Benzene - Bad Life, Bad Stories, Bad Jokes :|

This is so different than the world I grew up in.

Many years ago, when I was a kid, my family was on vacation at the beach (in Florida) when a leaky oil tanker must have passed by. We all got covered in tar/crude-oil that we didn’t see in the surf. Later, to get rid of the tar, my dad wiped us all down with gasoline. Leaded gasoline. :astonished: He poured the gas over our heads, to get the tar out of our hair. One spark and we all probably would have burned to death.

Benzene exposure was the least of our worries. :laughing:


Everything about that story is bad. :expressionless:


My dad was similar. When I was only six months old he taught me how to swim by taking me out in the middle of the lake and tossing me in the water. Actually it wasn’t that bad, once I got out of the bag.
Of Course that’s a terrible joke, but I like it anyway.


“You were lucky…” :rofl:

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:sunglasses: the old gags are still the best gags. I’ll bet you wish you could’ve ‘ad a bag.


We didn’t even have water… :rofl:


Water?? Luxury! All we had to swim in was gravel coated in benzene and plutonium


Good old dad allways used to say… well son… you’ve gone and done it again…
Messed up and gotten yourself dirty with stuff that won’t come off your skin, and even on your face you little bugger…
Now where is that bottle of turpentine so we can wash it off properly :crazy_face:


Well I dont know if Benzene is also in JP8 AND JET A but if it is I get covered in the stuff on a daily basis lol :upside_down_face:


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