X-Plane’s Vulkan API finally comes to beta!

That’s something (PP) that’s a low priority on the Laminar
todo list, but it is on their list, unlike SLI.

AFR sli rendering has too much latency for VR. NVLink might be the saviour, but that’s only for RTX cards at the moment.

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1080 TI i7700k 4.9 pitool 258 nvidia 445.75

Honestly im very happy with the performance and i cant wait until the bugs are ironed out! Its just to much of a hassle right now with the mouse issues and crash every time you disable and re enable VR.

I’m able to run in 72hz motion smoothing large fov, 1.25 pitool and steam 32% SS at 60% gpu. GPU frame times are less than 2ms but cpu is 11-12ms. Much higher than and it starts to have some issues. That’s very good compared to openGL

In-game is HDR 2x AA, shadows on scenery, medium textures, medium objects and no reflection.

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Damm for me xplane 11 is now enyoyable on the index… its never been this fluid…

Neither DCS or X-plane is bottlenecked by GPU (unless you have a low-end one) for VR. They are both bottlenecked on the single threaded CPU calculations for the simulation.
So i’d say, SLI should be VERY low priority (if at all).

While I don’t have work-arounds for the missing right eye in VR or older NVidia cards that won’t run in Vulkan, the good news is that we have fixes for these already. We are going to start testing beta two on Monday and try to get the fixes we have out as soon as possible. While we don’t have every major reported bug fixed, beta two should make a real difference.

Maybe not bottlenecked, but lack of SLi support is unfortunate because it necessitates Smart Smoothing at high resolutions (eg. 3240v).

So much of the VR software stack has repeatedly broken, I would prefer to rely on hardware.

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SLI being a Nvidia solution only, being only used by a small number of gamers, and being prohibitive as it doubles the cost is not a motivation for developers to rush to as a solution. Certainly flight sims are an even smaller subset of PC gaming which is a small subset of electronic gaming as is VR itself.
Wouldn’t hold my breathe for any near term adoption.

Crossfire would be even more useful, actually.

Flight sim adoption of multi-core and multi-GPU is independent from support by other VR apps.

If I was PiMax, I would hire a dev or two where their only Job was to go around to Game Dev studios and help integrate canted display code for various engines. The more game that are optimized for PiMax headsets the more people will buy them… One can dream.


VR – the right eye is fixed! It turns out this was broken twice; we have fixed both bugs.

Users with multiple GPUs and SLI should be able to launch without disabling things.

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Multiple GPUs? X-Plane-11? Even with VR?

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