Windows 10 VR optimisation guides

I have a 5K+. I think I set the wrong pagefile in system settings. I select custom size in virtual memory and input 15xx initial size and 4096 at the bottom one.

That was the first thing I did…but it clearly did not fixed it all, so it had to be done manually.

Yeah - I have returned to High Power Mode instead of maximum performance as it was cooking my laptop a bit too much. Was using a switcher at the time but in the end, stick to normal Windows modes, Balanced without Steam or High in Steam and VR.

Maybe you should post all these problems you’re having on the GitHub link I provided in the Issues tab. The developer provides great support. His script has been around a couple of years now (updated over time) and all these mysterious simultaneous issues you have would be the first! Maybe he can tell you what you’re doing wrong on the “revert” option?

These games use a lot of virtual memory.

This setting of 4096 does no good. Leave it on auto and avoid headaches.

No issue with 4Gb Virtual memory. Have 16Gb Ram and not had the game winge about lack of resources.

Will be upping my system to 32Gb soon and leaving pagefile at 4Gb.

You don’t understand.

You can have 1TB of ram, Gamebryo engine (Fallout3-4 and TESS Oblivion, Skyrim) NEED EXPANSIVE virtual memory that exceeds 4096 during gameplay.

Lots of game engines work this way, specially RPG and other games FULL of ENTITIES.

If you disable or limit/decrease it, the game will crash at start or during play.

With insane fast ram and insane fast storage (SSD) you don’t need to mess with virtual memory, just let windows use it as it see fit.


If you’re going to use the dynamic pagefile management, 4Gb minumum could go in most cases, but if you’re going to use fixed pagefile size…then it is not the right way to manage a pagefile.

Generally speaking, power users tend to prefer a fixed pagefile size, because if dynamic pagefile is left to Windows to manage, it could lead to slowdowns when the 4Gb minumum pagefile (for example) gets exceeded and the OS needs to modify the pagefile size to make it bigger…thus writing a new, bigger pagefile on disk, so if you use the fixed pagefile, it’s recommanded to set it to a size at least equal to your installed Ram amount, never less…having more Ram installed doesn’t always mean you’re going to see less swap activity on the pagefile unfortunately, because the way Windows operating systems manage the memory…

You will always incur in cases when the system memory runs out and the pagefile gets swapped, it happens with 32Gb Ram too :slight_smile:

Using an SSD instead of an Hard Disk for the swap file makes things faster, but the slowdowns will happen in any case every time the PF gets resized.

Its an old advice, when virtual cores are disabled (ht) real cores performes better, especially in overclocking and benchmarking as well (!!!)
However i coudnt find any improvements with my oc 6700k in vr games, at least not in fallout vr. Might work for other games or with some hardware, theoreticaly, again, if CPU is a bottleneck.


VR easily takes more than four threads, so Hyper-threading is heavily recommended on a 4-core-CPU.

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I think this really depends on the actual game/title.

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I received much better results by disabeling HT on my 6700k. I tinkered a lot (for years) with on/off since my DAW also perform noticably better (in terms of latency) and checked on games as well.
I’d say there are more cases where disabling HT is doing good than vice versa.
May be because of personal selection of games/applications though.

Really? I might have to run some benchmarks. I’ve currently enabled HT on my 8770K (6/12 cores). I have 32 GB RAM and a factory-overclocked RTX 2080, so it’s unclear what my bottleneck is (if any). My gut tells me that it’s the 2080, not HT, which is the bottleneck.

[update] My gut would be wrong. According to UserBenchmark, my video card is at 165% “Performing way above expectations”. The only thing that’s a bit of a slowdown is one of my older SSDs, which doesn’t get used very much. It appears I have no bottlenecks.

I’ll still benchmark HT on/off, but probably not until the weekend.


Don’t know if I’d call that bottlenecking.
It’s just that a lot of games/applications still rely heavily on cpu power (Coh2, Civ). Although there are many vr games that need raw gpu power with only little cpu usage.
Good games to check eg. via vorpx or choose cpu rendering within LAV Filters in order to run something where u can really check if disabeling HT is doing any good for.

It’s a mixed bag…For example turning off HT gave me a boost in cubase but using HT + internal graphics is far better in premiere.
I have not missed HT on other scenarios.

Of course it depends on the game. For example, if a game is using only 3 cores or bottlenecked by single core performance, then disabling Hyper-threading will give you a boost.

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Also putting it out there, this guy has some great tips with dealing with Windows 10 bloat and spyware.

Also if you have Windows 10 Home - set your downloads to download over metered connection. Then Windows 10 updates will not automatically download and install and it gives you some time to assess what you need to do to deal with the latest and greatest from Microsoft.

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