Worth to try.

Anyway, I’m out.
For me the lag issue was critical (I’m using motion platform) and that Pimax staff did not even bother to reply this topic was just disrespectful.

I bought Varjo Aero and it does not have that lag issue. I will cancel my Chrystal pre-order.

I really hope that Pimax will fix this bug, but I have lost my confidence for this company.


Thanks for this, I tried all the values and there was no change though. I am still able to play by f*cking with MSI centre, but the weird ritual I have slightly changes occasionally.

Don’t blame you at all for dipping, enjoy your aero.

Maybe worth a try, but did anyone of you who suffer from the lag tried to overclock the Southbridge (aka Base Clock) to improve signal flow between the hardware components ?

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After a great deal of research I found a post in the steam vr open xr developer forum describing the issue we are having with tracking lag on the pimax headsets that I think applies and it may be a steam vr issue that should be fixed relatively soon. The developer discovered his coding error and was able to correct it in his coding and resolve the tracking lag himself. The article .


A lot of people have issues in pimax experience/openxr as well.