X-Plane’s Vulkan API finally comes to beta!

X-Plane 11 in 4K @ 70 fps …

@SweViver time to test again? :wink:


Yep saw the news yesterday. Although the performance boost seems low at this point, every frame counts in XPlane11, so I’m looking forward to do some tests compared to the previous ones I haven’t published yet.


Nvidia 445.75
pitool 1.58
windows 10

Can not get Vulcan to work properly on my 5k+. It only renders left eye no matter settings. Works fine on normal. Frame times of less than 2 seconds GPU looked great though but dont know how it is with both eyes working. Also saw a performance boost of about 20 fps (Cpu limited i7700k at 4.9) so performance would be much better on newer cpus) but again, who knows with both eyes.


exactly the same here. Laminar published a known bug list which includes no right eye image with AMD graphics cards but mine is an RTX2080Ti. They dont mention Nvidia cards. Not sure if this is an xplane bug or a Pimax compatibilty issue. There is very little feedback from VR users on the xplane blog so far.

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The valave index has the same problem,it renders only one eye.I just tested it…


Just compared the fps with my Pimax5k+ between XP11.41 and 11.50b1 with Vulkan. With the exact same settings in both, there was absolutely no difference in VR. However in 2D, I noticed a gain of 20 - 60 fps with Vulkan, depending on scenery location.
Will try with my Valve Index next.
i7 8700k @ 4.9 Ghz, GTX 1080ti, 32 GB RAM, Pimax 5k+


Does this support SLi?

Just flew the same flight with the Valve Index and surprise!
The Index did much better than the Pimax5k+. Even with the SteamVR setting moved from 150% to 200%, the fps with Vulkan were at least 10 or more frames better than the 5k+.
Best of all: With Vulkan the lags for loading ortho4xp tiles ARE GONE!!! Just had a flight as smooth as butter from LOWI to LOWS in clear weather with the default Baron in XP11.50b1 with Vulkan.

Maybe Pitool needs to be tweaked to obtain similar results?

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@Super27 If find it odd that Vulcan works on your system with the same HW as mine. Im assuming you did restart between changing the options but ill ask anyway. And since you dont mention it when all the others do, one or two eyes rendering?

What are your drivers and so on.

No problem with the rendering on both eyes. The only VR issue I have is with the virtual mouse. The mouse pointer moves in and out when I move my head forward or back. Makes it hard to turn knobs etc.

Ok, so please give us some specific’s on your setup, drivers and everything so the rest of us may benefit. I think all of us would appreciate that.

Below are my settings. Make sure that Hyperthreading in BIOS is OFF.
For the Valve Index, I use a resolution per eye of 200% in SteamVR settings.
Nvidia 442.50 driver.
Hope this helps,


Your settings worked so thats great! It has nothing to do with hyperthreading or the Nvidia settings though, only reason to disable HT would be fore higher single core overclock. havent seen any performance difference. I havent done any testing yet but im guessing there’s something with Pitool. Im running the first verison of 258, not the Alyx. Sme issue as you with the moiuse

Neither have I with the Pimax5k+. However with the Valve Index I did see an increase in performance. That is why I think that Pitool needs to be updated for Vulkan in X-Plane.

Its rather strange. I can’t actually break it in any configuration now. Maybe there has been a quick fix we dont know about.Or perhaps something that clicked with your settings. That sounds unlikely though. May be something in the graphic settings too.

Potato view is completely unusable with smart smoothing but that s normal i suppose

It does crash a lot too

Of course not. No really, it doesn’t.

I can run it quite well and only fxaa looks quite good at 1.25 and 30% in steam on small fov. im getting about 67 fps in a 412 helo.

Its a bit fiddly with settings. If i disable VR, change something and enable VR a second time it will crash

Ok so the issue is that no other mode than the HDR works. Keep that on in visual effects and you are fine. Another thing is that without parallel projection on its just cross eyed so cant that be fixed rather easily?

Why is this such a given? With a rewrite to Vulkan, why would this not be possible?

For both X-Plane and DCS World, SLi should be a very high priority for the forseeable future.

Sadly and i’ve been part of that group there’s not many people with SLI and it’s for the most part be somewhat low on supported games and i dont think a flight sim has been supported. For VR it would be very good to have one card for each eye and i’m sure that’s something that are on people’s mind. I think we will end up with foveated eyetracked rendering and single card graphics with a better SPS for nvidia in the years to come though. Im really looking forward to next gen’s Graphics CPU and memory hardware hopefully before the end of the year. It will be a great upgrade from the 1080TI