Who has stable LH 2.0 tracking on 8Kx 😀

Not as much of an explanation, but more like something they can compare when debugging.
Because it has to work with all versions of the Valve 2.0 Basestations, but I know what you mean :wink:

Just don’t make any loopholes for them :crazy_face:

Mine are the original HTC Vive 1.0 base stations. The jitter for me hasn’t happened in most games that I’ve tried but it is pretty bad in American Truck Simulator. It also happens in the VR Experience home screen.

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well if it’s tracking related, it’s either there or it’s not :slight_smile:
The different software titles makes no difference.
But sure it depends on where your lighthouses are placed. if your lighthouses are placed for room scale, but your pedal / wheel setup is not in that specific space, then there for sure wil be issues.

Didn’t have this problem with my 5k+ or Index so figure it must be a software or firmware thing with the 8kx.


I got my Index shortly after release (fall of last year) and my base stations say Valve on the back. I recently got a 3rd one from them last week and it also says Valve on it.

The Valve labeled ones are the most current version of of the Basestation V2’s. The fact that there is an issue with their tracking is a significant problem and needs to be addressed. We cant let this be swept under the rug.

As there isnt a big difference between how the ver 1.0 (SteamVR label) and ver 2.0 (Valve Label) of the Basestation V2’s work. So I think it should be possible to mitigate this issue via a firmware/software fix.

Observations and Ideas:

I have to say, while I do get jitters, I mostly notice them when accessing things that use the SteamVR ecosystem. Like DCS or SteamVR Home for example. When I first turn on the headset and can see the Pitool Home in the headset (steamVR not running) it seems like it tracks significantly better.

In DCS for example one way I was able to mitigate or improve upon the jitter was to tab out, then close pitool. Sometimes if pitool was already closed before I started playing then I’d open it and close it again and it would get better. It’s bizzare.

This leads me to believe that there’s some conflict between SteamVR’s tracking data and Pitool’s.

That conflict or error then results in the real world position of the headset being different in SteamVR and Pitool’s eyes, and then they move your point of view back and forth to accommodate where they each think the headset actually is (almost like 2 kids fighting back and forth over a toy). For example basically Pitool thinks your POV should be 1cm forward and 1cm right from what SteamVR thinks it should be. Then your POV get jittered back and forth between those two points.

When only one software is running (SteamVR or Pitool) the tracking is better (not perfect). When both (SteamVR and Pitool) are running the tracking seems to be at its worst.

Bear in mind this is just my hypothesis for what it could be. I think there’s a discrepancy between pitool and steamVR. However even when only one is running, there is still a bit of jitter. We gotta get to the bottom of this. Pimax needs to get to the bottom of this

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Well I’ve got just the same bad tracking and “wobbling” in Pimax Experience as I have in Steam VR Home, it’s consistent between the two.

This makes my system “perfect” for debugging and Pimax is most wellcome to do so (as stated in my tiket)
And the fact that I have 100% stable tracking if I just disconnect my 8Kx and connect my 5K+


Ok guys, not to throw a spanner into the works here or anything but I received my 8KX a few days ago and tracking is flawless, as in Index level for comparison, using Lighthouses 2.0 (Valve branded) that came with my Index kit May 2019.

I am using 4 of them but tried running just two and it works without a hitch.

On a side note, as noticable as the peripheral distortions are (I notice them way more than on my 5K+), going back to a lower resolution or even FOV is pretty much a no go. I pretty much only sim race by now and the added peripheral perception imporves the experience considerably.

So as much as I continue to agree that Pimax is a terribly run company, the 8KX is my daily driver, pretty much agreeing with @Djonko here.


Hi twack3r
That’s not throwing a spanner into the works, it valuable information :slight_smile:

  • What channels are you running on you LH’s ?
  • What FW version are you running on the 8Kx ?
  • What PiTool version are you running ?

So this suggests that there is an inconsistency in either the hardware, firmware, both or even more.

  • LHs are on channels 1, 2, 5 and 11
  • 8KX is on FW V2.1.255.294
  • PiTool is the one included with the PE beta 0.5 so v1.0.2.084

Hope it helps!


How can I check my base station channel?

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Run SteamVR, wait for the basestation icons to light up, then hover your mouse over them one by one. The popup will tell you.
You can change channels by pressing the small button which is embedded in the back of the basestations (kind of like a reset button on a router).



I have the valve labeled 2.0 base stations x2. I get slight but constant jitter when using the 8kx, but if I change nothing and just swap in the index, it becomes rock solid. Base stations are on channels 1 and 2, about 6 feet apart, about 6 feet hight and at 45 degree angles from my chair/monitor.


Sorry for going slightly off-topic @MrAhlefeld but reading this thread makes me certain that the jittering has to do with the USB / 8kx hardware/firmware / pitool.
Too bad I can not test this myself, as I haven’t received my X yet.
@Doman.Chen @PimaxQuorra


Quite allright TrevorVR

And I have 100% stable tracking if I just disconnect my 8Kx and connect my 5K+

So there is no doubt it’s all about the 8Kx, not a USB issue cause by the PC’s


Ok so after posting last night I did a straight A-B comparison between my 8KX and my Index and did in fact notice that there was a slight wobble on the 8KX when compared to the Index.

It’s so minute that looking at the center of the screen in windowed mode it is close to impossible to notice, but at the very fringes of the view, it can be noticed.

So I have to after all concur that the combination between 8KX and current model LH2.0s produced by Valve suffers from tracking jitter.


So here’s another big “ask” from me.
Could all of you with BS2.0’s check your lighthouses.json file for the firware version.
Mine are FW 3002
especially looking at you Phil @Fomatter” seeing you have stable tracking on SteamVR branded (older model)

can be found here: C:\ProgramData\pimax\runtime\config\lighthouse\lighthousedb.json

looks like this

“dynamic_states” : [
“dynamic_state” : {
“basestation_mode” : 4,
“faults” : 0,
"firmware_version" : 3002,
“gravity_vector” : [ 0, -0.852118731, 0.52334851 ],
“nonce” : 8095,
“reset_count” : 1,
“sobChannel” : 0
“first_id” : 1,
“last_id” : 1,
“tilt” : {
“pitch” : 2.58034325,
“roll” : 0.0869284198,
“variance” : 3.25525616e-05
“time_last_seen” : “1602011281”



Firmware 3002 for me. I also asked Steam support if there are any hardware differences between the 2 variants.


It appears My tracking is stable until I push my GPU. I tried playing a game in native mode with quality set to 2.0 and everything went south in a hurry! The games entry screen was jittering so much that I couldn’t even hit the exit button with the mouse. I finally got into the airplane, it’s a flight Sim of course, and the frame rate was atrocious. No bear in mind that my graphics card is a 1080 and that’s way below the recommended minimum from Pimax. I am actually pleasantly surprised at how well everything runs if I keep it an upscale mode and I’m reasonable in my settings. I’m awful tired of being reasonable! Roll on Big Navi… daddy needs a faster GPU before 2021!

That’s definitely expected and I wouldn’t call they a tracking issue, but rather a rendering “issue”.

Your GPU simply isn’t up to the task and everything becomes laggy as it tries to reach the desired framerates.

If You check Your frametimes in fpsVR they’ll surely be all red… :wink: