I didn’t follow this Kickstarter. Which option did you pick?
But yeah I’m not defending any Kickstarter that doesn’t send out units once they’re ready.
I didn’t follow this Kickstarter. Which option did you pick?
But yeah I’m not defending any Kickstarter that doesn’t send out units once they’re ready.
I’ve watched a few of her videos, but found it hard not to become distracted.
But more points of view about VR is of course welcome!
I was wondering what you were talking about and went back in the thread to search for the video.
Actually my own breast hurts now, because the sheer imagination of having pumped ten gallons of silicone into what once probably were regular sized breasts makes me feel the kind of constant slight pain or stress she must be experiencing.
Honestly, if I ever had to get engaged with that kind of body I would be very careful, always expecting one of them to explode anytime just because I happened to touch them. It would make me feel rather uneasy.
So, what’s next? Will we have to listen to heavily breathing porn actors getting it on while giving us their views on the Arpara 3?
/Offtopic end
Agreed it also means that anyone buying a used one will need to match ipd from what I read. Now in theory they could just be customizing the face foam for face shape and just have different frames for a few ipd minor ranges… Hard to say.
The limited ipd really is a let down as it only matches early v1 VR deivices like the OSVR hdk1.
Looks like an interesting device though due to the formfactor and weight. But a high price point and limited resale ability and no options for ET and the like make this possibly a hard sell. Especially with it not really supporting multi user use.
Agreed Apara atm looks to be the better hmd if they get things sorted out. I would definitely as well consider the Apara 5k first unless Bigscreen fixes and adds other needed options.
No just the worldwide release at last check had stalled. Not sure if that is still currently the case. Would need to ask an old friend whom has better details and contacts.
I think it will come but they have under estimated the hurdles to get wide release. Much like pimax had with the sword controllers batt cert. I will see if a friend might have sone details on how there making out.
Freight forwarding is always an option. Seb likely received an “Engineering sample”.
its begins.
In a galaxy far far away Will be good when it happens though
Late to the party on this.
Thing has what, only 95° FOV?
You don’t get any controllers with it too.
I suppose if all you want is a tethered experience with something as light as possible and no need for FOV, and you either already have or don’t mind shelling out more money for controllers and LH stations.
Maybe this is a good thing.
For me, I wouldn’t want to fly a flight sim with only 95° FOV…
So… whilst I am not interested in a headset with that narrow an FOV, myself, I do seriously wonder what sort of FOV many of those who put the Beyond down of account of it, at other places than here (…where we have more experience with-, and thirst for wider FOV), are really getting out of their current headsets, and if they might not find themselves surprised by those 93°… I also believe that’s likely to be full, or close-to-full binocular overlap, for those 93° - same with other headsets with optics that involve tiny display panels.
(I suspect that quite a few of those who got to try the Valve Index early, back in the day, and reported 130° for it, did not only arrive at that number by multiplying the full (…as opposed to the more fuzzy: “typical”) Vive FOV, by Valve’s given factor; But also through comparing their brief (at the time) Index experience to their experience with their existing HMDs, and that they walked into that situation believing in inflated FOV numbers that were already floating around for those (also possibly not getting their full FOV, due to imperfect fitment), so adding their perceived difference to an already too large number, which they brought with them, themselves.)
I also think many people are way to quick to dismiss the comfort factor.
Assuming zero caveats (unrealistic, of course, but for the sake of argument), it is not just that the smaller HMD puts less weight- and torque strain on your neck, and takes up less physical volume.
-It sits correctly on your face, right away, every time, and remains there, perfectly in the optical sweet spots, without jiggling around, without needing to be adjusted periodically, without putting unpleasant pressure anywhere, or gaping open elsewhere.
The complete elimination of adjustable parts not only makes the device smaller and lighter, but also makes the optical assembly much more stable – it can be properly factory calibrated (not saying this is necessarily actually being done), locked in place, and sealed, without any part mobility subsequently (immediately) throwing that calibration to the winds.
It is being likened to presciption glasses, but one might also speak of an masterly tailored suit – it is a personal item – made to fit you, for its lifetime, not intended to be passed along, and giving you a sort of comfort and freedom of mobility that you could never get out of a one-size-fits-all onesie from Walmart.
…and something of a luxury thing - I think there may well be enough of a market for such expensive bespoke gear, to keep the business afloat…
I am a bit apprahensive about the fit-moulded/milled gasket silicone material though… It looks kind of gross, to me, on video; Jiggly, and squishy, and pitted, and, I imagine for some reason, “cold” and “sticky” in a way… It’s the whole moisture rejection thing – it is not going to become soggy, which is is great, but without anything to wick up perspiration, I imagine it and the HMD could get really wet and cloying, really quickly…
We’ll see… and maybe aftermarket cloth masks will become a thing, if the above becomes an issue, along with other things like maybe wireless transfer-, or portable computing units for mounting on the user’s shoulder/back/hip, or the back of the headstrap.
I never use the pass-through cameras in my devices, but maybe with the zero light leak, and better displays, I might start to, so yes; Maybe it would be nice to have…
I do happen to consider high quality, low latency eyetracking a bit of a must-have for any headset from now on, even if you’ve only got 93° FOV, limiting the benefits of dynamic foveated rendering somewhat, but again: We’ll see… :7
I agree that it is an interesting new approach to the subject matter and I will not dismiss it right away. Having said that, I am definitely not going to pre-order one but will await the reviews once the production version is out in the wild.
By that time we may know more about new competing products. I want to manage my investments this year, and the Apple Reality headset looms large - and expensive - over all of them.
Do you think Apple will provide enough usable content for this, apart from software for serious work?
Had this in my head the other day. After seeing the big screen beyond via tested and hearing that those panels are off the shelf, four of those panels on the same glass for a special addition PIMAX Crystal would be pretty awesome.
I suggest Pimax finish the full plate they have cooked up before starting a new recipe…
I concur with @jojon that the element of a perfectly tailor-made personal device makes a lot of sense and I am convinced it is a neccessary requirement to achieve such small form factors and even smaller ones.
Somewhere between prescribed glasses and a tailor made suit is a great analogy; given the rapid propagation of low friction 3d priting, I’d be ecstatic to see how BigScreen use an IPhone’s LiDAR capability to mold a perfect interface. This has been something I have been tinkering with for years, and have been getting pretty close to using 65A TPU for the interface.
Traditionally Apple’s products are enterprise focused only for graphics designers, layouters etc… Otherwise their focus was very much the consumer market, I would argue.
The issue of course is that it will not be gaming focused, and pretty sure there will be no convenient way to get PC VR games to work on it.
So it will be a first MR/AR consumer device for all the use cases besides hardcore gaming. I suspect it will do what Meta tries and seems to find very difficult to achieve: a social device connecting physically remote people in a manner giving them the feeling they are present in the same space. Plus the AR stuff like navigation and identification of objects & persons around you.
It appears as if the device toi be released this year will still be rather a kind of a developer product to create a greater software base for the true consumer releases in the next year(s). Early adopters will of course jump on it too and proudly carry a still too clunky or geeky device in their face in public (just remember the eyes being displayed on a screen thing - super-nerdy thing which would creep out a number of people if proven true).
Not saying, they should do it. Lol. Just that it would be pretty dope. Apparently these new OLED do not have near black Overshoot issues. They also wouldn’t have any persistence, blur issues, being OLED
Considering Apple being Apple I would expect, if they go for “Apple verse”, that they would provide the fully digitized Avatars with full facial animations - basically the 3D recreation of the Face Time. Something like Mike Abrash showed already as a prototype/demo on a Oculus con some time ago.
Except with Apple it will come with Apple ease of use. The rest of the body will still be the problem, but if done right it could really make the virtual meetings an alternative to video conferencing.
Something that could be hardly done in Metaverse with Meta Avatars.
Yes, they should be a good engine for serious use in the future.