8K X SMAS hinges need improvement· - can we DIY fix it?

You can use both Jacks or just the one on the Left. @Fresco I believe did a mod to use his Vive DAS speakers on his 8kX MAS and @Genesis I believe switched to to the DAS or it was @MikeJeffries here.

It wasnt me - but i did see the tutorial on how to do it. And @Teigue made the spacer .stl 3d print files and posted them on thingiverse

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If you will have time to print it would be great, don’t print metal variant as it’s the same but with bigger prong diameter which won’t fit your strap. We found it a week ago that your & Mike’s straps have different holes diameters, so not only the hinges but the straps itself are different. Also latest plastic hinges 0.2 bigger, it was 11.1mm in diameter no it’s 11.3 as I saw on your picture it’s about 11.5 so 0.2mm margin should be enough plus hook was adjusted as on pictures.

If you will print it please try to fit it & share the pictures.


Hey, owners of 8kX with bad hinges & 3d printer, anybody? can print & fit the above hinges to your 8kX & share impressions, I don’t believe that only 2 ppl have 8kX & 3d printer on this forum :slight_smile:


Unfortunately, I don’t have a printer. I remember that previously thingiverse had an option to have the thing printed by a service and shipped to you. I’d like to try that for your hinges but I don’t see the button or app to do that. Is that not something that thingiverse does anymore?


Ok, nevermind. I figured out that even though there isn’t a button on Thingiverse anymore, you can still go to the “printathing.com” website and paste the link to the thingiverse object and order parts. I ordered 2 sets of each of the 4 hinges (in case I need to sand them a bit or mess something up). Should be here in 7-14 days, and hopefully I will actually have my 8KX around that time as well since I was a day one upgrade/pre-order. Thanks again for making these files available @Teigue !


I don’t see how asking for plastic hinges is the fix by Pimax. Why did they switch to metal in the first place? Was it due to durability and lifespan of the plastic pieces? Are they continuing to ship out the metal hinge and expect people to cad and 3D print their own solution?

It’s great to see the user innovation in here but you guys are doing DIY on a $1,300 product.


If one of Hammerhead’s posts are to be believed, it appears they’ve already switched back to the plastic hinges.

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Actually there fixing/modding a $100 item as it is the MAS not the Headset. However it was sloppy to release the MAS like this.


Actually they are indeed fixing / modding a part of the 8Kx package, as you cannot order it without MAS :wink:

What I think @robertr1 is referring to is that a $1300 product should be polished and not something that needs to be modded or have parts replaced to obtain the functionality advertised.


The MAS is not exclusive to the 8kX. It is a modular mount system for pimax headsets.

No different than modding the foam or comfort kit. Sure you can say package. But the fact the component can be ordered separately and for other headset models.


I know…

But we are both right :smile:

If any company tries to release a flagship product for a premium price, you cannot mess up like this with a key piece of the MAS as it ruins the whole experience for the consumer who bought the product.

I’m looking forward to getting my 8Kx, should arrive on the 28’th :+1:


Indeed; though pimax seems to have these kinds of release issues. The same as you pointed out you don’t have an option to order without a MAS; which a simmer has pointed out rigid straps with adjustment knob on the back is no good.


there was a picture in the forum that showed that the headband of the MAS is wider than the slot on the previous headsets. i can’t describe it with my bad english

then I canceled the MAS for my 5k +. I’m curious what’s in the backerbox …

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Well if your a backer a kdmas will be present. If you look at the Kickstarter Pics. The weird top strap hole was not meant for a cloth strap to be inserted. The MAS pic shows that shape on the strap. So mods like @Dr.Cube & @g-coded top clip is something pimax should have released with the headsets in the first place. @OlivierJT pointed out the flaws of having a strap in this top mount hole ie strap wear and pressure on the plastic there.


I know what you mean. those who took over the project screwed it up.


Not sure if anyone new on the main dev team. As we know pimax is quite known for changing details after publishing specs on KS and Store Page ie… usb 2 instead of usb 3, only 1 type of sense controller(whenever that finally releases), DMAS being on ear headphones then switched to index style after people ordered on ear DMAS.

The KDMAS is said to be available for purchase sometime after/during Backer Box deliveries. The KDMAS, I am very happy they decided to go back and release this as spec’d in the KS vs the Quest poor SMAS idea.


That is correct i posted pics above somewhere. The strap is thicker than the old headset’s opening slot



@ Gordonau Thanks, that’s clear if you sand lugs they will come less in diameter & it will allow you to rotate the strap further without losing strap notches functional, I didn’t argue that. I just was confused by this statement:


just turning the cylinder does not solve the problem, it moves it.

I does exactly what your solution does, jut it doesn’t increase the range it stays intact (also by changing diameter of the lugs in config you can do the same thing) but it decrease strap upward angle & increases downward angle so you can move strap further down

Both versions should work.

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I dont understand why the heading of this thread i started keeps getting changed by pimax reps.

I understand they want to change the appearance of how things look to others, but this forum should be free from Pimax Reps deleting comments and info.