Who has stable LH 2.0 tracking on 8Kx šŸ˜€

Then as much as it shouldnā€™t make a difference a different pc whom has stable tracking.

The problem with testing different manufactured batches is we donā€™t know the Housing or other components batches themselves. Just the Assembled batch number.

It might even be an idea to see if we can identify LH v2.0 batches.

Works twice ā€œas goodā€ on my 5K+ remember :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Not the LH2.0 setup or pc that is at fault here.

you are right about the internal components, and from what batch they where from.

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Maybe so. However are you willing to pop off front housing to see if it improves?

The stronger question is why there are folks with Blue housings without tracking issues reported. Otherwise we should see a lot more fall out.

It could be as simple as the tracking sensors themselves are from a bad batch. However in theory depending on QC procedures new component batches should have testing.

However in my xp working for a company awhile back; the instruction on a return that the client rejected that the company believed was fine was to reship the part after a recheck with all new parts on top layer. (No re returns).

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The colleague @cruser_icu has sent me his ā€œconfig.jsonā€ of his PIMAX 8KX that does not show jitter and I have put it in mine. The jitter has been fixed. The problem is in the part of the file where the cloud of points represented in the space of the sensors is. ā€œmodelpointsā€.

These are the results:

resized_Doble lamina

Then, with the modified "config.json from cruse_icu

I will evaluate all this calmly and I will make a small guide for those who want to try it. Also comment that it is not the blue coating of the Pimax 8kx, I have left the casing as a strainer and it did not help me at all to improve the jitter. @PimaxQuorra I think I deserve some new cases as a gift, for solving a very widespread problem that was degrading the Pimax brand and specifically the 8KX flagship.
@MrAhlefeld, did you modify only the ā€œmodelpointsā€ part? think that the beginning of the file has the information of your Pimax and that should be kept. And you sent the modified file to Pimax by:
Lighthouse_console.exe -> uploadconfig config.json
With the modified file in the same folder as the Lighthouse_console.exe


I just tried a bit inside steamVR home and I almost cried about how good everything looks and the stability it has, there is no jitter and the best thing is that when rotating on myself 360Āŗ there is no jump or instability. Before there was always some point where everything began to move or shift. Now everything is where it should be no matter how much the view turns. It is a very big change for me. Iā€™m very impressed.

@cruse_icu, my thanks for your collaboration, for me it has been the definitive solution.

And if for others that does not work 100%, I think the problem is in that file that has the Pimax ā€œwatchmanā€ integrated and that it is badly calibrated.


Sounds great that you are satisfied with you 8KX now, Iā€™m happy for you :grinning:
Butā€¦ might you by chance game PimaxExperience installed ? or try enabling mirror view in SteamVr and go to the main steam area, and place the HMD on the floor.
Now look at the mirrored image on your monitor.
Is it completely still, no jitter or movement at all?
Your tracking results state that there might still be some jitters.

Iā€™m not at my pc right now so I cannot test anything, PM me with the details you where talking about changing.
@Heliosurge Sureā€¦ Iā€™ll just whip out the trusty screwdriver set and get a rippin apart my 8KX :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Seriously though, I will try it but I want to do the extreme IPD mod at the same time.
But before I do that I want to be sure that I do not have to send it back for another RMA hell

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In the route:
C: \ ProgramData \ pimax \ runtime \ config \ lighthouse \ lhr-xxxxxx (the one that identifies the HMD and not other drivers like Knuckles).

They substitute all of this starting with ā€œimuā€ as shown. The entire initial part of the file is not modified.

"imu" : {
  "acc_bias" : [ 0.02597000080, 0.05474000050, 0.2448000010 ],
  "acc_scale" : [ 0.9975000020, 0.9991999860, 0.9933000210 ],
  "gyro_bias" : [ -0.02316999990, 0.02466000060, 0.01599000020 ],
  "plus_x" : [ 3.422854177870249e-08, 0.9999999657714582, 0 ],
  "plus_z" : [ 0, 0, -0.9999999315429164 ],
  "position" : [ 0.008899999782443047, -0.03575000166893005, -0.03200000151991844 ]
   "lighthouse_config" : {
  "channelMap" : [
  "modelNormals" : [
     [ -0.2985690240, -0.1202961430, -0.946776390 ],
     [ -0.261865020, 0.2602602240, -0.9293499589999999 ],
     [ -2.300000050000000e-05, 0.8306554560, -0.5567867760 ],
     [ -0.02251100170, 0.999746680, -5.684000640000000e-05 ],
     [ -0.9417340160, 0.3363587860, -4.723999880000000e-05 ],
     [ -0.9971416590, -0.07555557790, -0.0001269799540 ],
     [ 0.0007759999720, -0.9999997020, -1.360000060000000e-06 ],
     [ -0.2882670160, -0.4249963160, -0.8580677510 ],
     [ -0.7525281310, 0.3298068940, 0.5700252649999999 ],
     [ -0.02358000350, 0.9993880390, 0.02584011290 ],
     [ -0.7525281310, 0.3298068940, 0.5700252649999999 ],
     [ -0.7985541220, -0.07430253920, 0.5973194240 ],
     [ -0.7985541220, -0.07430253920, 0.5973194240 ],
     [ -0.6390581730, -0.580425620, 0.5046888590 ],
     [ -0.6393461820, -0.5813700560, 0.5032350420 ],
     [ -0.7985541220, -0.07430253920, 0.5973194240 ],
     [ 0.2882670160, -0.4249963160, -0.8580677510 ],
     [ -0.0007759999720, -0.9999997020, -1.360000060000000e-06 ],
     [ 0.9971416590, -0.07555557790, -0.0001269799540 ],
     [ 0.9417340160, 0.3363587860, -4.723999880000000e-05 ],
     [ 0, 1, 0 ],
     [ 0.01110200030, 0.978141010, -0.2076461760 ],
     [ 0.2715990250, 0.2017121020, -0.9410346750 ],
     [ 0.3012820180, -0.1127066540, -0.9468508360 ],
     [ 0.7985541220, -0.07430253920, 0.5973194240 ],
     [ 0.6393461820, -0.5813700560, 0.5032350420 ],
     [ 0.6390581730, -0.580425620, 0.5046888590 ],
     [ 0.7985541220, -0.07430253920, 0.5973194240 ],
     [ 0.7985541220, -0.07430253920, 0.5973194240 ],
     [ 0.7525281310, 0.3298068940, 0.5700252649999999 ],
     [ 0, 1, 0 ],
     [ 0.7525281310, 0.3298068940, 0.5700252649999999 ]
  "modelPoints" : [
     [ -0.004966640380, 4.310703660000000e-05, -0.041354470 ],
     [ -0.1250964110, 0.02531268260, -0.005281625780 ],
     [ -0.0003018133870, 0.05084912110, -0.03293634580 ],
     [ -0.1198996160, 0.0458314270, 0.01021164560 ],
     [ -0.1330117880, 0.04052537680, 0.01031647440 ],
     [ -0.1349077220, -0.02869617750, 0.0111996280 ],
     [ -0.1189977230, -0.04340684410, 0.01021809880 ],
     [ -0.03037424010, -0.04028667880, -0.028166540 ],
     [ -0.1278767730, 0.04199508210, 0.02658718640 ],
     [ -0.1041975990, 0.04601745680, 0.03775604440 ],
     [ -0.118626840, 0.03491803630, 0.04323757440 ],
     [ -0.1219146330, 0.02117882860, 0.04499492420 ],
     [ -0.1194836720, -0.02405246530, 0.04266683010 ],
     [ -0.1135101170, -0.039368920, 0.04066199440 ],
     [ -0.1285966780, -0.0361939520, 0.02486966360 ],
     [ -0.1334207060, -0.004397694020, 0.02664736660 ],
     [ 0.03125801680, -0.03999067470, -0.02729680020 ],
     [ 0.1198778970, -0.04300313820, 0.01034026970 ],
     [ 0.1348041890, -0.02831943520, 0.0115722660 ],
     [ 0.1325760780, 0.04073032360, 0.009775175710 ],
     [ 0.1200302990, 0.04625012350, 0.009911160920 ],
     [ -0.0001948210560, 0.05672525990, -0.02349551390 ],
     [ 0.004819665570, 0.01866794560, -0.04188497740 ],
     [ 0.1248123120, 0.01806001740, -0.005999772340 ],
     [ 0.1329309340, -0.004950007890, 0.02673118930 ],
     [ 0.1281091720, -0.03611417860, 0.02553840910 ],
     [ 0.1129566730, -0.03928153590, 0.0411075540 ],
     [ 0.1187934350, -0.02397548590, 0.04299978170 ],
     [ 0.1214911120, 0.02085201810, 0.04468780010 ],
     [ 0.1186081840, 0.03446723890, 0.04279885440 ],
     [ 0.1051863280, 0.04629326610, 0.03685148430 ],
     [ 0.1281206310, 0.04130485650, 0.02635301460 ]
   "manufacturer" : "Pimax",
   "model_number" : "REF-HMD",
   "render_model" : "ref_controller",
   "revision" : 5,
   "tracking_to_eye_transform" : [
     "distortion" : {
        "type" : "DISTORT_DPOLY3"
     "intrinsics" : [
        [ 1.250, 0, 0 ],
        [ 0, 1, 0 ],
        [ 0, 0, -1 ]
     "undistort_r2_cutoff" : 1.50
     "distortion" : {
        "type" : "DISTORT_DPOLY3"
     "intrinsics" : [
        [ 1.250, 0, 0 ],
        [ 0, 1, 0 ],
        [ 0, 0, -1 ]
     "undistort_r2_cutoff" : 1.50

Just in case, make a copy of your original file. And when they have the new modified file, it is the one that remains in that original path where it was.
But I think the magic is in sending this new ā€œconfig.jsonā€ to the HMD, since it is recorded inside the Watchman that is in charge of handling the signals of the Pimax sensors.
To send this new configuration you must copy and paste your new file ā€œconfig.jsonā€ in this path: \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ SteamVR \ tools \ lighthouse \ bin \ win32

Then they run from CMD:

uploadconfig config.json

A sample:

Version:  lighthouse_console.exe (buildbot_vortex-windows_steamvr_rel_win32@vortex-windows)  04552143
Attached lighthouse receiver devices: 5
lighthouse_console: Connected to receiver LHR-ADE69611
Attempting HID Open IMU: LHR-ADE69611
Lighthouse IMU HID opened
LHR-ADE69611: Firmware Version 1528232393 watchman@runner-watchman 2018-06-05 FPGA 531(2.19/7/2) BL 1528232393
LHR-ADE69611: Successfully fetched gyro/accelerometer range modes from the device. GyroRangeMode:1 AccelRangeMode:1
Attempting HID Open Optical: LHR-ADE69611
Lighthouse Optical HID opened
Attempting HID Open VrController: LHR-ADE69611
Lighthouse VrController HID opened
LHR-ADE69611: Read config of 1859 bytes from [vid:28de, pid:2300] (LHR-ADE69611) and inflated to 5955 bytes

lh> uploadconfig config.json
Compressed config size is 1845
Wrote the contents of config.json as the config on the device

Not bad, not perfect though. But with only a test of modification of the ā€œconfig.jsonā€ of another user, for me the result is very good. Surely much more can be optimized. I have the ā€œSteamVR Tracking HDKā€ and you can recalibrate the HMD and create your own configuration file. But since I didnā€™t know how to do it at the moment, I did that test. But I will continue to work on this.

@MrAhlefeld, the video you asked for, letā€™s see what you think, hahaha


You need to make your video available to the public, itā€™s private currently :wink:

I think you might want to change the prasing on this one, seeing the problem is not solved and itā€™s what Pimax support is doing for people wo have tracking problems on their 8KX.

Your tracking went from Crap to waaaay better, but not $1300 HMD good.
The 5K+ is less than half the price but twice as good tracking, still not Valve Index level but a hell of alot better.


It is already public. What a failure, the rush and excitement do not let me think relaxed. :thinking:


The problem is not solved, I know, but I have taken a big step forward, at least knowing where the problem is, now the development can focus on the calibration and not on versions of base stations 1.0 vs 2.0 or on the rubber coating blue. I have even bought 2 1.0 base stations to test but they are definitely much lower than 2.0, I will return them now that I am on time. And as you have seen I have also left my Pimax made a strainer uncovering all the sensors from the blue rubber coating. Everything has been trial and error. But I am very glad that I discovered the problem. Now I have to learn how to recalibrate the HMD and that involves learning the SteamVR tracking HDK environment, which is completely unknown to me.

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the config.json of @AAKEE using BS 2.0


could be better ?

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@AAKEE, If you send it to me, I try it, it would be great to improve to that point.

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Just for the info the imu section is supposed to provide calibration data for the particular IMU in your headset. Overwriting is probably not necessary (unless you are sure that the new data are better fit for your IMU) and should not affect the optical tracking (at least not when the headset is still).

On the other hand the section lighthouse_config is the one which defines the placement of the sensors in the headset. Finding two different configs for two different headsets could mean that either Pimax is calibrating the individual headsets (which is a good news), but their calibration does not work everytime, or that they tried different configs over the time and one works better than the other.

I wonder which values are those that differ and how much - could you post a diff of the two configs?


Sorry, but he AAKEE retested a few days laterā€¦ and made a videoā€¦

So it had utilized 9Axis, and thus only using the Gyro for tracking.


Sorry, but he AAKEE retested a few days laterā€¦ and made a videoā€¦

So it had utilized 9Axis, and thus only using the Gyro for tracking.

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I have put the points in 3D of the 2 configurations with CATIA V5, and this is the result, to give you an idea with half a case I obtained thingeverse:

The orange markers are my original ones, the white ones that are giving me very good results.


Hereā€™s the full case

Time to tweak those placements @Chumet :slight_smile:
Iā€™d be happy to try out the config when you are done.


There seem to be quite a big differences between the two. This could definitely impact the precision/jitter even more so when running more than one basestation. What is strange that someone elseā€™s ā€œcalibratedā€ config gives better results on your headset than your ā€œownā€ ā€œcalibratedā€ config.


How do I record the mirrored image in steam vr home? hereā€™s another jitter test I just ran

test4 I know its not the best test scores but its far from being unacceptable tracking. If you ask me this test doesnā€™t seem to be very reliable when one day I get 0.6 and another day I get 0.3, who knows maybe tomorrow I will get 0.1 or 0.009. the only concrete thing I can say is, jitter is a non issue on my 8KX and 2.0 base stations just like my 5K+ had no jitter issues. My 8KX is every bit as good at tracking as my 5K+ was

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