Hi @SweViver , what’s your pitool and steamvr ss value when playing Aerofly FS 2 with 16384?
PiTool render quality 1.0, and I rarely use higher.
Yes… Now that I am using my Pimax 5K+ daily I am really starting to miss just putting on my headset and being in my customized VR home space and especially with Dash in my Oculus Rift S! I pretty much just boot steam VR now before even putting my 5K+ on so that I am in my other home space where it is slightly similar vs the Planet background that Pimax has. So I 100% agree we need to have user custom landing screens that are also interactive! []-)
What’s your SteamVR render resolution, or is it set to auto?
its probably because of diagonal resolutions Index 1600 vs Pimax 1440
Good idea, will do that.
Edit. Hope I got all the related posts selected.
The forum structure is changing, so the review might get moved again. Still getting used to the new layout.
It’s hard to see screen door effect in normal games, how about 180 and 360 3D videos? @neonrazor could you test those out? And also bigscreen/virtual desktop pleaseee
I will try an experiment & see how it works. Stay tuned.
A post was split to a new topic: 8k+ User Reviews
Thank you, @neonrazor, for the early review and taking time to answer all the questions.
I ordered the 8KX with the upcoming das almost as soon as the backer upgrade options rolled out so I’m super stoked about everything regarding these new 8K models.
The main reason I nowadays use the Index as my daily driver over my 5K+ is because of the built-in audio solution. I modded the Vive Pro strap to my 5K+ (sadly couldn’t use the Pro audio so I removed it) and it’s super comfortable, but having to put my headphones separately on and off and plugging the audio cable in and out constantly is too much of a hassle for me. Wrestling with PiTools I can deal with but not that headphones and cable bs. Head-strap-arms-speakers is a must in any VR hmd imo and the Index is sooo smooth in that regard. But the experience I get with the 5K+ when everything is set up and a game is running is without doubt better than the Index. Big FOV is king.
Okay Folks think experiment has worked out. For the Time being will have block quote copies of Reviewers key points posted in Announcements\Pimax Official
Topic 8k+ User Reviews.
PS be sure to visit reviewer’s original topic & press the like button. 

But will create a special Sub Category for them in Near future.
Vive Pro uses a proprietary connector? If that’s too bad.
On Index do you have the lenses/Screens moved all the way to your eyes? (using the right knob on the side?)
I find it weird that you do not mention the small FOV of the quest when its smallest FOV of all those HMD’s. For me the Index has the highest FOV after the Pimax. (around 125, like pimax’s small mode)
Awesome! Thanks very much for sharing!!
Edit: I guess that very far away objects in the sweet spot of the 8K+ might apear a little bit less sharp could be due to the resolution hack @SweViver mentioned and an effect of scaling. Try the hack and see what it does. Be careful- if you add it there needs to be a comma at the end if it’s in between and also there are special “ used - no copy paste from here as the forum uses different quotation marks
Edit2: link. https://community.openmr.ai/t/default-vrsettings-maxrecommendedresolution-steamvr/21330/22?u=mreis
Then you are editing the wrong file.
There’s one that SteamVR overwrites and another file which is an override. Note that if a setting name and value are the same (in the 2 files), SteamVR will remove the override setting “maxRecommendedResolution”, so if you’ve edited the setting in the main file, make sure the override has a different value. I’m using 12288.
The override setting file folder can vary a bit; here’s where mine is stored:
C:\Users\ user-name \AppData\Local\openvr\steamvr.vrsettings
And typo’s might cause it to reset, if the Syntax is wrong!
For what it’s worth (…seeing some a-few-steps-too-far conclusions, that appear to possibly be drawn, here): As far as I know, “maxRecommendedResolution” is only an upper cap on the resolution that SteamVR suggests to the game - nothing else; No magic, no clever algorithms, no forcing a high resolution on anything.
…So if the cap is at 800 pixels, and my HMD’s wanted resolution (multiplied by my supersampling settings) is 1000x500 (…or 500x1000, depending on landscape or portrait orientation), the game will be asked to render 800x400 (or 400x800), limiting the longer side of the rectangle, and maintaining aspect ratio, with square pixels.
…and I would presume this is simply an overprotective measure, preventing unsuspecting users from pushing their settings way past what their machines, and maybe game engines, can handle, and then complaining when things go wrong for them.
I have a recollection of committing such a mistyping crime some time in the past: an omitted comma causing the parser to stop reading, and then writing the file back without all the remaining lines, or a double comma inserting a confusingly blank entry, or something… :7)
Sure, ist not magic - as posted before - it does what it and you said - allowing a certain max Resolution - we just pimp it so that it allows for higher resolutions which (the magic part) in steams compositer, rendere what ever does something to reach a higher Resolution in parts of the Pipeline or it’s processes - I have not idea when it kicks in and how, but i am certain that I had anything from no effect seen to a visual improvment…
Not proprietary. Just tiny white contacts to keep size down to be able to bake it in the construction. I actually could mod them on to the Pimax but I don’t wanna “wreck” the cables. The strap will one day go back on the Pro and another day it’ll sit on a shelf and bring back memories.
Some more testing tonight.
I changed the “maxRecommendedResolution”: 8192 in both pimax default.vrsettings and the equiv in steam and parallel projections is much better (not the same as without the setting on). If I put it higher than that to the 16~~~ value it has a fit and framerate dies.
With the 16~~~ value when I put the render quality up, wow does the picture get clearer, and the FPS incredibly slow to unplayable but christ it is clear. At 8192 its fine.
Clarity wise, at distance the index still seems clearer but its down to settings I am sure. There does seem to be issues when you keep swapping headsets, like it cant read the resolution correctly. Probably need to reboot a bit more often when messing.
Its a bloody pain to keep swapping headsets though and remembering what settings and trying to compare.
So still happy, right now I think with the settings I have its same as index but with better FOV. Am going to try and tweak again this weekend and see where I get to.
Any ideas then drop them in this forum.