Who has stable LH 2.0 tracking on 8Kx šŸ˜€

So I hit the 1st snag before even starting the process, really.

This is what I get when trying to run the tracking stats app:


Tried in admin mode as well, same result. SteamVR is running and functioning.

I will proceed by running jittertest.exe and use that to compare before and after.

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Solved the issue.

For anyone else using their rig for their home office, Citrix has to be uninstalled for this app to work.

Alright, here are the preliminary results with some interesting insight.

These are all before doing the update to the custom .json file.

I am usually running 4 base stations 2.0 with two of them focused on my playspace and two of them pointed at my racing chair.

These are the results on the floor in the middle of my playspace:


Tracking Stats

And these are the results with controllers remaining on the floor in their previous position as a control and the HMD sitting on my racing chair:

4 basestations (1 of which aims down steeply at the HMD and is only maybe 60cm away)

3 basestations (I disabled the steeply angled one and the results improved tremendously to pretty much playspace quality level)

I conclude that the one basestation is too close to my motion rig and it will remain disabled.

And I do wonder if I can even improve on this any further as Iā€™m seeing close to same jitter from both HMD and Index controllers.



Check you basestation coverage of you playspace with this tool :wink: might help you even further

Tracking looks pretty solid to me from your results.


Yeah I find that little tool very helpful to find blind spots during initial basestation installation.

So would you recommend I do the json upgrade anyway?

I see that you achieved results using the custom json that show better rotational stability by a full digit (so close to ten times less jitter rotationally)


Couldnt hurt trying, you can allways your back config file and re-upload that if the tracking gets worse.


Alright @MrAhlefeld, I went for it and here are the results:

Before the hack:

And after:

A considerable degradation by at least one order of magnitude!

At this point I can only advise to absolutely not share guide or toolset publicly.

The tracking degradation has so far been the least of my worries after the hack.

I lost all custom SteamVR settings, all overlay and application settings, motion compensation on my motion rig is now not functional anymore, the entire suite of settings within SteamVR has ben reset to 0 when doing room setup and I now get a BSOD around 6/10 times when starting SteamVR.

Iā€™m no slouch when it comes to modding some custom inis, .json files and the likes but this, for me at least, has been among the most regretable little VR projects I have undertaken so far.

I am very appreciative that you and @Chumet worked on this as hard as you did but I very strongly advise against anyone else to giving this a shot.

I will be working to get my setup back to functional for a couple of precious evenings within the next few weeks, I fear.

Edit: fortunately I set a system restore point before starting to delete the files referenced in the guide. That, together with uploading my backup json appears to have gotten me back to 90% functional :+1:


Did you do a new calibration of the sensor positions or just used someone elseā€™s config?

If there is a big variation in Pimax manufacturing process (i.e. the physical sensor placement in the headset) then sharing one same config cannot fix that. The only fix is a recalibration (and only assuming that Pimax did not do that already or does it wrong way).

On the other hand, your original results looked already quite good (my Vive Pro is only slightly better than this and my P5k+ is slightly worse), so I would not worry about the jitter.


I wonā€™t go into too much detail as Iā€˜m sure @MrAhlefeld shared the guide privately so far for a reason.

But yeah, it definitely isnā€™t a custom calibration and it appears as though my 8KX came nicely calibrated in the first place.

On a side note, this little endeavor did help me in that I identified a badly positioned basestation as a culprit, so thereā€˜s that.


Hi twack3r

I am very sorry to hear that you had much trouble after doing the configuration change.

It seems that the sensor positions in you own config.json where better calibrated for you specific 8KX and that great. (Pimax did right by your 8KX) :slight_smile:

But why you where seeing BSODā€™s for deleting chaperone_info.vrchap I do not understand, it makes no sence :thinking: did you by chance delete anything more ?

@risa2000 yes there is a big variation in Pimax manufacturing process, but it seems that they are sometimes quite slouchy when doing calibration (if even doing it, for each HMD)

Im really glad to hear that you got your setup back to working at leas 90% now, but it seems like the settings of you motion compensation and other must be reffering to the specific universe number, seeing this is the only new thing that is added when deleting the old chaperone_info.vrchap

Once again im really sorry for the trouble, hope you got the last part of your setup back up :smiley:



My dear fellow VR enthusiast @MrAhlefeld,

Iā€˜m sorry if I gave you the impression that an apology was required or even adequate.

I had good tracking, you and the numbers confirmed it, and still I went ahead and tried the exact same thing we enthusiasts do every day: throwing tremendous effort at marginal gains.

So no, no need to apologize at all, quite the opposite. For anyone that has serious tracking issues, your approach could very well improve the situation and for a less involved setup, itā€˜s easy enough to undo. I mean, who actually uses a motion rig, motion comp and the likes after all?

Iā€˜m back at, say, 95% and the system restore remedied all BSODs. Iā€˜m not entirely sure what caused them but in this day and age, with 30+ USB devices held together by russian shoe-string git-hub drivers, I do have an inkling where sh1t hit the fan.


@twack3r I feel like it not only worsens your calibration, but it will alter the rest of your settings. I already had good data for very low or no jitter. But it always serves to learn something else throughout this study. I hope I can find a way to offer a calibration with the 2.0 base stations, just as I did with the 1.0. Since the user who has jitter problems and 90% are caused by a bad fabirca calibration, replacing the .json values ā€‹ā€‹with those of another that does not have jitter, can be a lottery. I was lucky that after ruining my case to discard the blue coating, I was able to get the calibration values ā€‹ā€‹from the @cruser_icu .json file right, to which I am very grateful, because I experienced a spectacular change in jitter improvement. From that moment on, my calibration experiments on my own Pimax 8KX only managed to improve its condition a little more, as if it were already a fine adjustment. IMU calibration also helps and that if anyone can do it with base stations 1.0 or 2.0.
Therefore, those who experience jitter can try other values ā€‹ā€‹but we have just verified that they are not always correct for everyone. That is why there should be a form of individual calibration and easy access for each user, and that Pimax could offer it, even through a backup ticket if they do not want to publish the method. I have contacted Valve to ask for help, and they have responded, but only with more questions and not solutions, I think that for them it is not a matter of concern to them the same, your Steam tracking HDK utility is intended to new developer projects with their hardware and not with an already developed Pimax.
@MrAhlefeld I encourage you to publish the guide, since he is suffering from jitter as I did, I am sure that he will help him to solve it or improve it. I have not wanted to give more details than those that I have been contributing to this thread, since I knew that you were already creating a guide and better not to duplicate information, besides that I am sure that you will do it better than me.

@twack3r I am interested in knowing more details about the ā€œmotion compensationā€ of your movement platform and how it helps a better immersion. I also have a motion platform for car simulators but I am not using any ā€œmotion compensationā€ mode. The actuators are moved through ā€œSimToolsā€. Here is a small video of my 2DOF platform:

Edit: I have already seen what it is about, https://ovrmc.dschadu.de/, I just tried it in a very basic way and I loved it. Another project in which I am imminently immersed. Work is piling up for meā€¦ :rofl: :rofl:

Greetings to all


Thanks for the feedback. I finally had the time to try the json file provided by @chumet in post #347 for the 8K. I do not seem to get improvements or decrease in jitter with this one, getting a similar range of jitter than with my original json file (more or less from 1.3 to 1.8)ā€¦

I also retrieved the one from our black Pimax 5K+ and applied it to the one with the blue coating just our curiosity, but it that case it was significantly worseā€¦ (so it does seem that the sensor position is indeed significantly different).

What annoys be a bit is that I contacted Pimax in January, not having found this thread at that time, and that after doing a few tests they simply replaced the new 5K+ that I just bought (and btw replacing a brand new model with a refurbished oneā€¦)ā€¦

So if I understand well both the 5K and the 8K with the blue coating have the same problem with LH 2.0, and the best solution to date might be to perform a recalibration ourselves?


This is somewhat safe to assume, yes.

If you have a 1.0 base station, or get it from someone nearby, you could do your own sensor calibration. I can guide you through the process. If you canā€™t get it, I havenā€™t found a way to calibrate with base station 2.0 at the moment. You can try on the other hand, cover the Pimax sensors one by one, it is possible that there is one that does not have a well defined position in the .json. If you want you can also send me your original .json file and I can review the points in 3D and compare it with my initial ones and after calibration, they should not have a dispersion of more than 0.5mm or less. And I can send you a modified one with a proposal of mine that may help you.


is the calibration guide available publicly?

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Hi @chumet,

Thank you for your offer, I should be able to get a 1.0 basestation, but it might take a week or two. In the meantime Iā€™m sending you by POM my .json file, I would still be intterested to have your point of view on the how different they are from yours, and to test a modified one if thatā€™s something you have the time of doing. Iā€™m sure it would be valuable in order to better understand what is happening.


Wow, how do you like it? Do you think the difference it makes is worth the risk of voiding the warranty? My IPD is 60, and Iā€™m almost to the point of selling my 8kx because of this issue of never having both eyes seeing a sharp image at the same time. They should fire whoever decided to make the minimum physical IPD 65 on this thing, since half of humanity have a lower IPD than that, lol. Amazing the dumb decisions that get made and never caught before its too lateā€¦

Would love to hear your views on the difference though, post modification!

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The physical IPD, distance between centers of the lenses is 70 millimeters at minimum. I have an IPD of my eyes of 65mm and I managed to lower the distance between lenses to 65mm physically. And I am very very satisfied with the improvement. Now I always see the detailed pixels in both eyes and I donā€™t have eyestrain. I think it is worth doing. But there are 2 main questions. That you do not plan to sell them and that you are sure that now everything works well and that you do not need any RMA. Nor did it come to my mind to send x RMA my Pimax for small complaints. When I solved the jitter, the comfort with weights and the audio with another mod of my own with sennheiser headphones, I was forced to disassemble the HMD and see how far it would go to cut the physical stops of the minimum IPD. If you have 60 you will not make it, 65 is the minimum, rushing 63mm. You will lose the warranty on 2 main screws that are sealed. But youā€™re not going to break it, if you know what youā€™re up to. The assembly is better than I thought, screws better than staples, and there are many. If you decide, I can guide you privately and so you donā€™t get stuck in certain parts.


What I do not know if you solve the whole problem you will not reach 60mm between lenses. You will improve for sure, but also when moving the centers inwards they move away from the eyes and you need to get closer to the lenses and a little glare appears.