Any backers recieved their headsets yet..?

There is a very special hot place in hell for you…:joy:


A suggestion for the Pimax team: send sk1 an empty shell. A Pimax with no electronics. That’ll show him! Playing with our overhyped emotions like that! For shame! Talk about shooting fish in a barrel! ROFL!!!


to conclude solely from the number of forum posts in this thread, all backer should have received their headsets :smiley:

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@sk1 = The backer who cried wolf.


He is wicked, wicked, isn’t he?

@sk1 may your VR be dark and blurry. May you have distorted centers and blurred edges. May your left view get replaced with your right view and your right view get replaced with left. Instead of VR audio, may you have “Never Gonna Give You Up” play on a loop, because “You knew the rules, and so do I.” And finally, just when you think everything is going to be ok, may a magical fairy pop into existence and shine infrared light all around your headset, forever, for-everrrr, for-eeeeeveerrrrrr…

Thank you. :smiley:


My guess is it shipped to redistribution centers or some at least. Hopefully they don’t tell them to hold until all redistribution centers have shipments. Because …that’d be lame.

I hope that Pimax knows that it is generally a good idea to let the backers know in advance that something has been shipped to them. Kind of established protocol in shipping for last 20 years (or so, when amazon started to operate worldwide). I believe they did it for tester units too. So if you have not received any tracking info so far, it was most likely not shipped and true to the Pimax tradition, you will not get any more information from Pimax, even if you ask.


xunshu >> “Even though there will be the national holiday the first week of October, we will move on to ship…”


Haha :smile:


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Why, is sk1 getting an Oculus?

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Cmon guys this is supposed to be only for people to answer if they have received their hmds yet, and i think we can conclude noone on the forum has.


You can’t blame people for mocking the current state of affairs. If we didn’t laugh at this we would be complaining instead. It’s better they are venting with humour rather than anger.


Still no tracking information yet? I wonder what has gone wrong.

To give some scenarios ranging from most likely to conspiracy theory. Pick whichever one of these options fits your current mental state. If you are a realist (like me) pick option 5, if you are an optimist pick option 2 or 3, if you are a pessimist pick option 1 and if you are a conspiracy theorist nut job pick option 4. :smiley:

  1. Pimax have not posted the headsets.
  2. Pimax have posted the headsets but have not informed the respective backers
  3. Pimax have posted the headsets to distribution centres and once posted on from those centres backers will get their tracking numbers. This will avoid import tariffs being applied.
  4. Pimax Kickstarter is all an elaborate con and we have all been duped because the headsets have never and will never exist.
  5. Until direct proof of postage from either Pimax, or the early backers is provided, assume the status quo remains.

It’s so cool to know that Valve time works even in China too!


This is whats happening


I am glad that one isn’t mine.


their whole country is on holiday, including the postal and freight services. Nothing will move till next week.

We know, that’s not the point. The point is they stated categorically they aimed to ship prior to the holidays and unfortunately the indications are that early backers have received zero confirmation the HMDs were shipped as promised.

Pimax reached out to the first 100 backers on the 20th of Sept and their holidays began on the 10th Oct. Over that 10 day period they failed to confirm if even one single HMD was shipped.

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