Who has stable LH 2.0 tracking on 8Kx 😀

Really good results it would seem
Try this program and let it capture 10000 frames.

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I ran that test here is the result.

what’s funny is the only numbers that seem to change is the average rotational deviation the other 3 stayed unchanged from the start, is that normal?


Also I just ran that test with the 8KX just hanging on my wall

should I place it on the floor?


Yes on the middle of you floor, in the middle of your tracked playspace.


this is on the floor in the center of my room


Im envious :heart_eyes: that is how every 8KX should track with LH2.0’s

So now for the questions: (sorry) :rofl:

  • How big is you VR room (measurements) ?
  • How many LH2.0’s are in you setup ?
  • What version is your LH2.0’s - SteamVR or Valve branded ?
  • Where have you mounted your LH2.0’s ? (what corners of the room) (pointing where) ?
  • How have you mounted your LH2.0’s ? (downwards angle) “I used and android app, Vaterpas from PixelProse SARL” to measure mine
  • Serial number of your 8KX (to compare batches)
  • Firmware version of 8KX
  • Pitool version
  • Where did you make your room-setup (SteamVR or Pitool or both ?

Cant think of any more questions that could help us for now.


I have to go to work now, I will be back on here later and answer your questions. I guess the obvious ones I can answer now are my room is 15 feet X 17 feet, I use 2 lighthouses in opposite corners. I will take exact measurements when I get home and possibly video the room to make things easer to understand.





I just flashed the newest firmware on my 8KX and ran another tracking test

Firmware version v2.1.255.296

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Today I managed to calibrate my Pimax 8KX using the SteamVR TRacking HDK utility “vrtrackingcalib”. It has cost me a lot and I have only succeeded from a single 1.0 base station that I have to return. But I note that all the tests that I am doing and showing I do with my 2 valve 2.0 base stations.

In short, the calibration has resulted in a point cloud similar to the one I used from @Cruser_icu, and I have been able to improve the jitter that I still had a little more. I still have worse results than Cruser_icu but my room is small and the usable play space is only 2x2 meters.

This is the comparison of points:

Horrible jitter initial state: White
Cruser_ico config.json: Yellow
My calibration: Red



Thank you so much for sharing the tips.
We couldn’t promise on the new case for your 8KX, but will try to speak with the team.

And we will ask the software team to test on the config file to inspect the jittering issue.

Once again thank you so much sir!



Fantastic :slight_smile:
Might I ask… do you have hardwood flooring or carpet ?


Wait, what’s this?

Googling didn’t get me much.

Also, hard to tell white from yellow on your chart.

Really nice work otherwise!

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Will you be able to try that points array calibration config & let us know if it did improve the things for you?

@PimaxUSA @SweViver @Alex.liu can you guys please check this? It really looks like the calibration data is screwed up & nobody taking (from official Pimax) steps to fix that. If that’s really the case new HMDs should be calibrated properly coz otherwise ppl who buy 8kX just will hate it. I bought mine 8kx from official reseller & said them to check HMDs otherwise I return it, after one month of silence they answered that they still didn’t get good enough HMD without known issues & asked me to cancel the order. It’s just insane how those essential bugs which vital for normal HMD usability are postponed & community debugs it on it’s own.


Using Chumet’s file corrected with the “device_serial_number” for my own 8KX

This gives me better rotational deviation :+1: (Slowly getting there…) :smiley: :blush:
Interestingly when the 8KX is on my hardwood floor the tracking is worse (probably due to reflections) of the flooring.
Tried it with a Pyramid Foam mat under, and got way better.

This is not a problem with my 5K+ so the sensors on the 8KX must be more sensitive / less sensitive.

These are my results.
HMD as it was from Pimax



PimaxQuorra has contacted me, and is delivering my findings to R&D that have devoted time to the issue now it seems :+1: :+1: “Finally” :rofl:


vrtrackingcalib.exe is a utility that is part of the SteamVR Tracking HDK Development Kit. That you can download it by resisting in:

In order to perform the optical calibration, you need the utility “vrtrackingcalib.exe”, the config.json file of your Pimax and a lighthouse v1.0. (it should work with 2.0) but I have not been able to do it. Think that this I have had to learn from 0.
When the command is launched:
“vrtrackingcalib.exe / usedisambiguation framer / bodycal config.json 800 200” if all goes well, the 32 detected sensors begin to appear and you have to move the HMD slowly in front of the lighthouse, progress points appear and little by little they are completed all the positions of the sensones. At the end, the new calibrated .json configuration file is obtained that you must send directly to Pimax through: lighthouse_console.exe uploadconfig xxxx.json.

This process is not available to any user, among other things because those of us who have reported a very unpleasant jitter have lighthouse 2.0 and I have not been able to make it work with the utility. And that no one should be correcting the calibration of any HMD. It is curious that Pimax has not detected this much earlier with so many help tickets that have arrived. I hope this serves to launch an official solution for everyone.

@pimaxquorra, could you send me the 3D CAD data with the theoretical positioning of the “modelNormals” and “modelPoints” sensors? I would like to be able to compare on a solid basis my calibration obtained against the reference data.

Greetings and thanks to everyone, for the interest and collaboration in this thread / problem that begins to see the light.


I have 1.0 basestations as well, so might give this a go when I have some time. Thanks for sharing!

(Better than waiting for Pimax R&D…)


Ahh… My play space is floored with foam tiles for physical play space indication (and comfort) and outside and of course beneath that there’s carpets.

(I’m one of those with good tracking and also using v1 basestations of course).


You forgot this important part :wink:

Now let’s have some fun with SteamVR Tracking HDK :wink:


I’m using an 8KX too but on v1 basestations… :+1::upside_down_face:

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