Where's the 12k?

It will continue to improve as well.

Good, good - there are aspects we all miss from OLED (
and some we don’t :P), and it will be nice to see winning them back.

I wish you guys had a wider FoV on the Crystal. I’m almost ready to just wait and sit it out for the 12K

The Varjo XR-3 doesn’t have QLED panels.

Pimax have said Crystal is a LCD panel with LED backlight. Not true LED then. Lol

PSVR is OLED which is true LED.

Sorry yes it’s true:

Varjo aéro = mini-Led-Lcd
Varjo Vr3 = Oled +Lcd
Varjo XR3 = Oled +Lcd

Aplushhsss :+1:t2::innocent::heart_eyes:

1 Like

HI :innocent:

you say a big mistake in technology

a qled panel is an Lcd panel backlit by LEDs and more neon lights located behind an Lcd or Va panel.

Read that as you are french as me :

many are mistaken between all these technologies

Aplushhhsss :innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2:

That’s what I said.


You Said:

Pimax have said Crystal is a LCD panel with LED backlight. Not true LED then. Lol

Aplushhhss :innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2:

I’ll quote myself then.


Ah ok sorry ,I’m a idiot lol

I hadn’t seen the quote, lol, I had to wake up this afternoon lol, :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Aplushhsss :innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2:

I’m sure we’re all a bit fuzzy after Christmas lol


I had the same thought as you during my crystal test at the raodshow in Paris.
When I saw the image quality of the Crystal that will have the 12k too, then I become greedy and I want more fov to drive on my /dcs world/Il2 Bob/iracing/mfs 2020 simulators.
Because like many geeks here, we had pimax 5k+/8k/8kx and we loved the big fov.
So in my head I think more and more about 12k!!

My only fear as I said above is to know which graphics card will make it work on simulators given its resolution!
RTX 4090 in 2022/23 or the future RTX 5090 when it goes on sale in September 2024!

Aplushhss :santa::christmas_tree::gift:

Mdr lol :+1:t2::+1:t2::santa::santa::santa::santa::santa:

we ate too much at Christmas with the family, the meal ended at 2:00 a.m. with a belly as big as a bear

Aplushhsss :innocent::+1:t2::+1:t2:

1 Like

I think we’ll see two 8k HMDs next year before the 12k is a thing. I think they’ll fall between the Crystal and 12k in terms of FOV. But they will be smaller and user friendly compared to the Crystals massive chassis. That’s what I’m looking forward too next year.

Correct would be:

Aero = mini-Led-Lcd
VR-3 = myOled + mini-Led-Lcd
XR-3 = myOled + mini-Led-Lcd

The Aero ist just a stripped down VR/XR-3 without the myOLED focus screens, hand-tracking and MR capability.


Your engineers should really look into laser phosphor back lighting for your LCDs. If you used lasers in a micro electric mirror system configuration you would be able to bridge the gap between LCD and OLED.

Here is a video of my Nebra Anybeam Mems projectors in Nvidia surround. It’s a laser projector that uses mechanical mirror to deflect laser light, so it draws an image very similar to the way a CRT. Does



Yes it’s correct :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:

Aplushhss :christmas_tree::christmas_tree::christmas_tree::innocent:

Happy new Year 2023 :champagne::champagne::champagne::champagne::champagne::champagne::champagne::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses:

Apluhsss :champagne::champagne::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::christmas_tree::christmas_tree::christmas_tree:


I would like to simply know two things about the 12K development:
Are the panels finalized and in supply from your supplier?
Can we confirm 2xDP1.4 is working?

Hardware-wise everything else seems to be Crystal-based with the obvious exception of the lenses, which I have confidence Pimax has complete mastery of.

So basically, respectfully, I’m asking @PimaxUSA if Robin and the big brass will let you share (and ensure the enthusiasts around the world) that these two hurdles have been tackled. I can say that if those two aspects of the 12K were assured in some way, I would feel much much much more prepared to wait for the 12K. I don’t expect a response here on this thread today, but I would like those two aspects of the 12K development to be shared - say at CES, or a interview, or in a press release.

This all goes to say: The Crystal appears to be a wonderful product. The nearly-finished nature of the software-side stuff seems totally acceptable. After all - despite all the criticisms - I really must commend Pimax for making the decision “OK so some things aren’t fully worked out - but let’s get people at the very least a spot in line and show that it works and is not vapor-ware”.

We sort of need a stepping stone to that with the 12K I feel. “Throw us a bone” so-to-speak.

Arf! :dog2: ARf! :dog2: We’re hungry for the 12K!